Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2008 04:03
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2008 17:40
i don't have words that could describe the energy that was felt this past weekend. we could feel the love as soon as we crossed into belden town. many many thanks richard, it was easy to see you put all of your heart and soul into gemini and the gathering reflected all of it.
the deco by andres was incredible!
was a pleasure to finally hear the full circle soundsystem, definitely lived up to it's reputation
saturday night, really enjoyed getting warmed up by liquid stranger and killowatts in the chill, then pyite threw down that dirty south stompage, a very technical set, great energy, and that 'outer space' rmx, fuck! enjoyed the deep chunky tracks from naked tourist, then i was drawn to the chill dome by the nasty dub-step NOD was laying down. i am so glad i caught abrahm's set after that, alright let's party! completely agree with everyone, fuckin nice set man, right up my alley, a mix of different styles and sounds yet staying psychedelic and mysterious throughout. have heard nothing but good things about the psyowa crew and abrahm surely backed it up. the dancefloor sunday morning was going nuts! great vibes with the sun beaming down and wichdokta & random lifting everyone up with the best morning melodic psy set i've ever heard.
that is some magical land up there, did anybody else happen to stumble upon indian falls about 20 min up the road towards greenville?
we will be posting alot of pics from a fancy camera soon.
if you missed out on gemini this year, you better plan on it next year.
much love from south cak!
  Ovnimoon Records |
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Posted : Jun 19, 2008 20:41
This party was off the hooooooooooook!
Many thanx to the Wichdokta!
Best yet!
That's no sky in the pie!
It's psy in my eye!
*** |
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Posted : Jun 19, 2008 22:28
wow...!!! in the 3 yrs i've been out dancin w/nanpsy this party was the best !!!!! it's crazy bein almost 60 and coming out to have this kind of fun with all you amazing loving colorful wacky psyphreaks !!!! it really touches me.... like i'm still sheading tears(i mean right now writing this) of love and joy to have found you all...RICH and the unbelievable crew who work night and day to provide a safe loving place to come dance and be ourselves.... dancing dancing dancing to some of the most incredible dj s...the thing that gets me is i always seem to miss some because nap time catches on sat nite when lauren & egbot were frying the morning with sound so incredible it BLASTED me out of the van and right on to the dancefloor!!!*&^$@#*!!!!!!!!
All i can say is YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!
i want to thank everyone who made the choice to be apart of this event because it was amazing.... it means so much to someone older like me to have this kind of FFFFUUUNNN!!!!!! THERE WERE A HANDFUL OF US STILL KEEPIN UP WITH YA!!!!
i do have a request that anyone who may have gotten some good shots of the GREEN hat i wore to post on here cuz i spent a good deal of time putting that BEAST together and sure would love to have some fun pics!!! so thanks again to to da WITCHDOKTA and all the LOVED ONES who make this happen cuz yer givin this ole' lady a chance to get out and have more FUN THAN THE LAW ALLOWS!!!
  unit_e* |
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 03:14
On 2008-06-19 22:28, unity wrote:
wow...!!! in the 3 yrs i've been out dancin w/nanpsy this party was the best !!!!! it's crazy bein almost 60 and coming out to have this kind of fun with all you amazing loving colorful wacky psyphreaks !!!! it really touches me.... like i'm still sheading tears(i mean right now writing this) of love and joy to have found you all...RICH and the unbelievable crew who work night and day to provide a safe loving place to come dance and be ourselves.... dancing dancing dancing to some of the most incredible dj s...the thing that gets me is i always seem to miss some because nap time catches on sat nite when lauren & egbot were frying the morning with sound so incredible it BLASTED me out of the van and right on to the dancefloor!!!*&^$@#*!!!!!!!!
All i can say is YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!
i want to thank everyone who made the choice to be apart of this event because it was amazing.... it means so much to someone older like me to have this kind of FFFFUUUNNN!!!!!! THERE WERE A HANDFUL OF US STILL KEEPIN UP WITH YA!!!!
i do have a request that anyone who may have gotten some good shots of the GREEN hat i wore to post on here cuz i spent a good deal of time putting that BEAST together and sure would love to have some fun pics!!! so thanks again to to da WITCHDOKTA and all the LOVED ONES who make this happen cuz yer givin this ole' lady a chance to get out and have more FUN THAN THE LAW ALLOWS!!!
WOW. unity, I didn't realize that you were that age! How cool! I am glad to have met you out on the dancefloor Sunday morning, I still have your business card. I'm gonna go through my pictures when I get them back from the photomatron (mom) and see if I have any of you. If I do, I can e-mail them to you if you like.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 05:22
WOW... I don't even know where to begin...
(Oh wait ya i do...
RICH WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I wanted to be able to have the time to sit down and properly Hash out this proclamation of thanks as well as digest the major transformational shifts that occurred (felt good didnt it?)
First of All I want to thank every last soul that helped put this thing on. From the folks that have been planning this since last years Gemini... to the people that brought the gemstones from their sanctuaries at home... to the people that picked up trash whenever they saw any... to the people that decided to step outside their door and go on an adventure... not knowing WHAT to expect.
To the Artists that performed / Dj'd to the Artists that designed deco and coordinated everything you all have my thanks and my unwaivering support. I love you all deeply.
This party not only sets the bar for psy/chill parties but sets the pace for the rest of the year for me. I don't know how the hell I'm going to wipe this damn smirk off my face. Oh right, work will do that.
I had so much fun... I really felt like I could just kick back and relax... almost as if I was at home in my PJs... OH WAIT I WAS AT HOME IN MY PJs HOLY @#^@!(^...
