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Cubase 8 Pro

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2015 03:40
Why not use the built in bridge? I can run 32 bit plugs no problem in 64 bit C8. It does open in that stupid small view but just click on it opens normal size. I dont use anything other than the CM version of dune tho so cant comment on stability. Hasnt given me problems tho. Doesnt albino 3 have a 64 bit version?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2015 17:42[o_system]=2&tx_p77sbknowledgebase_pi1[productfamily]=en%2Fsupport%2Fknowledgebase_new.html&tx_p77sbknowledgebase_pi1[product]=375 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2015 14:18
thank you. I still don't really know where to find this native bridge. Is it inside or do you need to find something on some steinberg ftp to install it? I try to stay only with cubase 8 natives and Bazille but some older synth I really miss. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 26, 2015 03:32
Which plugs are you trying to use? All my old ones just show up in the default menu in the plugin manager. Shouldn't need to install anything.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 26, 2015 10:59
I've bought a new system with windows 8 , which sucks a bit so far. All this funny app flow is not my thang also the internet is always on wich sucks. Need to find out a couple of things before I install anything new. So far I haven't taken any plug ins from my other old pc not even bazille that I'm now using only on my macbook so far. I also need to install atleast my phoscyon at some time. Hope there is a version in 64bit but not sure.
I use only cubase native stuff sofar along the gathering of informations how to optmize my new system and what's possible what's not etc. Good to know that 32bit plugs might work without anything else. 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 30, 2015 17:05
yep, d16 has updated all their product range to 64 bit - both on pc or mac. so you're good to go
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 29, 2015 19:51
Just got it as well. I'm absolutely loving it.

For my way of work, the render with plug-ins feature made things a LOT easier and fast. I like the feel of it, it feels very responsive and stable, everything makes sense on the interface and was also very impressed with all the measurements it's able to do out-of-the-box, when usually it takes getting a dedicated measurements plug-in to do it.

From all the instruments, PadShop immediately made it's way into my first Cubase test track and will probably get the Pro version (a cheap 10€ upgrade, without added presets or 30+ with the presets included).

A lot to learn still, here. But would say I'm getting the hang of it in terms of handling both midi and audio - which is the point where I feel it's making the biggest difference for me, in terms of speed and flow. Automation is quite easy to, just haven't noticed if you can or can't use automation curves in there; but wouldn't mind if it doesn't.

Overall feels like the best move I've made so far. Happy I switched from Logic to this and wouldn't imagine life without it since. Cheers
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 3, 2015 15:50
Happy for you bro. Would love to hear your test stuff with Padshop.
I really have fallen in deep love with Cubase 8 Had not much time in the recent times, but now fully back on track in production and fun. Unfortunately, hadn't used the studios for private stuff when worked professionaly in treated rooms, now I started new jobs that are in different areas but have more time for me myself. My room accoustic sucks which is, as we all know, the major point of improving sound quality but still now I got more time and gonna improve all possible step by step.
For me it's the same with the work flow, I need to make and learn good shortcuts, there are so many options and still haven't done too much shortcuts. Mostly its all by mouse which is lame and my own lazyness but still great DAW I hardly go back to any other since it's here. I really like retrologue for basic sounds. And I confess I installed the hated VB1 haha for basslines and make lots of sounds with Bazille and Synth 1 but also Padshop - need just more time to get more familiar with it. I would upgrade to the full version of Padshop at once if I had that special offer of just 10 €. At some point I will upgrade though, would be too cool to load in own samples. Cheers! 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 3, 2015 22:27
Yeah, I'm using the VB-1 for the bass here as well. Felt like it was the natural thing to do, for a first one on Steinberg's new habitat, sort of thing. I really do think it's a cool device, as it's fairly basic and then the attention goes to making it work inside the mix and it's fairly easy to make it sound very good, I think.

I've placed some keyboard shortcuts in place and they're making me work a lot faster. In my specific case, it's mostly some process with plug-ins, like an EQ (pro Q 2 in my case, loving it to pieces btw, some real handy features on that one, but also enjoy the included EQ), cubase's compressor, which behaves very good to my ears for actually taming down some peaks, the pitch env/transpose process, which I'm loving, such a simple thing, but the easiness of access has truly made me do things I wasn't doing before, at least not in the same way.

I also have some more stuff, like Wave's CLA compressores working with shif +1,2 & 3 combinations - as I tend to use those a lot to. All this stuff combined, makes me work in an entirely different way. I rely less and less on inserts for most basic tasks, even EQ, I tend to compromise earlier on and this also means that I seem to avoid a lot of plug-in clutter in my projects, while apparently sounding much better then previously already. Even though there's still a LOT to get my head around. It's really amazing the sheer quantity of features on the menu.

PadShop seems really amazing. Delayed the trial or upgrade, as I've been kinda busy lately with other stuff. But will probably get it some time this month and will post some stuff I've only used the included sounds with some modification and post processing thus far.

P.S. I think you have that special offer of just 10 for PadShop, try to login in first on their website, then go to shop and look at the options available. I don't think I'll miss their presets much, but would love to be able to drop my own stuff in there, so will probably go for the cheapest update available. Also thinking about getting a plug-in called the Mangle, which only costs 20€ 'cause it's still on beta stage, but due to be released pretty soon - so should also get it quick. Try the demo if you're also enthusiastic about granular stuff and I'm sure you'll love it to!


