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Changes are coming... PLEASE READ

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 09:42
in all honesty the only useful subforums on this forum are the tech related ones.

now, i love me some new ager shamanic trance talk as much as the next psyhippie, but this forum seems more geared towards the psynerds.

when someone wants to talk about spiritual-ish stuff, they get flamed by the 5-10 trolls here saying that the spiritual shit isn't dance. fuck that and fuck that attitude.
honesty i'd rather see this place turned into either a totally open trance discussion board (which, believe is or not includes the spiritual side of of our lifestyle) or just a tech one.

honestly, how far do we extend this shit? i throw my parties for spiritual reasons. i write my music for the same reasons, so to hell with ya'll that aren't doing that, do it for your reasons and leave the new age bullshit alone. you trolls are on this site to often anyhow. go outside.

delete the un-used subs, because i'm sure they cost money. ya'll have local opinions on psytrance, discuss them locally. that's what facebook is for.

honestly, in my year+ on this forum, i've learned that the old scenesters are all horned up for the "used to be days" the guys making an impact now are mainly bitter and jaded, and the new folk such as myself are more geared towards what-the-fuck-ever-we're-all-dancing-together

stop fucking tearing each other down and give respect to the scene that we all love, because it's our lives. and stop hovering over your fucking keyboard and go hug a tree. they teach music lessons.

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 10:21
Dreadieg, I think I grok some of what you post.

Just a couple of things....

Fuck the new age, it is the same old con, which if you studied and research counter culture/revolutionary/esoteric history you realise that the new age is as old as "the end of the world". The "new age" mostly is a marketing tool used by those to flog a book, lecture tour, hand-on-healing etc.
I believe in a third way, between the hippie bollox, and scientific materialism based on experience, experimentation and dialogue. But you really need an open minded forum it seems for these things.
I mean can anyone really explain to me here, why I have observed objects in multiple states of existance, that collapse in various "solid" states depending on how I interact with them. For a real example, once depending on how I interacted with a pint glass, it was either full, empty or half full all at the same time.

The other thing, there is NO SCENE. There is just you and me, having a stange conversation, trying to figure our how we could know and enrich each other lives.

Think about that one, how we can enrich each other lives. There was a good story my headmaster told us once, about heaven and hell. In both they had the most magnificient feasts, but could only eat it with ten foot chopsticks which they had to hold at the ends.
In hell everyone starved surrounded by opulence.
In heaven everyone fed each other.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 13:49
Seperate the forum into continents. From a promoter's point of view, having people from the same continent reading about it, could motivate them to fly from a near by nation to your party.

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 19:26
trancevis: i know that the new age stuff is all crap, so what do we call it? spiritual trance stuff? let people be spiritual if they want, the hell does it matter? everyone i know that's down with this shit is all crystals, shamanism, gaia etcetcetc
i tend to embrace it all, even the guys that just want to get blasted and dance.

and there may as well be no scene, just me throwin parties tryin to get people out to em.

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 10:48

On 2011-06-04 19:26, dreadieg wrote:
so what do we call it?


2,000,000+ views and counting.
dave arc-i
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 11:09

On 2011-06-04 19:26, dreadieg wrote:
trancevis: i know that the new age stuff is all crap, so what do we call it?

How about 'Some Crap about New Age Crap' forum? At least people will recognise it for what it is. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 13:05
so where are the changes? all same. the same old discussion. it must be 3-4 years since the big debate about mysticism in trance exploded in this part of the forum, and most of the trance elite wanted to kick us out from both the trance and the production forum. we left. separate trance from mysticism and you will be as good as dead. but as you won't believe me, may be you believe a more important elite figure for your tranced elite heads:

"The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead."
Albert Einstein

Anyway. now you reached what you wanted - no trance - > no mysticism - > so nothing at all. or correct me, i know there IS something but it looks as good as dead.

delete the un-used subs, because i'm sure they "ost money. ya'll have local opinions on psytrance, discuss them locally. that's what facebook is for.

wow. a lot of money to keep a section indeed D:.
anyway. what is facebook for - to discuss trance parties and share them with your business partners or your mother in law who are all a part of a big global friendship? no way, facebook is not for everyone. but disco hooligans made a good suggestion. . fusing the sections into continents would probably make people think more about visiting festivals with a ride or even a bike.

but it will not solve the problem anyway. we open the forum and we are ashamed. i am. i feel like a complete idiot for hacing spent yo many years with a culture like that.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 13:41
I will not put alot of energy into this discussion, because I have done in the past and it has already burnt me out. All I want to say is that psytrance has always has been entwined with spirituality/mysticism, at least in my mind.

