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Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 12:26
Once again Gemini outdoes itself as the US psy festival of the year! This years highlights for me; the amazing dancefloor deco, hometown heroes; Boobali's- funk in the trunk, Random & Witchdokta tearing it up Sunday (bestest tagteam set EVER), the surprise bootyshaking set from Lil' B & Naked Tourist closing. The lineup was fantastic and flowed very smoothly, no complaints here. It was great to catch up and laugh with ol' friends and fantastic to meet and connect with everyone from the midwest/all guys rock!

Rich- May we all aspire to be as caring, generous, and spread the love in our daily lives, as much as you do with this event. Thank you X infinity!


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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 17:51
My first party away from the east coast, and it was amazing! I'll be back next year. Awesome people, great location, amazing flow of music. One of my favorite memories from the weekend is approaching the dancefloor Saturday night and seeing a mass of bodies moving to the music, many wearing a sea of glowing waves.

Thanks to all that made this happen.


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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 18:37
IMMENSE, INFINTE thanks , Wichdokta!!! Truly the best family gathering experience I've personally ever had in my life, hands down. I needed that kind of peaceful reset and got it! I've been reflecting almost constantly since we got back home. The chill dome was really something special and very inviting. My respect and thanks goes out to all who worked on it and made it happen with deco, rugs(!), fresh flowers, lighting (nice touch with red gels) and brilliant fluoro mandala backdrops. I wish I would have gotten to meet and thanks those of you who personally. Respect and thanks goes out to Matt Jewbacca for travel support and my friends in the van posse (you know who you all are)... I had a great time travelling with you all and sharing space throughout the event. Thanks to BSM and Serena for being such great room-mates and friends. HUGE respect to Sonya and company for the belly-dancing performance... one of the MAJOR highlights for Alicia and I. Outstanding. It was great to see many friends from the west coast, east coast, mid-west, and everywhere else. I felt the love immensly at this gathering and I really hope to be able to drink from the fountain of light known as Gemini, once again.

Peace and love radiation,

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 20:20
does anyone know who was doing visuals for most of the weekend? i saw lots of Buddhas, Nature images, Celestial objects, and more, and i loved it! I wonder if he has a DVD for sale... ?           Abrahm
Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 20:44
whew, what can i say but bless every single person that was at this event!! Oh my, this was definitely an amazing experience. I am so glad I was able to get there on friday afternoon so we could watch the main stage and chill dome being built. Plus getting there in the late afternoon made the river swim that much sweeter due to the heat. Unfortunately the 12 hour drive kicked my monkey ass so we passed out at sunset and didn't wake up until Mubali's set, which was excellent as always, keep the funk in the trunk my brother!! Then greenman ripped a nice hole in the cosmic fabric as I chugged on organic IPA beer courtesy of the takuan. things are fuzzy after that, hehe.

This year we had the campin spots right behind the chill dome and was graced with some of the best downbeat music i've ever heard. Especially Androcell, Nod and Liquid Stranger, these guys really impressed the hell out of me with their selections and vibes. And of course the belly dancing 4:20 session was fantastic, incredibly well choreographed (okay, danced a whole song with swords on their heads!!! Wow!!!!)

Saturday night just blew me away for sound selections and vibe on the main floor. Michael Liu droppin Absolum's On the C Side just brought back so many memories. Then to end it with Sesto Sento's 12" Black&White just took the cake, you're the maestro my friend!!

Christine then took control with some super funky melodic grooves that built the energy up for Pyite. Along with Abe from Iowa, Pyite brought the proper power for the time of night to keep things moving and with completely flawless mixing!! Definitely standard fare from the bad boys of the southeast, always top notch. Then of course the baba Iguana/N.T. tearing us a new one!! man, i can't wait to hear that new comp he's putting out on Shaman Electro.

Bodhi and I had a really fun time doing the monks thing, we did have some new tunes for this one, and in particular, Bodhi and I decided to create the Weird Strange Sick Twisted 2008 rendition ESPECIALLY for Gemini, because it is what it is and it represents my interpretation of the wonderfully animated characters I encounter every year in Belden. We are going to tweak it a little more and hopefully have it released in the not to distant future. To clear any confusion about the song, we aren't trying to bite it, just pay homage to one of the most influential songs of our past with the added bonus of the technology we have today. All of the sounds were freshly crafted around the samples, not re-used as in past remixes of this tune.

After our set, my mind kinda went blank due to exhaustion and massive adrenaline rush so I only got to catch about half of the lauryn egbot adventure then hit the sack for a few hours. Unfortunately i missed 90 % of the morning tunes but awoke to the Random-Dokta tag set before we left.

Thank you so much to Rich and the entire organization team-from the town workers to the deco team and all other facets of running an event this smoothly. I feel blessed to have come home with a Gemini shirt as well to commemorate such an amazing festival, thank you again Phoenix Family/Full Circle!!

