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Formula, Formula and just a bit too much Formula

Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Jan 21, 2008 12:32
Clean your inbox and maybe, just maybe I`ll send a pm.
Rex Trueform

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Posts :  150
Posted : Jan 22, 2008 08:40
Rubix - I think ultimatelly I have also listened to them for years and maybe it`s just not my thing.

There are deffinatelly elements I like but in general I feel the Cape Town sound has become soo recognisable that when I hear the specific elements that make it Cape Tonian it really stands out.

That`s possibly the point I`m making.
The elements used are just used too much.
Use the leads that you like but add some flavour to the music.


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  422
Posted : Jan 23, 2008 18:58
i feel the same way as rex but....

i also think that the too many SA djs (not from SA but playing the music) end up producing very similar there is variation between SA artists but little innovation in the whole style.... that got worse as lots of djs play/ed it other and other (as it has such a nice powerful effect on the dancefloor not turning too twisted more groovy...)!!

keep it underground and continous innovation......

aum namah shivaya
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jan 24, 2008 21:46

On 2008-01-21 11:50, Rubix Qube wrote:
if you work at one thing constantly, you perfect it.

You're implying there that tracks released prior to the 'perfection' of one's sound (how do you know when your style is 'perfected'?) are in some way imperfect or substandard. This begs the question, both to producers and labels - why release it? And once you've 'perfected' your sound, do you really want to go on releasing that same perfect sound over and over? Wouldn't that lead to just the kind of comments which started this thread?

Please note that being a wierdo who doesn't buy or download or even DJ other people's music, I'm not familiar with your tunes so this is in no way meant to be any kind of slur... just questions for discussion.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 31, 2008 21:50
lol..... this is quite the brave post, if i ever saw
Rubix Qube

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  37
Posted : Feb 1, 2008 09:35
Colin, i know exactly what you mean, but I was speaking in broad terms ... no-one perfects their music, because it just can't be done. It's always subjective. Their sound always changes or they might change genres or have a new outlook on life or whatever and that changes their sound .. but it doesn't hurt to try, and they can get damn close .. Collision by Hiyarant is one the few albums I've heard in the last 2 years that just ooozes brilliance.

For me, that is the 'perfect' SA night sound ..
and besides, we don't realy know how good something can be until someone shows us, and then someone else .. and so the standard quality goes higher and higher.
Labels have a knack for seeing potential in artists, even though they might seem substandard it's easy to see where they're going .. thats my experience anyway

OK, I talk a lot of shit, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from.


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  68
Posted : Feb 5, 2008 12:06
Ah Rex! You and I share similar sentiments. Apparently it all comes down to what the Cape Town dancefloor "likes". Viscious circle as they wouldn't know any better anyways. Variety is key. 
Fright Rate

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  128
Posted : Feb 5, 2008 23:58

On 2008-02-05 12:06, para||ax wrote:
Ah Rex! You and I share similar sentiments. Apparently it all comes down to what the Cape Town dancefloor "likes". Viscious circle as they wouldn't know any better anyways. Variety is key.

hahahah dude pls! 

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  68
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 09:17

On 2008-02-05 23:58, Fright_Rate wrote:

On 2008-02-05 12:06, para||ax wrote:
Ah Rex! You and I share similar sentiments. Apparently it all comes down to what the Cape Town dancefloor "likes". Viscious circle as they wouldn't know any better anyways. Variety is key.

hahahah dude pls!

Maybe that came across the wrong way. What I meant is, if there is no variety in music at parties then people wont expect anything more.

BTW, your set two weeks ago at Audiomatik was super rad dude. 
Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  150
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 10:36

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  68
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 11:53

On 2008-02-06 10:36, Rex Trueform wrote:

I don't know actually. Maybe. *shrugs* 
Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  150
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 12:09
Lost & Found
Lost & Found

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  83
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 12:20
@Rex Trueform:
Throwing all the South African artists into one category and accusing them all of being the same and "formula" is kind of absurd if you ask me..

What is the same about:

Artifakt and Broken Toy
Protoculture and Frozen Ghost
Shift and Rinkadink
Tickets and Headroom
Hydraglyph and Phyx
Damage and Slug

I dont know, They all seem pretty different to me..

What do you think is so similar about all these artists?

Since you are offering constructive critisism,what exactly is it you think should be improved on?

Saying you want more "clever psychedelia" is not a valid arguement.... what is clever and psychedelic to you might be might be completely boring (OR FORMULA!!) and unpsychedelic to me..

Also, I dont understand why you are singling out the South African artists. Are you not talking about the scene in general?

Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  150
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 13:10
Lost & Found - I have my reasons.

And really I think the reasons are far too numerous to get into it.
I made a general statement, Yes.

Doesn`t change how I feel.

And I think it was quite apparent I was talking about the current situation.
I was not comparing apples and oranges I was comparing different types of bannanas.

I feel you guys make good music but it`s all soo similar.
I notice even in your list of comparisons you excluded most of the folks I mentioned.

Because soo many of you sound similar?
compare frozen ghost and zion linguist and all of a sudden the comparisons become alot smaller.
It`s strange how hiyarant sounds more interesting.

Multistate sounds better than either Xatrik or L&F

But I`m not getting into this with you, you of all ppl.
Why are you defending something that is "clearly" false?

What I class as psychedelic is certainly not yet another screaming lead line with no emotion.
You guys know you all make similar music, it`s impossible not to.
You all hang-out and share info.

It`s undeniable.

I quite enjoy your music, there's flavour atleast.
But I`ll say what I`ve been saying all along.
I have a right to have an opinion.
I buy the cds and don`t enjoy them.
Why not have something to say?

Your track off of what is psychedelic - acid pants
imo was pure genius.
It had a perfect combo of hard psyechedelic effects and lead lines.
It reminded me of Absolum.

Which is a good thing.

This conversation is turning into a religious debate the way some folks argue their point.
I`m not asking for anyone to agree with me or disagree.
I`m just expressing my view.

You guys have big followings but you seem hell-bent on changing 1 persons views?????
Seems futile really.

It's like telling me you make the music YOU want!!
Hell dude if we don`t change things up how do you ever expect the dancefloor to know any different?

All these leads, stabs and leads all counter-acting each other.
Tell me I`m wrong.

It`s your right to tell me I`m wrong.

Look at Shift, he released Byte me and folks said they didn`t like the style just because he changed things up a bit.
Next up was a bag of formula.
Atleast it was clever formula.

Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  150
Posted : Feb 6, 2008 13:19
Maybe just maybe it`ll be easier to deal with if you just ignore my posts??

I really was not being personal
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