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Ektoplazm beginner's guide and crowdfunding campaign

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2012 12:51
sounds good!

+1 for boosting up the musical scope
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Jul 21, 2012 17:22
Hey I really appreciate what your doing with Ektoplazm. A lot of my friends who are in to dark psytrance make use of it and also on behave of them; thanks for your hard work.

Still I think it couldn't hurt to have some other psytrance genres on the site. I see a lot of progressive, but mostly dark progressive. I understand you guys have total different artist on the website then the artist of Iono music, Iboga records, Tesseract studio etc. but a other type of psytrance/progressive sound really would be nice. Perhaps there are artist who represent this type of sound also and are interested in Ektoplazm. Because for now just about everything I come across is dark or the direction of dark psytrance sounds. Don't get me wrong, dark is good from time to time, but I would like to see other psytrance stuff. Thanks again for ur work.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2012 22:39
I post a lot of dark stuff because that's what people send me these days... I'd like for the site's offerings to be more diverse as well. My guess is that the popular progressive labels you mention are doing well enough on Beatport or whatever that they don't see the utility of releasing for free via Ektoplazm.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2012 04:14
For future campaign updates (including answers to some common questions) please follow this link:

I'll try not to clutter this thread up with much more about this... before long the campaign will be over but the thread will remain. I'd much rather recommend some great music so here are a few of my personal favourites from the last few weeks...

V/A - Dream Hunter [Alkhimia Records]:

Messy Mass & Baba Gnohm - Night Of The Living Kebab (Reissue):

Interconnekted - Musical Meditation:

Radioactive Sandwich - Mirage:

PharaOm - Tesseract:
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : Jul 25, 2012 04:43
really looking forward to see what you got planned do we all get beta access?


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Posted : Jul 28, 2012 08:20
Ok bro, I intend the following with all due respect. Those that know me, will know I speak only from my heart, with nothing but love, passion and respect. I have a beef with you.......

My beef ,apart from the somewhat ironic paradox of someone that has lamposted Free product, Free distribution and Free exchange, has shockingly , run into a lack of offering for liquid funds, eg cash $$, for his sets....? This is , Ofcourse to be expected. However, this is not my beef. My beef with you, is , this... For someone that believes strongly in the independent voice, and the DIY mentality, you went and coined a term for an entire genre of music. Eg " Zenonesqe" By doing so, you single handedly insulted me, my label ,(which i have run for years out of my own pocket, )and every other label before and after us that focused on dark progressive, or anything that was different to the Normal" progressive. Every label, that went bankrupt trying to push there underground sound. You wish to lump us under one umbrella , to generalize us with ONE labels name?! Why don't we call all, rock music "Warner brothersesque" or all Hip Hop "Death Row Esque" all Pop music EMIesque" . You blatantly insult me, and many other labels, or artists NOT affiliated with Zenon records. By doing so, you disservice not only the genre and style of music I love, but you also disservice Zenon records, by mass comerciliazation of there Name, as a label owner I could think of no greater insult. (*full respect to Zenon records, I love Zenon, my Beef is with your "generalization of a broad range of music, and......your now asking for MONEY for services, that you apparently always thought should be free or have no monetary value? Now you know what it's really do this for a living, Most of us producers /labels owners we gotta deal with this stuff every day. Respect were respect is due. You've worked hard, accomplished alot. DON'T be a hypocrite ,and PLEASE don't try and name an entire sub genre by ONE label.......downright rude and every bankrupt dark prog label that ever existed.


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Posted : Jul 28, 2012 08:41
Sweet, well I donated 15 dollars.

I'd really love to see an ektoplazm net radio station, and hey maybe that could be a source of revenue. Like it could be paid for only.

If that would be the case though please offer some way of buying 320k premium stream, 192 is imo too low to pay money for(you could offer 2 different prices for 2 qualities though).