I second bodhi's comments about this event needing to get into the trancer's guide, especially after 11 years strong and they keep getting better.

This year I also brought a newbie to our trance scene, Jaq-a-Roo. Coming from the burner scene she commented at just how amazingly beautiful and genuine all of the attendee's and performers were at this party. This was her first outdoor psy-trance party. What better way is there to introduce new people to this magic other than gemini. I think that pretty much sums up why I love the trance scene so much. she can't wait for the next adventure!

She also took hours of raw video footage from this blasting weekend and we're going to slice n dice this puppy up for a little mini-documentary of the party. I will gladly share once we have time to work on it.

I'm filled with all kinds of love and gratitude as well as inspiration to continue creating. Now it's back to the daily grind until the next magical adventure to beldentown.           We are all family. We put the fun in disfunctional.
-PsyCircle on Tribe-
- Arahat -

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 21:05
Thank you everyone, after I finally got some decent rest on Saturday night I had a blast. Best party ever. Airyk's set was freakig phenomenal! Witchy and Random's set was even better than I expected. Tyler, thank you once again for your music, both sets were amazing and the energy you put out while you play is great and Im homored to have met your wife, Alicia, hope you enjoy the crystals I gave you, from the heart. Monkey, Thank you for allowing me to play the 1st set, it meant a lot to me to be the first person to vibe my crystals with iTom's "Geometronic"(the activation trac I opened with) and things worked out perfect. Thank you rich, blue, christian, billy, tyler, liz, jesse, lani for all your love and support.The family vibe was something I will forever hold in my heart. <3

Much Love to All of You!

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Posts :  150
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 21:49
I am lacking words to describe all the feelings inside of me after this amazing gathering. I just can't imagine the better way of spending my life. All I can say, I feel really blessed I found the way to Gemini....

So, huge THANKS to Richard - man, your heart is bigger than your body, you and
people who you surround yourself with are the reason why Gemini is such a great
success every time. I had an awesome time talking to you muliple times at the event always sharing my deepest insights.
Once more, thank you for making this possible.

Also, special thanks to Paradigm for the continous support and being the main reason for me coming to Gemini 2008. I just hope that one day I will have a chance to do as much for you as you have done for me, brother ...

Decos and music were out of this world, both serving as a portal to the higher dimension. Inspite of the fact that most time slots were only 1hr long the flow of music during entire weekend was increadible. As said above all my midwest dj-brothers brought very solid performences, with sets totally synchronized to their time slots.
One of the first sets I really tuned in to was by GeaL - funky, groovy stuff, so fresh and easy to dance to. I also enjoyed Mubali's again (wow, this was the 3rd time within two weeks) - never enough of his totally pixelized juicy sound.
Airyck - I will never fail to see you slamming down the morning glory, it always feels so good; followed by David Justin who came up with a very solid proggy set which I enjoyed a lot while getting ready for my own perfomence.

However, the main pilot this time was Naked Tourist who took me (and many others) for the travel to the farthest places in the Universe, oh man what a travel... His music is like the higher form of comunication, forming beautiful thoughts in my brain, filling my heart with love and enhencing my soul, providing answers to lots of questions. Next was Abe from MOP, who with his the-best-I-ever-heard-from-him set did excellent job of bringing me back to our solar system.
It was great to see veteran of the scene - Lamat slamming down another morning set.

Paradigm - there is one word that describes his sound in the best way - MASSIVE, every time. I think this is the true art to make people jump 3 and more feet in the air after the whole night of stomping. Those transitions man - I just never know which way you end up going. I learnt a lot from you already, but every time I think I am getting closer to you skill level you are already way beyond that point and I can hardly see you anymore ...

A few other dj's I managed to hear who deserve recogniton are definetely: Saturnia -I just love your style and the way you are expresing yourself; *Christine* - very sexy set with the really awesome Rocky touch in the middle; Rob-Ot - my favourite full-on sound...

...and of course those two boys with toys:

Wichdokta vs Random - you still had me stomping for another two hours after I thought I couldn't move anymore.

So much love to all of you, I hope to see you again next year!


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Posts :  409
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 22:15
...and mostly, thank EVERYONE who was there with love in their hearts and positive intention. It created a bubble of peace that I was immersed in all weekend. If only that could be a mainstay for the planetary vibe.... blueprints for utopia. Again, Wichdokta, bless you for being a conduit of galactivation for us all. Gemini is an AMAZING gift for you to give to us. Big respect and love to ALL of you that I had the honor and pleasure of conversing with eye-to-eye. I keep you all in my heart. Let us all forever forge the change we seek.

This event was the fuel my soul needed... I'm ready to open to flood gates to my creativity and share the fruits with my fellow beings.