I guess its a semantic issue, at base level I guess we can all agree that the music, trance-dancing, the festivals give birth to sensations and emotions that are extraordinary. Is a sense of freedom not a good starting (or ending) point for spirituality? Whatever language we use to describe it.

Of course this also goes for the mystery of the psychedelic experience itself which is and always will be at the heart of the labyrinth of symbols and metaphors we have created.(Like it or not...)

Some people evidently find this mystical, others dont. Shouldt there be room for everyone to express their opinions without being frowned upon?(as long as they dont hurt anyone.)

Imho killing these ideas is killing the original spirit that nurtured this music on its psychedelic, 3 nippled breasts. Without this X-factor, psytrance would not have the soul it has (or at least had at some point in the past).

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 14:06
Just for the record,

spirituality =/= mysticism

Spiritualism has a whole load of "preconceptions" that mysticism does not. Mysticism is purely a "try and see" for yourself attitude (and hopefully share what you have experienced as best you can with the rest of us inquisitive/open-minded people). 

2,000,000+ views and counting.

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 14:28
Guys come with any change/improvement ideas you may have for the forum and please leave the spiritual/mysticism thing aside.

Thanks in advance.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 16:36
Here are my suggestions:

1. Delete all National sections and whatever sections that are inactive (wasted of space and time). Reason why is that almost all national sections are inactive or very seldom visited or used actively. Also most countries got it's local forums and Facebook pages so there's really no need for individual country sections anymore.

2. Make regional sections or just one international party section where you can search for parties in individual countries.

3. Rename the whole forum so it become truly international. This suggestion has been made before and is backed by many members and some mods too.

4. A off-topic section so people stop yelling "troll" the minute someone post something funny

I truly believe you need to cut down on the many sections and concentrate on few sections and see them come alive.


Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 17:14
Ok here are my comments on Kristian's suggestions.

1.a) I aggree that sections that are inactive should be deleted so that the forum will become smaller and easier to use plus the moderators of those places can be used somewhere else. For example sections like Benelux and Italy for example are absolutely dead and people not only dont post there but dont even visit them.

1.b) Some National sections are very useful and informative so i dont think that they should be deleted. For example the Greek section which i also happen to moderate is very very useful and is preety active throughout the years up to today,the parties dont have as many comments as they used to in the past BUT the views are many and comments and new topics keep on coming on almost a daily basis. A section like the Greek section would be a pitty to be deleted and i might even prevent some Greek users to stop visiting the forum because they come here just for this section or mainly because of the Greek section. I am sure this also applies to some other sections like the Indian or the Brazilian one for example.

2. I tottally support the old party system that was very successfull and i never understood why it was changed. One section for parties and one section for festivals where people would post a party or festival and within this topic all comments,reviews,videos and photo links would be posted. Its more or less the same thing Kristian suggests i guess. I dont like this new system where people post in a different section the party and review it in another section. I remember Ozora and Boom having 60-80 pages of comments and now the feedback is just pathetic.

3. This forum was developed more than 12 years ago from Israeli people for the Israeli scene (mainly). Till then things changed and evolved and this has become the major psy trance forum around the world. The forum is being run by people from many countries, there are sections for many countries too and the members are from all around the world. Yes the name is Isratrance BUT the forum isnt and doesnt feel like Israel. I am here almost since the beggining and i never felt i was in an Israeli forum,also the majority (not to say all) of the artists,labels,promoters and users never felt like they are in an Israeli forum,i know because i speak with many people from this scene on a daily basis and on many levels. Yes the name could change but would it bring something good to the forum? I seriously doubt that, on the contrary it could even damage the forum since people know this place as Isratrance and can identify it immediately,if something changed then this forum could loose some of its power. For me Isratrance is just a name,its the community that counts and i dont feel that the name should change. Its something the people already know and i doubt they have a problem with. My humble opinion is no on this issue,there are other more urgent and important things to be changed around here.

