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Cubase 8 Pro

Master Margherita

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Posted : Dec 14, 2014 13:04

On 2014-12-06 13:31, frisbeehead wrote:
besides that, I'm going to say it again: Apple has shown an aggressive attitude in some things like dropping the cd so soon - I know it makes the macs look slicker and stylish, but if we're to judge the practicality of it alone, then I'd say they've rushed it BIG time; dropping the firewire platform is another one of such cases. After promoting it for so long, after watching it become a standard in so many studios, they simply decided it was time to drop support for it. But that's not all, Logic X has not only dropped support for CD rendering, it's also forced everyone to move to a 64 bit platform, leaving many perfectly able computers they've sold (I'm mainly talking mac pros here) out of the game, and also rendering many plug-ins totally useless at the same time.

Not only that, but I'm going to make another argument here: I think the new interface looks clumsy 'cause it was intentionally designed so that it only feels spacey with their new BIG resolution screens on their retina machines, or at least the 27 inch screens they're still selling (1920x1200 resolution), which is another bulk move from them. What I'm trying to imply here, of course, is that Apple is showing its aggressive marketing side with this stuff. This decisions weren't arrived at with the musician's best interest in mind, but with the aim of rendering perfectly able machines obsolete, of using their influence on the music industry to remove the CD out of the game, thus strengthening their iTunes agenda, so forth and so on....

Having all this in mind, Cubase seems like a perfect example of a product made with the musician in mind. My 2 cents.


i worked with Logic 7/8/9 for more than 10 years
and Ableton Live since version 3

i most def chose Ableton to compose for his modularity and easy setup of midi controlers ...
and the mixer/loops page ...

but i own Cubase Element 6, and it is an awesome little piece of software with exelent quality sound,
i would not go back to Logic if i chose to produce/make music with this kind of environment/layout and workflow,

the new Logic 10 interface is a joke made for amateurs that can not understand computers ... it look like a grey version of Garage band ...

Cubase started all of them never forget that
i worked & release my first album on Pro24 sequencer ....


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2014 19:19
Only had a quick session the other day on the imac and it ran awesome!! Not a single glitch. Really impressed for a .0 release. They claim they've improved stability on mac and with the quick play Id agree. I use DIVA alot and had 0 issues running lots of em. On the macbook, just the base 15"version, I can open huge projects and it runs really well. Not worked in it yet so cant comment yet but seems pretty good just from opening old projects. One was an old electrypnose track so you know theres LOTS going on!!

For some of the new features, Render in place "bounce in place" is awesome. Nothing new to daws but really like having it in cubase now. Ive seen people complain its slow but I haven't noticed that at all. I have a 15" macbook so screen space is always an issue but the new workspaces works really well. I set up key commands so I have the main arrange page, and split arrange/mixer page and then a fulll mixer page. Having the dockable media bay is sweet too. Haven't had a chance to check out the new chord track options yet so no comment there. Only had a quick play with quadrfuzz 2 but wow, thing is gonna be awesome. Im really trying to stay "in the box" and with every release I feel cubase is getting easier and easier to just use their plugs.

Overall, the whole program just feels right to me. Lots of little hidden tweaks in there as well that make things alot better. Kinda drunk right now so cant remember em all!! Been having some serious doubts lately about producing and just selling everything thing, but now with C8, Im itchin everyday just to open it. I've "tried" all the other daws but for me, have absolutely 0 interest in ever opening them again. This version of cubase is just awesome. Would still like to have some of the modular/max for live options from ableton but otherwise, cubase is perfect now. Logic has absolutely nothing on cubase now that makes me want to switch. Not trying to start a daw war!! Anyways, just my 2 cents on this release.


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Posted : Dec 14, 2014 22:19
How is new Quadrafuzz?