Peace stay with you all,
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  32
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 22:16
Pics anybody? I know i saw some fancy looking cameras while on the floor           Psychedelic Trance in Chicago, IL

GeaL Mixes available @

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Posts :  150
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 22:22

On 2008-06-18 22:15, Androcell wrote:
...and mostly, thank EVERYONE who was there with love in their hearts and positive intention. It created a bubble of peace that I was immersed in all weekend. If only that could be a mainstay for the planetary vibe.... blueprints for utopia. Again, Witchdokta, bless you for being a conduit of galactivation for us all. Gemini is an AMAZING gift for you to give to us. Big respect and love to ALL of you that I had the honor and pleasure of conversing with eye-to-eye. I keep you all in my heart. Let us all forever forge the change we seek.

This event was the fuel my soul needed... I'm ready to open to flood gates to my creativity and share the fruits with my fellow beings.

Peace stay with you all,

your words are as beautiful as you music...
...i am sorry I didn't mention above the fact that you music is simply HEALING. Thank you so much Tyler!!!


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  409
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 23:05

On 2008-06-17 09:36, acplaughs wrote
And the chillout (thanks Christopher) the lineup was absolutely fantastic, I was left stunned by many of the sets (wow! kilowatts and androcell/distant system and everyone else you guys killed it)
-much love, Adam

Thanks Adam, I enjoyed myself thoroughly... you all were a GREAT crowd!


On 2008-06-18 05:57, nickaddison wrote:
Saturday I consider myself very lucky to have gotten up from my nap right before Androcell's set, It was so perfect for sunset. I love his music so much.

Glad you made it into the dome for the set...
the experience felt very connected and channeled.


On 2008-06-18 20:44, Hidroponik wrote:
This year we had the campin spots right behind the chill dome and was graced with some of the best downbeat music i've ever heard. Especially Androcell, Nod and Liquid Stranger, these guys really impressed the hell out of me with their selections and vibes. And of course the belly dancing 4:20 session was fantastic, incredibly well choreographed (okay, danced a whole song with swords on their heads!!! Wow!!!!)

Thanks, Tom. Your shared words at the event, along with this message are nourishment for my soul. Let's catch up more in the future.


On 2008-06-18 21:05, Metaphorm wrote:
Tyler, thank you once again for your music, both sets were amazing and the energy you put out while you play is great and Im homored to have met your wife, Alicia, hope you enjoy the crystals I gave you, from the heart.
Much Love to All of You!

Christopher, the specimens you gave me are resting gently on the shrine in my home. Thank you for them. our connection and dialog this past weekend. Many thanks for the eye-dazzling crystal alter arrangements and sharing part of your collection with us all. Respect.


On 2008-06-18 22:22, Machi wrote:
your words are as beautiful as you music...
...i am sorry I didn't mention above the fact that you music is simply HEALING. Thank you so much Tyler!!!

Thank you, Machi and Alex, both. You both shine bright and I hope to share many experiences to come with you.

Big ups to all of you!

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 23:15
don know where to much to digest over the weekend...the whole time it felt like i was lost in a forest in goa during the late 90's...GEMINI was the most memorable, inspiring and beautiful experience i have ever had...missed last years event so had to make sure i made it for this one...drove all the way frm la...and all i can say is that i'll drive even a 1000 miles if i have to just to make out for this event again...easily the best psy festival i have attended was top-notch and the flow was perfect..specially enjoyed the sets of abrahms, lamat and paradigm....crazy power during paradigms set...BOOOM...have been attending parties in the states for a year now have loved every experience soo far...but this was just toooo unbelievable...the vibe was soooo strong at the dance floor...this was the most time i had ever spent on the floor ...dont know how i can thank the organizers and everyone envolved enough for letting me experience this journey called 'GEMINI'...i am amazed and awestruck at how you guys put all this up...the past weekend will live in my memory forever...special thanks to Richard - i wanted to come and introduce myself to you and thank you in person at the event...but i was so overwhelmed the entire time that the three days went by so quickly and suddenly it was time to pak up an go home...have no idea how you do this man...loved everything about was perfect...Thank you sooo much....
Andrew Terrakroma
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 23:48
Here are some pics from Gemini... taken by Chlorophil

There are some great ones!!

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Posted : Jun 18, 2008 23:52
what a fantastic party. the attendance was top !!!the most nice and polite people I had ever seen in a party. the lovely Gemini is for sure getting better and better.
the chillout dome was great. what a place to be camping a dream. Manny's music was fenomenal on the early morning sunday. LA style amour...
thanks Richard and crew for the divine experience. the love is yours.
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Posts :  88
Posted : Jun 19, 2008 01:35
yay! i love this festival, it is always so much fun. it was great catching up with everyone, and floating down the river. hope to see you on a dancefloor(or in the vicinity of) in the near future!
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008
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