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Creating new style of trance music in israel.


Started Topics :  58
Posts :  269
Posted : Aug 9, 2005 23:01
Hey my brothers and sisters professionals , and new dj's. i always dreaming about :to create in my life something beautiful something new.I was born in moldova,i've immigrated to israel for 5 years ago.After half year leaving in israel ,i've understanded that my life is music creation ,and started to make it(create the music) i've nice staff ( )but that no specialy what iwant to said.
i think that we have to change our style of trance on something more beautiful we have to mix betwin music of 70 or 80 or different styles like rock & house ,chill&jazzzzzzz,you
? imean copy old style music into trance modern music and paste it fucking wave file and mix it .And ihope peoples will love it...but iam working alone and ineed someone who intrested to make a step for new trance era ,wich collected inside all styles of music in our days,and built from new style music.ijust want to listen from my grandmother : "very nice song ,ihave listened to it in 4 class in school"(but it psy remix of our days)........

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  168
Posted : Aug 10, 2005 02:52
I think it can be much better if each artist will try to create his own incredible sound,there are a few that can reach it these days.

Almost most of these remixin experiments failed (imo),something fresh required!

You have some intresting stuff but i think some elements missing.           Keep the flame alive!

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  269
Posted : Aug 10, 2005 19:02
thanks Greenglass ,you right we have to create new sounds ,but don't forget old style sounds too.

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Posted : Aug 16, 2005 02:28
There are people in finland taht r doing it right now... lisen to lomuhappo
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 10:24
Creating new style of trance - is finland for sure.. only its not so new to them 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2005 07:09
lomuhoppo is really great but considering texas faggot-Petoman's Peflett was out in 2000 and it was their second albom i think then there is nothing new about the soumi soundy
mabey it was ahead of its time

i think middi miliz and the boshke group really are the one that expirement the most
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2005 18:54

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Posted : Aug 21, 2005 07:28
GMS...           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  718
Posted : Aug 21, 2005 13:11

On 2005-08-21 07:28, Pavel wrote:

What? A non-skazi joke by Pavel?           ________________________
Karma Konnect
Karma Konnect

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  579
Posted : Sep 14, 2005 20:09
Killerrrrrrrrrrr !!!!           Look Around You - EP Out Now on (Planet Ben records)
vanghoul corperations
Ellis Van Ghoul

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  84
Posted : Sep 15, 2005 10:06
blablabla i think trance is butifal blablabla
save the trance,,,what are we f++ken hippies

trance is going hardcore to the bone,,,
this is rebbel music.

i listen to trance becuse its trance,its not a megamix contest
S.D6 (Yakir .B.)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  66
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Posted : Sep 15, 2005 10:46
Well if you dont know there is a unique style of Dark Psytrance in israel.
S.D6 & Iron Madness- Dinak Production - Acidance Rec.
S.D6 Vs. Iron Madness- Blues Mystery - Doof Rec. & Yellow Sunshine Explosions rec.
Deepsky and Marc .M.- Lost In the moment (Deep Six remix) - Iboga rec. (Soon)
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 15, 2005 14:10
There's a wide spread misunderstanding among people in forums like this that all it take is to sit down and come up with a new style. Newsflash. It dont work like that.
Usually a new style come along when people least expect it. Many times out of random luck from some new artist that dont care about styles and what's "in" or not. basically from someone that do not force anything and surely dont think he/she have to make something new.
You can not force a new style into a scene and it's utopia to think that you can sit down in front of your computer and create something new and unique. It simply dont work that way.

I dont know how many times I have seen promotion saying that this and that artist is the new thing with a unique style. Yet none of them had anything new to offer. Most are just copycats.

But one advive I can give you is to start thinking in total differnt terms than the normal "killarghhh" terms and stop copying other artists and experiment a lot more. That would be a start. But as I said. It's not at all easy to create something new.

As a last remark I like to say that in my experience going backwards and copying what have been is not the thing. It never work. It never have.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  127
Posted : Sep 16, 2005 22:34
HandA - I couldn't agree more!

imo, in order to really come out with something new, weather it has to do with trance or not, go sit on a mountin with noone but yourself, and try to listen inside, instead of outside...

being influant by other's music is all nice and good, if you're already creating in your own style (and little few actually does that) - trying to creat something new from what others have already made before - that's recycling...

Optimistic Suicide
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 16, 2005 23:20

On 2005-08-09 23:01, Dj Loopper wrote:
i think that we have to change our style of trance on something more beautiful we have to mix betwin music of 70 or 80 or different styles like rock & house ,chill&jazzzzzzz,you understanding..

Well I think that there is allready a change b/c there r many styles.. Progressive minimal soumi psy ect..
Every "style" is diffrent and every artist by me is diffrent...
Think about it
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