Changes are coming... PLEASE READ
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 11:43
On 2011-06-08 07:28, dreadieg wrote:
BA: i see your point, of course. but i mean, you're one of the main folk on here that gives people shit. shouldn't that be a red flag for you? i mean, surely in all your time as a psytrance maniac you've met alot of people that you'd love to smack and tell to shut the fuck up but don't? hell, half my crew think they known shit about my sound rig that i want to beat them with a stick for. or that the way i throw events is the exact way they think things should be done.
just smile, nod, and then get shit done. that's the telling point of a pro. get shit done. why bother with anything else, unless it's for attention?
To me it seem like you are the one assuming things here. I give people shit and is one of the worse ones? LOL
I am having a laugh and dont take things so serious here as you seem to do. That's hardly a bad thing or giving people shit as you put it
Lighten up |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 12:57
i see a few new mods in isratrance and wish them luck and success. i want to vote for a second moderator of the spirituality section. it would be fantastic if aluxe becomes the moderator of that section , which could be named after his suggestion " psychedelic experience". of course only if he has the time for that ( hope very much not to have put you in an inappropriate situation with my suggestion dear aluxe, but i just had to say that. you always have so much interesting things to say..). would be a great place to be, even if it not that alive any more. but once more back to topic and away from the circus: why not delete that name off topic in the bottom of the forum and just call it " culture" or something where people dont feel like garbage to be there:)
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 13:04
Thats a nice suggestion Moki about that culture thing.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 13:35
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 17:41
Well, here are my 2 cents (mostly about somebody else’s ideas, though):
- Totally agree about grouping local sub-forums by continent: it obviously works for the North American forum already.
- Can understand arguments both for renaming the site and against it. Don’t care much either way, but think that a truly international name would bring more new members here. Like I said before: I used to think that IsraTrance was dedicated to discussions about Full On and Nitzhonot and did not bother to even visit it for a while. I had enough time and curiosity to read many topics and see what this site is really about. Many other “outside” people may not have that. It really has nothing to do with one’s attitude towards Israel or where one stands on the [self-censored] issue, by the way. At least, to me.
- The main page is kinda outdated, not to mention orange. I am sure everybody here goes straight to the Forum, but people who just arrived to IsraTrance for the first time poke around in the orange pages (at least, I did). Maybe they could be updated or at least have the same design theme as the Forum.
- Very much like flagging idea, don’t like grading idea at all. Finding out that 300 people deemed some post offensive is useful (at least to moderators). Discovering that an average reader rates it at 1 out of 5 is not. There are plenty of posts that are not offensive or otherwise inappropriate, but express unpopular views. If we judged users by their grades, I suspect DETOX would have to ban himself.
- I am with the mods on the drugs issue: blah-blah about freedom of speech is just empty posturing. Get your own site and start drug discussions there – then come here and tell us funny stories about your date with DEA folks or a law suit by some overdosed teenager’s parents. We’ll all have a good laugh.
- Related to the above: for those who feel drug-induced experiences deserve their own sub-forum, maybe it does make sense to make one. I don’t think renaming Spirituality forum into “Psychedelic Experience” will do the trick: those are different, although overlapping, topics.
- Love the idea of renaming the Off-Topic section into “Culture”!
- As for the new sub-forums, Fometrius has suggested many times to add a Food sub-forum. I am sure many people would love that. I would also suggest adding a medical sub-forum, but that’s almost as dangerous as adding a political one.
P.S. I think IsraTrance is a great place and the Forum is pretty much fine just the way it is. It’s not a major redesign that is needed but just a few tweaks. I believe that the main factor, which makes this Forum such a special place, is our own attitude. You can mock PLUR all you want – I still think that it is key. If you’re angry at debt collectors or irritated by your boss or maybe you girlfriend didn’t put out tonight – don’t come here and shit on everybody’s heads. Take a deep breath (out of a bong, if necessary ), listen to some Jaya or Androcell, then come here with P and L, share some U and get some R.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 20:51
+! to all of Maine Coons points. Took the words outta my mouth.
Additionally, I'd like to again suggest my sub forum idea of Relationships.
I know it may sound cheesy and too personal, etc but if you think about it, a good part of our lives revolves around relationships, whether familial, romantic or platonic and having a place to share, unload, sort through and heal might be a useful thing.
Sharing with each other may even lead to a more communal feeling among members and spread that vibe to other sections of the forum. (For example, I know I hold my tongue now to Moki's posts in the Trance section after we've shared some thoughts in the Spirituality section, simply because respect has developed from that exchange.)