4. We have a big offtopic section that covers issues like movies,books,music,games,sports,travel,etc etc. If someone has something offtopic to say then i guess he can open a topic there. Many people ask about a general offtopic section,that section existed in the past and was removed. Why it was removed? Because people started topics with political content or drugs content and various others deliquate subjects. The result? Everybody was fighting with everybody WHICH RESULTED in fights appearing in the main too because if for example i had a big argument with lets say Kristian in the offtopics section about lets say the European Union then when we confronted each other in the Trance section for example then the tension would already be there and it would be easy for a fight to arise for a matter as simple as Astral Projection or whether cds are still useful or not. For me the Offtopic section is good as it is right now. If someone feels that there is a main category that is missing then feel free to suggest it.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 17:23
Maybe let's have a vote instead of a small group of mods decide over the big group of members Democracy you know

You also seem to close your eyes to the fact that new members arriving will think this forum is ONLY about trance from Israel when fact is (as you point out yourself) it's an international forum. A forum that deserve a true international identity. Just because a name was used for 12 years does not mean it can not be renamed. Many things has changed in this community the past 12 years

But of course if you die hard want to kling on to a name that promote this forum the wrong way (IMO and other members and mods opinion too) then be my guest.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 18:04
I would:

- Like DH suggested group the dead country sections under continent sections but leave the active country sections alive. So kill Germany and group them under "Europe" but leave the active countries like Greece.

- Delete all the sections under the off-topic area (like books, movies, games, tech, etc) and instead create a general off-topic section like BA suggests. And I don't think the argument that Detox brought up about people starting fights if there is an offtopic section as valid enough to not create the offtopic section. People starts fights regardless wherever there is active discussion and maybe that section will just need more moderation.

- The only section I might leave open from the offtopic section would be the "music" section since we are all music lovers so I feel that is an important one. Maybe even merge the "world music" and "music" together because you sometimes don't know in which of those sections you want to post some music but mostly its better to have one strong section than 2 low activity sections.

- like it has been suggested I would merge all the sections under parties into one single section. Not even one for festivals and one for parties. Just one general parties forum

- I would create a new section called "the psychedelic experience" where everything related to mysticism, spirituality and yes psychedelics could be discussed. I mean we already allow light drug talk right? like there have been discussions about shamans and altered states that have not promoted the use of drugs so all that which is already allowed could be discussed here. And to be honest when you have a forum that is somewhat dying then why not try something new that people have been asking since forever. I think a section like this would attract the right kind of people. It may require stronger moderations but isn't that better than a forum that requires no moderation because its dead?

- I def vote for a new name that is not isreal centered. You could keep the old domain for a while and just have it redirect to the new one.

- maybe on the main home page we could have a "popular topics" area and maybe also a "recent topics". This helps drive traffic to sections that people might not visit otherwise. You could even experiment on having a right rail (like a column on the right) of the sections that show the trending & new topics). So that even if you are on the production forum you might see on the right a little module that shows some of the new posts on other sections. This helps with recirculation of threads so they are seen by more people.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 5, 2011 19:03
the general off topic section idea is a great one. to many weird subforums for them to be taken seriously (imho)

i also like the idea of having the trance section dismantled and being put into a different light.
either mods enforce civility here a little hard and we keep the trance section the way it is, and accept that mysticism and trance are grouped together or we just need a production forum and a mystics forum.

i mean, what about trance do you need to talk about? the parties, the music, the making of the music, and the mystical part of it. what else is there about psytrance? everything else can be found in other forums (tech, drugs, "raves", tents, etcetcetc)

it seems to me that the trance forum is really just a bunch of dudes talking shit. which is fine and dandy, expect there are those amoung us that like talkin about serious shit

BA: love the name change idea. i'd like to see the international community be truly represented.

also, i'd say that the reason people scream troll about "funny" stuff is that 90% of it is antagonistic.
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