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F**k It- The Ulitmate Spiritual Way

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Jun 8, 2011 22:19
I read a similar aproach by a guy named Nietzche, he came with it in 1880's. Some dudes like to call nihilism. And you can find the book for cents.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 8, 2011 23:01
the difference between a nihilist and a " fuck it" devotee is that the nihilist is despaired to death because of his meaningless empty existence without essential values and comprehensible purpose. he is stuck into despair, crying like a small child " god is dead"...
the fuck it devotee doesnt even care about the death of god.

but, to be honest, i find the difference between nietzsche and this fuck it lecture like between an encyclopedia britannica and a book for 7 year olds. the intellectual level is quite different. and the fuck it thing does not even say anything, besides a nice mantra to use in a modern world situation:)
nietzsche suggested for example that morality and moral ethics are one of the things that give meaning in a meaningless universe. so we humans are a bridge on the way of becoming something we dont know yet. but if we stop striving to become the overman, then we fall into deepest nihilistic apathy. what we are going to become is another question. an ape or an overhuman.
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