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 8, 2011 20:59
1 - We are already discussing internally (Mods Room + PMs) some of the ideas put forward in this topic. Thanks to all users that contributed with constructive criticism.
2 - kazuku is the hero of the day, as he became the new Mod of the Germany Section, effectively removing it's ENDANGERED Section status.
3 - On the other hand, I don't see much hope for the other sections. Let's wait and see.
4 - More new mods are going to land soon. Stay tuned.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 02:12
can we also have some FEmale mods, ahmm, hot chicks with Whips rule!
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 02:38
We have Pavel already,thats enough.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 02:46
Hey Moki thanks for the thought of me being a good moderator! Its and interesting idea and would be cool learning thing though at the moment I would not at all be a good candidate because I don't have much free time (ever since I moved to NYC), yeah sometimes I have a hard time just being able to visit the site to see whats new.
BTW for the spirituality section I though Forza was the moderator though I haven't seen him in a while so maybe he is gone?
And about Richs suggestion to create a relationships section the problem I see is that we already have too many sections with very little activity so having yet another section would just dilute things further and I feel its the wrong strategy. I vote for the opposite which is fewer but stronger and more active sections because low activity sections do not create much incentive to post because you don't get too much response from anybody so you loose the interest to post again.
I think we shouldn't try and be an everything site but rather focus on what the site really is about which is psychedelic trance. The #1 mission should be: to be the best psychedelic trance forum on the web. Which is why I think we need something along the lines of "psychedelic experience" section (not necessarily stoned but beautiful, mmkay?). That is core to what psy trance is about. Honestly who cares about movies, tech, puppies, games, and all those other sections.. thats not our strength so if those are lost who cares, there are tons of better sites about that if thats what you are looking for.
I was kind of bummed to see that the solution of the mods for a space to talk about things "psychedelic" was the spiritual section which is a link all the way at the bottom of the page. Psychedelic trance its the musical way to express the psychedelic experience. The without that soul and without the psychedelic experience the music is much more empty and meaningless.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 04:23
I'd take diversity and choice over expediency and strength any time. Unless we're at war, of course. We're not at war with any psy forums, are we? Thnx.
You need to get out of NYC ASAP.
+1 to Rich's Relationships topic. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 07:10
^^I am up for diversity but I am thinking that there is just not enough user activity to sustain a lot of these subsections. These days even the main trance section seems kind of dead sometimes so I feel the strategy now should be to strengthen the core and soul of the forum instead of branching out even more into the off-topic realm.
Its like a party with a very small crowd that has multiple music stages. The result is that the few people at the party end up all scattered or some of the stages with just the dj playing to himself/herself. Not the best scenario.
Maybe instead of a "relationships" section you could have a relationships thread in a new "culture" section where a lot of the current off-topic sections could be merge into.
But in a dying forum I would go back to the basics and strengthen the soul of what brings everyone here in the first place which is psychedelic trance. But you can't take the psychedelic out of the trance because then we are not being true to what we are supposedly standing for and that just kills the spirit.
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 08:45
On 2011-06-08 20:51, rich wrote:
+! to all of Maine Coons points. Took the words outta my mouth.
Additionally, I'd like to again suggest my sub forum idea of Relationships.
I know it may sound cheesy and too personal, etc but if you think about it, a good part of our lives revolves around relationships, whether familial, romantic or platonic and having a place to share, unload, sort through and heal might be a useful thing.
Sharing with each other may even lead to a more communal feeling among members and spread that vibe to other sections of the forum. (For example, I know I hold my tongue now to Moki's posts in the Trance section after we've shared some thoughts in the Spirituality section, simply because respect has developed from that exchange.)
Going to require a threesome sub-section for people like me IMO
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 08:45
On 2011-06-09 02:38, DETOX wrote:
We have Pavel already,thats enough.
You didn't object the last time you saw me in a dress.
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 08:46
BA: brother sir, yes, you are one of the more prolific troller/guy that gives people shit. good on your for it, i'm sure you have reasons, but it's generally you to speak up first on moki-style-shit. not trying to bring you down, i respect your right to do so, i just don't like the antagonistic vibe that occurs after one of your troll bombs. same for everyone else here. surely we're capable of civil discussion here.
aluxe: i dig the back to basics idea. as i previously said, what more is there to talk about with psytrance than: local scene, production and technical things (Djing, gear, and related), the actual throwing of the parties (deco, booking/promotion advice, stuff like that), reviews of new albums, experiences (spiritual, sober or otherwise), and maybe things like history and all that….
i mean… what psytrance forum needs a relationship forum? i have a relationship, and it has nothing to do with psytrance. so….. i mean….. what do we have to talk about there? |