I agree with renaming the term zenonesque, even if it's to something silly like "dark/jazzy prog" (or hell just make up your own word if that's too long) it's still better than the implication that any music along those lines is simply a copycat.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2012 19:33
Wizdumb, seems like there are two main points in your message. I'll address each in turn.

1) On the subject of free... I cover my motivations in the beginner's guide (linked at the beginning of the thread). My mission has always been to disrupt the stagnant music distribution structures that have restrained creativity and failed to serve the interests of labels, artists, and listeners. Many years ago I tackled this problem by creating a platform for free music distribution. I wanted to provide artists with a choice: take your chances with the traditional distribution channels or enjoy the benefits of releasing for free through Ektoplazm. I recognize there are limits to free, however. Free music is not a strategy that works for every artist.

2) As for Zenonesque, a term I use on Ektoplazm to describe a particular kind of progressive psytrance... perhaps I should reference this thread on Oztrance:

First, my definition of the term (from the Ektoplazm web site):
Zenon Records is widely known for their distinctive blend of progressive psytrance with funk and jazzy influences. Zenonesque, then, is anything that sounds a bit like the Zenon Records sound. It isn't quite techtrance (which is generally more harsh and mechanical) and there is enough of it that it makes sense to distinguish it from straight progressive (which generally has a brighter/cleaner aesthetic). Zenonesque psytrance is characterized by both dark and light elements, a playful vibe, organic sound design, and a deep commitment to psychedelic atmospheres.

My reasons for using the term (edited slightly from the thread linked above):
I attempt to be parsimonious when it comes to describing music. If there is another term that will do, great. I don't want to make up "genres" if I can avoid it. Most modern psytrance can be lumped into full-on, progressive, or darkpsy, but there are movements within movements in this scene, and I'd be doing no favours to fans of the Zenon vibe by lumping them in with the straight progressive psytrance style of Spintwist and Iboga. New terminology is needed when enough people are passionate about one facet of a given style but not another. This is also why I've split forest from darkpsy and twilight from full-on; plenty of people dig the ancient organic vibe but not machine gun bass lines; plenty of people like dark, mysterious, and richly psychedelic full-on but not the more bright, poppy, and "commercial" side of full-on. Similarly, progressive psytrance has it's bright and shiny side... and there are enough music lovers out there that can't stand umpa-lumpa McProg but totally love Zenon. And besides, there's a ton of interest in the style in the psytrance netlabel scene. What was I to do, fudge it and start calling it "psygressive" or "dark prog" like some people? The first term is no more descriptive than "progressive" and the latter fails to account for the fact that "dark" is not the defining characteristic of the style.

After a lot of thought I settled on "Zenonesque" to describe what I'm hearing. It has a suitable quirky and alien feel to it after all... I mean, -esque? And let's face it: in the history of psytrance, Tim coming along and dropping Blue Neevus was a rather pivotal event. Minimal psytrance (not minimal techno) had sort of disappeared, and everyone's interests seemed to have moved on to the glossy side of progressive morning trance and techno with plenty of what we used to call "crossover appeal" (e.g. Tribal Vision Records). Fast forward nearly a decade and there's this seething, sprawling underground full of producers dedicated to a moody, super-psychedelic form of progressive psytrance, and not all of it is dark or heavy (take Merkaba for example), nor is it quite so industrial that you could call it "techtrance" (another style with too many usage scenarios and little agreement on its meaning).

I see "Zenonesque" as patching an essential gap in the ever-changing musical firmament. Use it or don't, it's up to you... but the fact that it is increasing in general usage suggests there really was a need for it.

As you can see, I certainly never meant to offend anyone by popularizing the term, nor am I implying that anyone making "Zenonesque" progressive is merely copying Zenon Records (the style has taken on a life of its own IMO). If there is a suitable alternative I would certainly consider changing it
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2012 00:15
why not call it deep progressive psy?

genres can get fucking frustrating. I still refuse to use the term dark psy, its a ridiculous name for the genre


Started Topics :  10
Posts :  170
Posted : Jul 29, 2012 00:27
Your coining of the Term says more about your own ignorance to this particular style and it's roots then anything else.

