1. 3000 Modulations
2. Bioreaction
3. The Bog
4. Time Sphere
5. Stalker
6. Cinder
7. Unga Bakatunga
8. Lissa in Wonderland
9. 25th Frame effect
After having looked at a few slower releases last month I found it was high time to talk a little bit about a twisted night time gem that has been delayed for a while, but has now finally been released. Things were quiet around the Russian Dissociactive project for some years, the last and only previous full length album having been released in 2005 on Acidance Records. At the end of last year there was a sign of life with the well received Underwater Lab EP which helped raise the anticipation for this release with promising tracks such as "Eclipse". Slava Iskanyan, the remaining member of the project, delivers an album which stands out from many night releases of the near past as it takes a very old school melodic approach while still packing a remarkable punch.
I had already finished writing a track by track review but then I decided to scrap it and give you a condensed rundown. Sometimes too much babbeling can ruin the message, and as so often with describing art, words are too feeble and incomplete to do justice to the work.
In the cover art we see a representation of music creation as an alchemical art - Total Transformation via music. In this case the "phillosphers stone" is the psychedlic X-factor in the music - that which is born out of the synergy of the components. That which can be felt but not measured..That which is responsible for "Total Transformation".
Throughout the album we have a merging of old school melodies, acid drenched vibes and cotemporary fx choices. The sound is multi layered, colourful and rich but never descends into fx shredder warfare. Throughout the album we have a crystal sound quality- nothing ever sounds muddy, every nuance of sound can be picked out individually. A landmark in terms of crispness and clarity imo. Inspite of this clarity the album manages to ooze psychedelic moods through every single pore - every track feels alive and organic, subtle fx choices buzzing away underneath the surface.
The album is never overly euphoric - optimistic sparkles come through as freeflowing, twisted, old school inspired melodic leads. A very diverse album with changing atmospheres - the predominant vibe is frosty though. Glassy, crystal ambience droplets trickle down the spine as the tracks manage to build a subtle intensity that tickles the neurons while staying remarkably layed back on the surface. Vocal samples add touches of humour into the mix and there is a sweet balance between hypnotic steadiness and atmospheric breakdowns. (Most tracks have at least a couple but it doesnt get too much imo). BPM range is 144-147.
Overall I have to say this is in my top 5 releases this year - it sounds very fresh with its crystal blend of oldschool melodies with modern organic fx and should appeal to trancers who would like to here some clearly structured, not overloaded night time sound.Some songs are truly epic and stand imo - Stalker (absolute masterpiece imo), Cinder, Time Sphere, The Bog, 3000 Modulaions where my favourites but overall the standard of the album is such that you dont have to skip any tracks.
Although the general feeling is frosty and moody, I can still see some of these tracks tearing up dancefloors in the early hours of the morning because of the atmosphere that is so dense you could cut through it. So now, instead of me rabbeling on go listen to the samples About time this came out with all the delays...finally - good things always take a bit longer. Big thumbs up . Nostalgic and innovative at the same time! Can you hear the spirit of Goa hovering around?
Favourite track:
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 21:05
DAMN!!! this is one KICKASS track!!!
I have totally neglected the new darkish sounds, but your review made me want to check this out... the track you posted is simply superb!!! its been quite a while since i enjoyed this kind of trance... darker psychedelic trance like it should be done... and i thought everything today was cats in the blender kind of "dark" trance... gonna check out a few more samples of this and if its all this good im getting this one
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 14:20
A highly recommended nighttime release !! the flow and structure of the tracks is unique to me....steady trancing at its best
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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 15:48
i like the tonalities and strong feelings in this work.
i first heard the music with Slava playing his liveset in the morning on a party in Portugal. i was in an elevated state and the sensitivity captured me
then i got the album. enjoying it.
check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
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Sun Station records
Sun Station records
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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 20:49
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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 21:26
It is the best darker psychedelic trance album and everybody should have it in their collection. It's hypnotic and powerful....love the old school sound of it. Wanna hear it live on the dancefloor.. ))
I love it and enjoying it for sure...!! it's hard to choose only one track like my favorite but maybe 25th Frame effect and 3000 Modulations ...or maybe Stalker hahha...damn...Love it all.. Thank you for the great music ;-) i was waiting for this album for so long Love & Light
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2010 04:42
amazing album! as was the 'underwater lab' release. crystal clear production, energetic bouncy basslines, just the right touch of melody and atmosphere while staying focused on the dancefloor. Slava has achieved a sound that (imo) alot of other russian producers have fallen short of, extremely psychedelic music that you can actually dance to! he is pushing the boundaries of trance music forward, and it's alot of fun!
Ovnimoon Records
http://soundcloud.com/labyr1nth http://facebook.com/labyr1nth http://labyr1nth.com
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 12, 2010 18:45
Killer album.
Highly recommended.
“What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
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Posted : Jun 15, 2010 00:50
Really cool album...
Melodic, a real essence of Goa in it...powerful... crystal clear production.... and very interesting sound textures. Will test some of this soon at a party
Wats next Sun Station?
Sun Station records
Sun Station records
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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 18:40
You know what is next
After that 1 album, 1 ep and 1 VA already completed and sheduled for 2010.
Sun Station Records: http://sunstation.ru/
all many thanks for your support! It is very important to me and stimulates my work! Very soon you will be able to hear my new tracks!
I wish you all the light and love