Compiling a new Progressive compilation, please send demos if interested!!
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : Apr 17, 2012 23:54:39
We are compiling a Progressive Trance compilation, so if you are interested please PM us or send an email to
The compilation will appear on all digital stores such as : Beatport, Juno, ITunes etc....
Have fun. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 00:38
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 00:54
Great, will listen.
Peace. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 10:18
Some more info would be nice. What kind of progressive are you compiling? Hamburg style? Minimal ozzie style? Ace ventura style?
Website looks nice btw! But please don't start with a new piece of music evertime you click on a new part. It made me leave the website very quickly.. It is just annoying. |
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 15:20
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 15:43
Thanks for the input and for liking the web site, I agree, I told our web designer a while ago to take care of the tracks when you browse the site, will be done shortly so you can enjoy it bettter, now, we dont Pre filter styles of music that we are after, if we like the style and vibe we will give you heads up and say yes or no, but feel free to share your demo for listening and we will get back to you with a full answer.
Faxi Nadu, I believe we will like your style since you have been in the scene for a while, please send your demo.
We are looking for a mature sound and production mostly. Peace. |
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Posted : Apr 18, 2012 22:53
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 08:36
Playing the devils advocate here.. Not trying to be an asshole.
Why should we release on Warp Brain Records? Do you get paid 10000 for a track? Free hookers? Lot's of gigs and promotion? If you really want to find some well produced music you should maybe put a bit more effort in attracting them by giving a professional amount of info (again: not trying to be an ass, just helping out). |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 09:38
On 2012-04-19 08:36, supergroover wrote:
Playing the devils advocate here.. Not trying to be an asshole.
Why should we release on Warp Brain Records? Do you get paid 10000 for a track? Free hookers? Lot's of gigs and promotion? If you really want to find some well produced music you should maybe put a bit more effort in attracting them by giving a professional amount of info (again: not trying to be an ass, just helping out).
WTF? I see plenty of requests EXACTLY like this around the net from established labels, why are you singling this one out?
Maybe they wanna find more unknown producers than the same tired old prog that gets churned out either Zenon or Iono style.
  Cuntus Maximus. |
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 10:17
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 10:28
well, if the sells reach a certain ammount like "Wizack Twicck's" EX Animo, he got paid royalties, also Endeavour, who reached a decent ammount of sells, he got paid as well.
so, we do pay to artists that sell.
It's up to the artis to decide that. reports from us are always available upon request, some artists have to wait for example to "Beatport" report that reports every 4 months.
And yes, we are a very solid label that is growing, is up to you guys if you decide to buy and support, our catalog is very good as you can see.
Also, Kratom's "Madstream" looks like it gets good sells on beatport, so he will get his royalties as well..That the way it is, I don't want to mention labels that DON'T pay at all even the sells were good, that's not us. |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 12:17
A decent label should pay royalties no matter if its a good sale or not. Even if it's only a dollar it should go to the artist and not stay with the label because it is not a good sale. |
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 15:39
agreed. we ussually use paypal, some artists don't have paypal, and sendiang 1 dollar via western union....well....any way. we are receiving some nice tracks so far, so, if the moderators feel like closing this thread please do, It is going to the wrong direction of what this thread ment to be, it is for artists who wants to release their music on our compilation, the deal will be talked directly to the artist and not on this thread, thanks again.
Kind Regards.
And to Beat agency....just to open your mind to the real world, for example, INgrooves dont pay the label until we reach a minimum of 150 dollrs, and Psyshop as well, so I guess, they keep the money until then and other factors are also involved.
Spock, moving to mark 13...... |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 18:28
I know all about the label side as I have run labels since 2003. My point is that if you gain enough from the distribution from various releases (I distribute myself) then you should not withhold the money (as in the 150 dollar limitation) and just pay out whatever you own to the artists.
If you (as in a label - not talking about you specific) can not even earn 150 dollars over 3 months i am not sure you should run a label except if its a free netlabel. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2012 19:28
You don't pay an advance on royalties? Seems to me that if you're making a compilation it's up to you, the label, to drive sales. If the compilation doesn't sell is that the fault of the artists?
How about offering some hard metrics... for instance, what is the average pay-out for a compilation appearance? If you're uncomfortable revealing cash values, what % of releases generate enough sales to compensate artists for their labour? A little transparency goes a long way toward establishing trust. At the very least, be up front about the possibility that this is not a paying gig.