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[Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]


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Posted : Apr 22, 2007 00:59

On 2007-04-19 04:32, Cannabis wrote:

First: Drug mafia lures always around parties, no matter what music.

What you consider to be drug mafia...some people have to do the the business, are you angel

Second: Too liberal of a drug law, and you 've gut 10 years olds on acid jumping from sky scapers or as massmurderer.

What trip are you on ..???

Third: I HATE corrupt police and politicians. But then again it's matter of countiers economy and ethics.

Wow...political correctness

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 25, 2007 17:57
sad story, but very common these days...

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Posted : Apr 27, 2007 01:31
Glad to hear the news. Low pay usually means corruption, sadly.
I'm new to the forum, but not the scene - what are 'California Drops'?
Trust in Trance,
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Posted : Apr 28, 2007 09:52
California sunshine acid babyy lol , and lots of mariJOOana too

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Posted : Apr 28, 2007 23:26
Some fun quotes from news reports on this subject:

The participants had contacted the organisers through a website, and got themselves invited by SMS, Mr. Patil said.

A visit to the website showed that it appeared to be a pornographic, soft contacts and drugs offering portal.


Talk about blatant misinformation...

The global trance-music junkie can be found dancing to electronic drum beats in several Indian cities.


Trance-junkies, heh? I guess that explains the pains all over my body and the insomnia when i abstain from full on music more than 3 days

They confessed they had been attending rave parties across the country


The horror! They attended parties and they still had the nerve to confess this hideous act. Death penalty, i say! Death penalty!

India’s lax law enforcement has made the country a lucrative rave destination


Lax law enforcement?! o.O
Well i guess Portugal is an anarchy than. Silly me!

Bhargava says a large number are Israelis, most of them fresh from the frazzle of military service. “For them, India has become a place to vent life’s pressures,” says Bhargava. This they do by dancing to psychedelic music on full moon nights and smoking hashish-loaded chillums"


Feckin' criminals! If i ruled the world i'd make venting life's pressures illegal. Unless it envolves mainstream dance music, copious amounts of booze and shaking titties and booties. In that case i guess it's normal human behaviour.

“Most foreigners carry cannabis for personal consumption. They are arrested while smuggling it out of the district,” says district SP Bhargava.


Nice job Mr Bhargava! You should put all these serial killing, sex predators to death. We all know how dangerous this scum is from watching Reefer Madness


Seriously though, I'm glad to hear all's good with the german DJ's now. Hopefully the rest of the crowd is safe too.

Oh and i'd love to see how the district of Goa would do without those 35k 'backpacking tourists'/year. Especially with attractive 'money-tourism' destinations such as Thailand and The Maldives so close-by [IMG][/IMG]

PS - 'California drops' is just ignorant police/media mystifying regular ol' LSD by using stupid dealer nicknames. Real Sunshine acid hasn't been around since the 70's.

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Posted : May 10, 2007 18:46
sorry i could not do anythign, i just landed in this forum (but i am not so new in the goa-psy-scene).

well, i am glad that they are out of jail!!!

-the best wishes to you guys!-

yeha, unbelievable, that such nice guys have to go trough so much bullshit...and daksi deosn'T even do drugs! but we had this..

so, deos anyone know somethign N E W?! what happened ? are they still in india?

please keep us uptodate!

-best wishes-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2007 20:00
Thanks for the nice feedback and the support !!!
Really happy to have so many ppl behind us .

Im back home since beginning of this week but my friend Steve is not allowed to travel. my mother is still in india with him till everything is sorted out...

well thats it for now ...

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Posted : Jun 9, 2007 08:01
hey , just out of curiosity .. now after your traumatic and bad trip in india ..are you going to change your name from daksinamurti to something less indian ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2007 22:55
hehe no i grown with the name .
due to my love to india and its culture its not that ill blame a whole country and its old culture for the shit which happened to me and 287 other ppl.
The good experiences i made still overwight the bad luck i had for being at the wrong place at the wrong time ...
But what i can say for sure is that i wont ever play there again ...
India is a great place but if you wanna party its the wrong place ... sad but true...

for me its like a sad ending of a long love ... and for sure it hurts.
But it was also a big lesson to me being in jail 18 days ... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2007 20:20
we respect ur feeling & thoughts.. its sad that u wont play in this country again but y should u & we pay for this anymore.. i guess u have payed your part.. we will make it a point to travel & catch ur gr8 sounds & ur positive vibes all over the globe..
respect & love,
>< we follow and preach ><
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2007 10:05
nice to hear you are safe.

all prayers to chuha to get to his homeland asap.

happy to have been a part of one of the last parties they played in india, which was one of the best i have ever been to in india.           We meditate upon the Spiritual Effulgence of That Adorable Supreme Divine Reality, the Source of the Physical, the Astral, and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. May That Supreme Divine Being enlighten our Intellect So we may realise the Supreme Truth.

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Posted : Jul 4, 2007 09:41
hey dakshi...
gr8 to know ur back in ya country and safe...
hopefully steve also gets home soon with ur mum...
we all in india are realy sorry that all this had to happen to our fav dj's in our own country...
hopefully it neva repeats,...
take care and pls keep us posted about steve...


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Posted : Aug 15, 2007 00:30
yeah, great to have you back here...!
it really feels good to read from you!

and i hope now chuha is back with your mom ?!?!

really looking forward to seeing you @ GAGGALACKA, man!

stay positive and please keep us uptodate here if he is back again, okay?

-best wishes-
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2007 13:00
It's quite disturbing that these kind of things can happen to a group with such a degree of indiscretion as to who is arrested and then detained.

Not that this is great degree of difference to the level of corruption that exists when people are able to be held without charge in other countries for extended periods of time.

But in both cases it's become an increasing trend in recent years that regardless of whether it is done through new laws which have been passed or through corruption that police power has become more absolute and guilt has become assumed with too often very little grounds for such claims.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2007 19:46

On 2007-08-15 00:30, chillfly wrote:
yeah, great to have you back here...!
it really feels good to read from you!

and i hope now chuha is back with your mom ?!?!

really looking forward to seeing you @ GAGGALACKA, man!

stay positive and please keep us uptodate here if he is back again, okay?

-best wishes-

hey ho!

unfortunately i am still here, but tills mom is at home.
dont know how much longer it will take for me. i and my lawyer are trying the best and hopefully with some result soon.
it takes soooo much time and its really hard for me sometimes but no-one gets me down and i will fight till the happy end!

thanks for ur support and help!!!!!!! im not longer quiet in the public and if anyone has questions feel free to ask

bom and namaste!

steve aka chuha           -> New DOUBLE V/A coming soon!!!
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - [Dj Daksinamurti & Dj Chuha in jail in India....[t.b.c.]]
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