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2015 10:35
Hey I think Chord tracks is a revolution. Have you tried it already? I'm so fascitnated by this I hardly do anything else in my free time for a week. Incredebile what they have achieved by programming this tool wiht all this complex algorithms. For me, composing music was never easier before. I think Chord tracks/chord assistent and all that jazz will become way more appriciated in the following years. For me its like an entrance to a whole new universe.
All this plenty functions of options..It would be enough to implement just the Follow chords algo or follow scale algorithm, but its soo much more.. The chord assistent has also so many options, just with the voicings, invertions etc how great to see the info what scale your recorded notes are and to be able to transform all other tracks of your project to this scale or the other way round, or to write any kind of notes, even completly out of an scale, and after records see that they shape themselves to any mood you demand, and by all this having the opportunity to change it and its mood endlessly is a real milestone imo.

Also beat designer is a nice tool when inserting it on a track with groove agent on it. I also like to put own samples to groove agent or find a complex "bushbongo" loop for instance, than put hitpoints on it, inside of the sample edior and afterwards throw it onto groove agent, route all the slices to own busses (for further mixing stage inside of the Groove Agent .. all the fx,pans etc) than take out beat designer from the insert of the groove agent track and play with the slices constructing lots of useful patterns.Than all nicely routed to a group and job done Nice simple way to make unique patterns with guaranteed fun.

Do you use quadrafuzz 2 on basslines? And have you bought Pad Shop Pro? I use the normal Pad Shop version quite often and love it. I really need to log in and look for the webshop if the price you mentioned is still that good.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 24, 2015 23:00
Still haven't update PadShop to the Pro version, as I've been working on some mixes and masters lately - but have been doing it on Cubase and really like the simple, but very useful features it's got (for ages even) that are really rare elsewhere.

Like, for instance, I really like the "Spectrum Analyser" option (on the second mouse button menu). It may not seem like much of a big deal, but in most other scenarios I know, you'd have to play the entirety of a track with the hold setting on "infinite" to get to know what this thing shows you in seconds. "Statistics" is also a very cool feature, and I've come to grown more and more dependant of it for my work. Same deal, instant access to loads of information about any file, including important loudness measurements.

Was playing with the midi inserts the other day too. Still haven't used the "beat designer", since I mostly do my drums in audio tracks. The sequencer in there is very nice to, simple but clever way of making some programmed arpeggiation. Will take my time exploring the other ones. Still don't have a clew (even though I have my guesses eheh) what the transform one does, or the compressor and some more.

And I haven't started exploring the Chord Tracks yet. Only watched some introductory videos online (the ones they link to from the HUB) and opened it to check the interface and options, but will also take my time to delve deeper on it's feature set. From the looks of it, it always feels like cheating, in a way. Makes it super easy to feel comfortable exploring musical ideas that are a bit out of one's own reach without such aims, specially when dealing with the less common scales and modes. Also seems to double as a pedagogic feature to some extent, no?

Quadrafuzz, have played a bit with it. Made it's way on a Lead but still haven't used it for Bass - as I probably need to explore it further more. To me, its sound has almost no resemblance with the first one. The first add a certain boxy sound to it, made the Bass instantly more stable (dynamic wise), while the new one feels a bit more like Fabfilter Saturn or something similar, much more subtle and high quality for sure, but either I haven't played with it long enough, or could just hit mellow, subtle saturation (sounding quite good) or real messy and fuzzy (guitar power chords metal style distortion comes to mind) kind of tone. Probably my bad. Can't be sure before spending more time with it.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 29, 2015 17:38
One thing that may interest you (and other folks):

Was sent a Cubase 5 project which was done on a windows pc and Cubase 8 pro converted and opened the project with 0 problems.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2015 01:41
nothing new, exists since cubase 5 but maybe interesting for cubase pilots:

impulses from bricasti m7 reverb that can be loaded into Reverence

free download 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2015 02:12 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 28, 2015 21:15
Thanks for the heads up Vipal

I read that a new update is due to come out by the end of next month for Cubase 8, along with the simultaneous (or previous) release of Cubase 8.5.

Seems like the OS compatibility issues have been dealt with on the windows side, and will be solved with the coming updates on the mac side as well. A lot of noise has been surrounding this issues, with many enraged users accusing Steinberg of not acting fast enough, of not testing their products with the beta and/or developer releases of major OS systems, so forth and so on. Maybe there's something to it, of course, but I've seen their issued warnings on the Steinberg's Hub while launching Cubase, as well as their website and I'm aware that early adopters are, in a way, always asking for trouble - since it's the very nature of software development that issues will occur every single time there's some big changes.

It was easy enough for me: didn't update and everything is running fine and stable ever since the latest Cubase update has come out! So I trust this next x.5 update is going to cost something like 100€ or so?

Will probably get it as soon as it comes out, but will probably take the safe road when 9 comes out. Only real problem I see, that again seems related to the nature of the thing in itself, is that x.0 versions are best regarded as a beta version with tons of erros that need to be ironed out and the best way to do it is with users's reporting bugs and issues and providing all sorts of input - along with actively paying for on going development.

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