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Changes are coming... PLEASE READ

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 19:23
^ I understood your point, but did you understand the beat?

Dam Da dum da dhoosh Da dum. Now we are all on the same page.           So drunk i can brarely spell.

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 19:36
I dream of a forum about where it isn't just about the music, but somewhere where we try and replicate some of the "magic" of the dancefloor, and realise it isn't just about the music, (imho)

It's about the people, you and me.

(I'll get my coat now.) 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 20:04

On 2011-06-03 19:36, TranceVisuals wrote:
I dream of a forum about where it isn't just about the music, but somewhere where we try and replicate some of the "magic" of the dancefloor, and realise it isn't just about the music, (imho)

It's about the people, you and me.

(I'll get my coat now.)

Finally someone has the balls to mention what we all relished in the past and what made us sound like idiots when we tried to put it into words and define the experience of the magic on the dancefloor. Even now I feel kinda gay saying it, but fuck yeah that's what it was and still is to me...the magic on the dancefloor
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 20:21
I don't think it's possible to transfer the magic of the dance-floor into a forum. It's utopia 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 20:47
Altough i think that isratrance is DA SHIT for everything concerning the Psy universe
i understand that something gonna be cutted to keep the level high,national forum already exist in own language (even altough is nice to read the parties flyers here)
To the other sections i should say no to the cut, the amount of the knowledge stored in there is enough for me to keep 'em open
And kudos to who proposed to have a new look-etc-

isratrance is the be(a)st 
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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 21:05

On 2011-06-03 20:21, Beat Agency wrote:
I don't think it's possible to transfer the magic of the dance-floor into a forum. It's utopia

I agree , thats why I said we look like idiots trying to put it into words, but still its nice to talk about....I think
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 21:06

On 2011-06-03 21:05, mica wrote:

On 2011-06-03 20:21, Beat Agency wrote:
I don't think it's possible to transfer the magic of the dance-floor into a forum. It's utopia

I agree , thats why I said we look like idiots trying to put it into words, but still its nice to talk about....I think

I agree 
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 21:48
I agree!
I look like an idiot, but I still try every day...

Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Jun 3, 2011 23:23
So Kristian your point is to delete all countries sections and have one section where all people from all countries will post all the parties and news from their countries?

Why not just delete the whole forum and have one section to post everything inside and 100 moderators to moderate it.

With all the respect you just wanted to complain about something and there is no point at all in your idea of deleting the countries section. Give me one valid point in particular (and no general things be very specific please) and i will be the very first person to support your idea and cause.

So step up and share with us WHY the nation sections should be deleted and OFFER US a good alternative that will work better.

Waiting for your answer.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2011 23:29
With all due respect Detox you assume too much and frankly it's an insult to tell me I complain because I speak my mind. You dont like what I have to say. Fine. But spare me your arrogance.

No I would like to see one sub forum with parties side by side. Just as the Festival section - how hard can it be? And it's not like there are tons of parties being promoted here anyway. And yes I do not see any idea in dividing people up into countries in a forum where the activity as little as in this community. The activity in each country section is record low so why on earth continue? Most countries got local forums anyway!

And I would love to see a new forum name not being about a country. I know I am supported by this idea by many here.

I got more ideas but I guess it's a waste of time to debate it with you unless you lay down the arrogance and start to come with ideas yourself


Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Jun 3, 2011 23:41
You intentionally JUST referred to the parties part within a country and didnt mentioned the fact that people in these sections also refer to many other things like new local artists,local labels,local cd releases,travel and sightseeing instructions,local shops and tons of other subjects (like for example people who have lost their luggage in a part of the country and need help locating it or people asking contact info about people from that country like artists and promoters).

This forum is not just about the parties and the promotion of artists and cds,its a way of people interacting with each other.

And please dont tell me about respect because that nationalists comment was very insulting to a lot of people especially the people who set up this forum and the rest of us who are helping them to run it.
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 3, 2011 23:52

On 2011-06-03 23:41, DETOX wrote:
And please dont tell me about respect because that nationalists comment was very insulting to a lot of people especially the people who set up this forum and the rest of us who are helping them to run it.

Detox the master of assumption!

Next time you don't get my point ask me instead of accusing me of having "hidden agendas".

Or even better dear Detox. Explain to me and everybody else what you "think" i meant and see who's insulting who

And why don't you participate yourself with some valid ideas instead of hitting down on me for having ideas and an opinion (you obvious do not like)?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 00:34
woah,someone needs a chill pill.
as i see it, mister thinning was trying to be all for 1, and 1 for all, like global earth union or something by dissolving national boundaries and making 1 singular community thing,, but it never works like that, and making country wise sections helps divide the load,, u know what i mean by dividing the load?!1 i guess u do,,and actually , i didnt see any relevant points you made, which were constructive enuff to be implemented, all this talk by all of u makes more chaos,, and look how constructive pavel talk is,, that is one of the reasons why no one cares to be. because they see all this, and say pfffff, what a bunch of clowns, and they dont even care, so why should we?!
all this,, bullshit talk does not help in anyway at all. makes you look like kids and amatures,,i guess all this will sort itself out by itself.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Jun 4, 2011 03:07
how i see it is there is no need for any deletions, or any particular country forums being deleted,even if they r of no use let them be,all of it will break out in activity by itself whenever soon,and definately when someone logs in to isra, he want to be informed, suprised, or something like that, so new features , or something to make it more interesting would make things more mm fresh? i dont know right word, i guess u people r well versed in all this and can make something out of nothing,jah bless aliens,and yeaa i'm on jacsynth golden list ! wooohoo
nex time pls use search

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2011 09:09
It is a complicated situation, but I do think that there is still room for country forums if people would like them to survive.

I would like to expand a little on a suggestion I made earlier: See the format in the S.E Asia forum? The way anyone can post events, and not just organizers? Festivals and other discussion are side by side.

All the countries that have sections in this forum have great psy scenes. Look at the countries on the endangered list - they all have Psy scenes which are very much alive. What could be done is to allow the same format as the S.E. Asia forum in all country sections. The list of festivals and parties could be updated regularly by members, not just organizers..

This way the country forums could become more relevant again, when there are actually events to talk about and reason for people to visit these sections.

For instance - in the Germany section, there are 5 parties listed atm. There may as well be none, because in reality there are many more large-medium parties with international acts/Djs going on all the time. This is a very small percentage compared to actual happenings. I know this goes for all other countries on that list.

On the other hand it could work to get rid of them all together, but then the festivals/parties section would get really crowded if people begin to actually post a realistic ammount of events. Maybe we are experiencing a natural, cyclic period of forum inactivity - after European festival the interest may increase again, who knows?

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Changes are coming... PLEASE READ
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