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Compilation : PsychoVader (Apoxina Records) 2002

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2002 14:26
great first release!!!
a great compilation forthose who like it thumpin
no proggy/minimal listeners need apply
cannibal says it all           ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø, Gi'iwa//MuddyPigsº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 27, 2002 15:34
that wirdo beardo track is excellent. i love it when the funky little riff comes in just before the 'unleash the fury' sample (which btw is from 'road trip' a classic, if extremely juvenile film)           >>love will tear us apart...<<
Apocalypse Now
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 29, 2002 10:31

no proggy/minimal listeners need apply

I don't agree with you azz, I think EVERYBODY needs this hear this CD, I prefer Progressive stuff most of the time and I was digging this CD from the beggining to the end.
Tracks 2 and 8 are so good that it is worth buying the whole album just for them.
When I first heard this Weirdo Beardo track a couple of months ago (in 96 kbps) I knew it was a track that we will all hear many more times. if we like it or not If this track doesn't make you get up and start jumping all around when you hear it, then I don't know what will.
All around, a solid CD, it sounds fresh as hell, so what are you waiting for?           Both teams played hard
Mr. uzi :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2002 11:05

i just loved this wicked album from first listening, it shocked me in a refreshing manner.

i could repeat Apocalypse Now words, about my music choice and the rest, but i would not.

i liked much the so called 'chillin' track at the end.           runaway dreamer...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2002 16:08
i saw it in krembo records (Shenkin) store..
guess how much it costs??????
99 Shekels.. its a ripoff!!
i was pretty upset .. and i was money short so i bought Amalgamated Amalgamation
mabye next time...

[ This Message was edited by: Gumbo on 2002-06-05 16:13 ]
Mr. uzi :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2002 17:22

yes Gumbo.

first of all you done great thing buying a refreshing israeli release.

but as for the krembo mark you done, its expensive cause the krembo store is doing self importing in smaller quantity of labels which are not imported by mdma this days, so they ask for higher price for that particular cd's.

its mostly the ones that are through NTT/indigo, wirikuta, and maybe some more.

in general the cd's are much expensive then the AG ripps, but this cd worse the high price, cause you get lots of db for the money           runaway dreamer...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2002 19:34
ye mon

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Posted : Oct 11, 2002 12:47
Can't get enough of this CD!!
it's still the best of 2002, no doubts...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2002 14:31
2,4 and 8 the best here....

nice stuff here...           Happy Happy,Joy Joy.
Le Lotus Bleu
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2003 01:39
Psychovader is the 1st release in 2002 from a little young underground psytrance label which is western south french based.It was compiled by Helwinn & Mynox (founders of Apoxina).

Jahbo (Roelike Jahbo from Arhus, Danemark) invents the ‘twittering- psychophone’ with Flux, soon available in all good TV shopping, object with contested utility (phonecalls can’t be sent or received with it) but with obvious decorative and ludic dimensions, the Flux (name of this invention) will most easily find its place inserted in your CD player.

I’ve heard good talk about Weirdo Beardo (Ulf Gustavsson from Orebro, Sweden), furthermore this artist got a real strange & funny name that can’t let you unsensitive. Bleeps, sweeps & creeps confirms the klonk reputation of the artist. I like the mixing between the funky spirit of the first instant, the highly manipulated sounds, the frenzied ambiance and maliciously melodic, the psychedelic harmony without being too extreme. The whole is coppled with a banging rythmic.

Next is Ketamine from Mandukya (side project of french guy Julien Fougea from Digital Talk), for an anaesthetic substance used for horses, i find this track very moving !
Unfortunatly, the stuff results too long, lacking of sonic density, with too scattered ideas ; more concentrated (in time not in Ketamine) the track would fit better.

Digital Talk (Julien Fougea + Luc Achintre) invites you into a more rythmic work. More living but as dark as Ketamine, you’ll also hear more shrill tones in Come Back. At 2:40, you can notice that Digital Talk must have bought a basic specimen of the Jahbo ‘Flux’ as the track rings the same without the twittering.

Midi Disjoncted from the Crow (Luc Achintre), immediatly starts like a horror music film, black and tense. Lots of metallic sounds gunning a bit everywhere, kinda soundtrack which is ideal for lasergame playing.

New nice raving atmosphere with The Holly Snare from Twin Freaks (Ulf Gustavsson + Jouni Ollila from sweden) contains some samples of an irritated guy un-understandable, a hint of slighty sour tones, some blunderbuss at the end which altogether drives you happy-crazy.

Back now to heavy- lysergic danish lands, it’s time for Insane Behavior (Bo Terkelsen) providing another heavy psychedelic stuff. Ok, there’s some industrial tones, over-electricsed sonic environment but it’s without any risk for you : Datura Inoxia is rustproof, impermeable as is meaning its name , so it can be listened in all circumstances.

Experiencing the Grapes Of Wrath’s tune New Era can reveal itself more complicated than all the previous ones as we’re reaching here a new step forward into heavy psychedelism. Indeed, the production is so full bodied and may resulting borderline, this track isn’t for everybody and must be reserved for experienced people otherwise it would be a prohibitive auditory’s torture.

Last & least one, Ect & Mass (Leigh Griffiths & Simon Massey from London) tried to cooke some experimental psycho-breakbeat. The big problem is that ain’t sounding trance at all with a very low quality production (you mainly hear the rythmic, bad & low level recording sound ), no real harmony all along , just seems a cut & paste sample work, furthermore the song is too long & very boring. I dislike it.

Favorites by order:2,6
Then :5,7,4,1

If you didn’t get your usual musical psychedelic’s ration recently, go get Psychovader.

Mark :7/10


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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 15:31
Best comp i´ve heard in some time, lots of juice..apoxina rec. is promising indeed.Although i kinda "trusted" their second release (Trold - Once upon a time) and got disappointed. Holy snare from twin freaks is an epic!           o_@ What divides us is an illusion @_o
Mandala Echos
Mandala Echos

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Posted : May 23, 2004 06:33
Yeah! Very good comp.
the song 'new era' are one of the best songs of all time.
The Tree Tribe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2004 09:16

Surprising to see a 2 year old CD still being discussed on here!! However, Psychovader was definately one of the best compilations of 2002. A super smashing agenda awaits those eager to try this CD. The Grapes of Wrath track was a smashing one, and I have no words for the Insane Behavior track....probably my favorite on the CD!!!

Mistress of Evil
Mistress Of Evil Records

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Posted : May 26, 2004 07:44
yay! i love this album. This was the first time i heard this kind of psy music and i got hooked. In fact, i'm gonna go listen to it right now.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
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Posted : May 27, 2004 23:05
hehehe, i just posted a top ten today and weirdo beardo's track from this album is on it!!! i love this comp, and tho i put it away for awhile, i couldnt keep it down long.
Ulf's track is so amazingly 'killaaaaaa' that it's still gettin played by me every chance i get!!!!
more of this please

looking forward to that 2nd comp apoxina peeps.

mad props from oregon!!!

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Compilation : PsychoVader (Apoxina Records) 2002
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