IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 21, 2017 15:14
nice to know that
with compression, it should really be like that. in a way, what matters is what one listens to. but it's all so easy to get deceived in so many ways: an increase of volume, or going by the meters, which can be very deceiving. i only felt like I began to grasp it the moment I realized that what I was listening to was all that mattered. then it's almost like chasing after the sound you want to ear, making it soft or edgy, enhance the thump or the tail, make it hit a little different, so forth and so on. it's more about this characteristics then anything related to controlling the dynamic range or other such technicalities.
this matters a lot for layers, i'd say. any kind of layers. I think volume is critical to get a good definition from this sort of thing. phase coherence is another aspect that's worth zooming in on those waves and tweak a little if you have to. a positive phase attack is, as a rule of thumb, the best way to go for a snappy sound, like Kick and Bass. the layers phasing in opposite directions is, naturally, also something to avoid. By slightly nudging the two, trimming and shaping the tails with faders, one can easily solve all this things at once.
No problem with using parallel processing on just one sound to. Sometimes this beats any processing you can achieve with insert effects on a channel by myles.