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Posted : Dec 15, 2014 18:13
Wow, I'm so blind, I was reading fast to see if there was something about Quadra and than I missed actually line where you mentioned it, fail....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 15, 2014 23:42
i've been running v8 for about a week now without any issues. i don't know what exactly they did with the new Asio-guard, but if going just by the asio-meter, the projects that were constantly around 80% are hovering somewhere around 40. they added a few settings to pick different levels for Asio-guard, which can add some latency (different from your interface latency), but i don't really feel any additional latency with this seemingly big performance improvement. so that's pretty awesome.

render-in-place is pretty sweet. the new quadrafuzz is fun, though i've only played with it briefly. i'm loving the fact that now everything opens in its own separate window, which is really great for people with multiple monitors (i have 4). no more wasting time stretching and resizing windows.

love the new chord assistant which shows you a proximity diagram for various chords or a circle of fiths and allows you to quickly play around with different chord flavors (adding 7th, 9th, 11ths, sus, aug, etc) to see what feels better. and it provides some suggestions from some common chord progressions too. not particularly useful for trance, but great for my guitar based stuff, since i don't have my theory down cold (yet).

overall, it just feels more stable and i'm glad they've been concentrating on performance and workflow lately (still can't get over how awesome all the searching/hiding/zones stuff is for the mixer and timeline) and not just adding new useless flashy things. a real pleasure to work with. 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 18, 2014 17:28

On 2014-12-15 23:42, shellbound wrote:
i've been running v8 for about a week now without any issues. i don't know what exactly they did with the new Asio-guard, but if going just by the asio-meter, the projects that were constantly around 80% are hovering somewhere around 40.

That's a sell right there
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  32
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Posted : Dec 23, 2014 18:19
I`m very glad to see that the vst bridge in C8 is working fine, so there is no more need to use the jbridge tu use my old UAD-1 32bit plugins...

Is it me, or is there a bug in the Cubase 8 Quick Controllers? I cant`t route my hardware controller right to vsti plugins...?!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 7, 2015 01:15

On 2014-12-14 22:19, Xsze wrote:
How is new Quadrafuzz?

Fucking awesome is how Q2 is

I havent had any time till today really and Im just loving C8. Best cubase Ive used in along time. For me it was always the best daw, not to start a war, but I cant wait to hit the studio lately. Dont get5 me wrong, I suck, but I actually feel productive lately using C8. On mac this version is SOOOO much more stable and that alone makes it awesome. Anyways, Im loaded so Ill check back once Im not!!!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  657
Posted : Jan 7, 2015 01:55

On 2015-01-07 01:15, psynthetik wrote:

On 2014-12-14 22:19, Xsze wrote:
How is new Quadrafuzz?

Fucking awesome is how Q2 is

I havent had any time till today really and Im just loving C8. Best cubase Ive used in along time. For me it was always the best daw, not to start a war, but I cant wait to hit the studio lately. Dont get5 me wrong, I suck, but I actually feel productive lately using C8. On mac this version is SOOOO much more stable and that alone makes it awesome. Anyways, Im loaded so Ill check back once Im not!!!

Awesome, so glad to hear that

Yeah I know what you mean concerning your DAW, what one can ask more really, so glad it's finally kicking strong on OS X for a change
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 7, 2015 16:23
^nice XD
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
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Posted : Feb 2, 2015 08:57
this is also very nice; multiband envelope shaper,

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 4, 2015 22:02
and quadrafuzz2 is also very nice, very different from 1st one

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 4, 2015 22:08
i like 8 more then 7.5, starting to use the internal eq's, now its so easy to use them with the new graphics. tried the env shaper on kik, very nice transient designer it is. quadrafuzz2 has now a delay per band which can sound good. completely different beast but very promising. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Feb 12, 2015 10:19
How stable is it running for you ?
On the Steinberg forum I read alot people reporting crashes, at least u der osx , no report under w8

What is your experience ? 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Feb 12, 2015 16:25
i am on win7 and C8 pro is running fine. no stability issues.
have to say i am not even halfway maxing out the desktop cpu.

this issue is there, bit stupid but not big deal.

there is a list

the only real problem i have is with 32 bit plugins (for example TC Powercore plugins) they work but i cannot bypass them. this week i will try jbridge, expecting that it will solve this issue. theoretically C8 should cope with that, but its not.

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