Not to mention it is again the silliest dumbest name I've ever heard

The most ironic part, the Label Zenon DOES NOT EVEN RELEASE WITH YOUR PLATFORM (Yet you still use there name for an entire style
Call it what you want, just dont be surprised when a growing number of people will call all mediocre generic Dark Psy with little to no monetary value


also any digital release with uninspired geniric artwork giving out for free on the net

You know, just so People know what exact type of style were referring to f^*%# you

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : Jul 29, 2012 02:57
Man you need to chill out wizdumb, go smoke a joint.


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Posts :  170
Posted : Jul 29, 2012 04:14
Lol, fair nuff. I don't wanna hijack this thread, I just had to say something regarding my "passionate" feelings on the subject. I'm not a hater, I'm a congratulator. And I tip my hat to you..l But I obviously as do you basilisk, have some strong emotional connection and passion to this underground sub genre of music. I feel lump summing one of the "rarer" forms of progressive, under one labels name to be short sighted and anti underground in many ways , and in some ways it is implying that every artist/label/dj in the style is a copycat. A labels name should be associated with there own artists labels sound, not an entire genre IMO. Just sharing my thoughts on the matter, and I feel better for doing so. Respect 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Jul 29, 2012 22:39

On 2012-07-29 00:27, Wizdumb wrote:
Your coining of the Term says more about your own ignorance to this particular style and it's roots then anything else.

Not to mention it is again the silliest dumbest name I've ever heard

The most ironic part, the Label Zenon DOES NOT EVEN RELEASE WITH YOUR PLATFORM (Yet you still use there name for an entire style
Call it what you want, just dont be surprised when a growing number of people will call all mediocre generic Dark Psy with little to no monetary value


also any digital release with uninspired geniric artwork giving out for free on the net

You know, just so People know what exact type of style were referring to f^*%# you

If you have a better name for this particular flavour of progressive psytrance I'm all ears. I'm certainly not attached to "Zenonesque"; I just haven't come across anything better.

No system of musical classification can ever be perfect. I do my best to make sense of what's out there... but I'm always open to new ideas. Music evolves, after all. Listener habits change. Terminology shifts in turn... from one way of talking about music to another. It is an organic process that emerges from our interactions with music and with each other.

Everyone is welcome to contribute to the dialogue and propose new terminology. Whether a suggestion gains any traction depends on perceptions of utility (is there a need for new terminology) and suitability (do people resonate with the new terminology).

I happen to have made a few suggestions of my own to this ongoing process... a few of those have stuck, others haven't, but it isn't as if I am some kind of central authority for psytrance style naming conventions. Everyone has a voice. Maybe you could use yours for something more productive than raging at me, particularly since I'm totally open to suggestions

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  170
Posted : Jul 30, 2012 01:02
On 2012-07-29 22:39, Basilisk wrote:

On 2012-07-29 00:27,
Everyone is welcome to contribute to the dialogue and propose .Everyone has a voice. Maybe you could use yours for something more productive than raging at me, particularly since I'm totally open to suggestions

I just DID contribute to the "dialogue"
I use my voice to write and release the music that moves me. Since 2003 I own and run Cosmic Conspiracy Records, widely regarded as one of the leading labels in the dark progressive genre, I've released
The Lurker. Contact Lens, Enginewitty, Tall Poppy Syndrome, Bufo-Bug Eyes album, Minimal Criminals Album, Geek Mythology,The Plot thickens, and most recently V.A Cryptozoology, ( two weeks running as the Current NUMBER 2 Top Selling release at Beatport. Dont worry about my productivity nor my "voice"

I believe I put my money were my mouth is eh

And for the record not all confrontational debate is "rage" that's an over simplified, over shantified view


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Posted : Jul 30, 2012 11:31
After reading your reasons I guess it seems fair enough.

Maybe it's up to a label that releases that style to call it something different and then maybe that'll catch on.
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