Seriously B-town is indeed a sacred space and it will always be. [I'm going to OBE and travel there as often as I can (Mana permitting of course) just to go back and sit on the dancefloor and watch the butterflies ebb and flow]
Here's till next year 8 ), |
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 09:04
P/S/Y: ohyeah, and of ALL the psytrance parties I've EVER been to, this one has had THE longest after glow I've ever experienced...and it's still going...dayum!
Massive props to everyone who was there, the DJs that played on that BADASS 30,000 watt wall of sound and the insane deco.
Just k i l l e r .
More psylove,
That's no sky in the pie!
It's psy in my eye!
*** |
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 11:33
WOW. unity, I didn't realize that you were that age! How cool! I am glad to have met you out on the dancefloor Sunday morning, I still have your business card. I'm gonna go through my pictures when I get them back from the photomatron (mom) and see if I have any of you. If I do, I can e-mail them to you if you like.
hey thanx nick ...yeah i would love to have you send can use the addy on the card: or ''...or ''
my mom will be 80 on july 13th and shes coming to hang out with me for a couple of weeks ...she made those crazy leggins i was wearin w/green hat also the sleeves were part of another pair that i tore up cuz i didn't like i used the bottoms on that vest ....she would flip to see that costume!!!
i just love comin out to be a crazy spectacle as a contribution to this awesome PSYFUN!!!!! and on the energetic plane to amp up the....UNIT_E*!!!!
  unit_e* |
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 18:42
On 2008-06-20 11:33, unity wrote:
hey thanx nick ...yeah i would love to have you send can use the addy on the card: or ''...or ''
I have a few more of you that I didn't post. I'll mail them out in a day or two. |
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Posted : Jun 20, 2008 21:19
thanx soooo much!!! pwe....i want everyone who documents with photos... taking time to personally deal with pics....please know i do honor your efforts and appreciate them!!! U*
  unit_e* |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 21, 2008 00:06
It's Tuesday night, June 10th and I'm in San Francisco at 11pm. I got so caught up in plane tickets that I accidentally had Blue's ticket arriving at 2am and not 2pm. Whoops. So, I gather myself up after a nap at Spook's and hit the road to pick her up.
We arrive at my house at 5:30 am Wed. morning and try to get a 2 hr. nap in before we load up and go. We wake up at 8am, meet up with Christafari and the Chill Dome and get on our way.
3pm and we arrive at Belden after a long trip on Hwy. 20 to see Andre's and Ember, who had just arrived too. We hop out of the trucks and hug and laugh at the job to come. We unload the vehicles and begin the layout. Chris and Gabriel arrive at 7pm with more hugging and laughing. The Chill Dome is being put up as we greet.
We do what we can that day and get to bed around 2am.
The next day is busy,busy,busy. I'm off to get the 25 k Genies for the show. The rest of the crew is hot on the deco. The day is long and the work is hard.
As night begins to drop, we turn on the blacklights to see how things are progressing for the deco. The lights help with getting a visual on how to layout the rest of the art and where to place the lights. The Chill Dome is up and the layout is coming together. Chris and Liz show up and start on the crystal organizing. Again around 2am we all crash out.
Friday is here and the vibes are high. People are pouring in and the Deco is almost complete. The SoundSystems are in place and we are ready for lift off. Can you say " askfjvysiuthekjbnhwj"! I can't!
The music starts at 9pm with Kameleon and Laberynth from S.C., and the dance floor starts to grow. By the time Goldilox gets going, the floor is rocking. Everyone is beside themselves over the deco. Both stages glow with love and light.
The Chill Area is like nothing I've ever done before. Fully carpeted and visually stunning. The fabric flowed nice and the flowers were awesome. It was nice to see it packed with lovely people swaying to the sounds.
Back to the Main Stage, Mubali's coming on and the place is in a frenzy. Full Shiva powers are in affect and we are safe in our little psy haven.
By morning , things are still crazy and the floor is pumping. As folks wake up the floor grows more and more. By noon, we shut down and do the camping and swimming thing.
4pm and the annual 4/20 smokeout is in progress. The Bellydancers are dressed up and showing us all a great preformance. Oh sh-t, it's almost 5pm and time for the Main Stage to spark up again.
The Bio Boys are ready and waiting. Saturday night is about to begin. The vibes are at critical levels and we are all about to explode.
The floor grows gradually and focused. By the time Christine came on, Micheal Liu had the place rocking.
Saturday night was off the hook. Everyone who graced us with their music was at peak preformance. It is at these moments when I know that the U.S. talent is beyond comparison. We have it like no other. Dimensions of time and space were being manipulated at their finest convergances. The power of love that was brodcasting out of my SoundSystem was emence.
5am and Lamat was here to bring on the morning. Intellagent full-on at it's finest. Respect.
Sunday morning was the finest time of all. The dance floor grew to epic proportions as Random and I stepped up to the decks. It was the biggest morning dance floor Gemini has ever had. Naked Tourist graced us with the ending ceremony and sent everyone home with big smiles.
The one thing I love about tear down is that it goes faster than set up. We were out by Monday night and back to unload starting Tuesday. What a week.
Does it get any better than Gemini?
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Posted : Jun 21, 2008 00:33
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 21, 2008 01:57
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Posted : Jun 21, 2008 02:48
I don't even know what to say. I'll write an uberlong love letter for everyone at some point. For now I am still recovering, so here is a short version:
Chris |
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Posted : Jun 21, 2008 02:51
My poor boyfriend [xtofer] was such a trooper..he had strep throat and had to sleep a lot but still managed to enjoy the party.
..then the bastard gave it to me. but at least i didn't feel like total shit until AFTER the party. |