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Changes are coming... PLEASE READ

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 13:44

On 2011-06-22 12:27, Beat Agency wrote:
It's apparent that some here never experienced the scene when fashion hi-jacked it. And it's apparent they never experienced the scene when it was all about being yourself and not some (example)Spacetribe zoombie

Here Kristian I bumped into some of your fans today, they say Elysium is rox. After reading this, they were very sad. All this work, trying to look pretty for you....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 14:22
hey, kazaku, why dont you invite your girlfriend to come in and to open a topic about real psychedelic fashion ( for lovers of the true expression of oneself). we can continue without kristian there, he has no idea about freedom of oneself.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 18:02

On 2011-06-22 14:22, moki wrote:
hey, kazaku, why dont you invite your girlfriend to come in and to open a topic about real psychedelic fashion ( for lovers of the true expression of oneself). we can continue without kristian there, he has no idea about freedom of oneself.

It's apparent you got no clue what this scene is all about. It's NOT about following some fashion trend! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 18:37
well duh, i mean i don't think anyone mentioned that we all dress the same or anything. but what's wrong with cool clothes, if that's your thing?
if i want to dress a certain way, or sell clothes that are made a certain way, who're you to tell me otherwise?

also, no i wasn't around the scene when fashion took it over. most of the people in my little corner of the world all dress kinda hippie but fairly normal….

pics or this fashion psy occurrence?           Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 18:52

On 2011-06-22 18:02, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-06-22 14:22, moki wrote:
hey, kazaku, why dont you invite your girlfriend to come in and to open a topic about real psychedelic fashion ( for lovers of the true expression of oneself). we can continue without kristian there, he has no idea about freedom of oneself.

It's apparent you got no clue what this scene is all about. It's NOT about following some fashion trend!

I am 100% sure Its NOT about some dudes telling others what to do, think or believe.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 19:53

On 2011-06-22 18:52, Login wrote:

On 2011-06-22 18:02, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-06-22 14:22, moki wrote:
hey, kazaku, why dont you invite your girlfriend to come in and to open a topic about real psychedelic fashion ( for lovers of the true expression of oneself). we can continue without kristian there, he has no idea about freedom of oneself.

It's apparent you got no clue what this scene is all about. It's NOT about following some fashion trend!

I am 100% sure Its NOT about some dudes telling others what to do, think or believe.

seem you do exactly what you preach others should not do 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 20:30
i remind you, beat agency, that this thread is about giving suggestion about how to make it better and any other debate belongs to another thread. you always complain too much and give too little sugegstions about how would you like to have it, what should be done for you to feel better. negating and telling how it shouldnt be done is not really solving the problem. but i understand you have seen the development of the scene since generations and generations and need to tell goodnight stories to the youngsters.
you have no clue what ruined the scene either. further, true psychedelic appearance is not a trend, it is a piece of art and it is unique. it is important to be unique and to know more about fashion. further, masks and costumes throughout the world are one of the greatest inheritage of mankind and it is not without reason that people liked to put off their normal clothes on saturday and dance in an alter ego.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 20:51
My opinion on this matter is this:

The great thing about the psy scene is that no body cares how you dress, this is the way I have experienced it at least. I dont think anyone here wants to see such superficiality - judging people on their appearence.
Nevertheless, people need clothes, right? Unless it is a nudist festival.

People make clothes for a living and sell them at festivals. These people are also part of the community, they also help support the festivals that artists play at. I see it as an extension of art that extends onto the crowd, making the dancefloor colourful.
I am not talking about the kind of fashion people wear to get horny people to rub themselves off on their legs or hump them while dancing.
Personally I think in psychedlic culture the idea of "dressing up" has been around all the time, but I dont know for sure, I´m only 33 years old...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 22:39
moki moki moki. I don't think I have to say twice that YOU derailed this debate yourself Don't play the innocent moral card here.

I am not the one who started to rant about fashion here.

Fine if you want a fashion section (even though I dont see the point). But look at your previous statements. One was on topic the rest was drifting far away

Again dont preach when you do not stick to your own preaching 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 22:41
I agree with kazuku, but the section could be named different that fashion.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 23, 2011 07:04
Fashion maybe brings some negative associations so perhaps there is a better word like "psy wear" or something else. But what people wear can totally be a form of art and real self expression. The problem is when people start following trends just to fit in and feel cool, that's what kills the magic but same goes for music and everything else. So its the attitudes that are to blame, not "fashion" itself.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 23, 2011 08:00

On 2011-06-22 22:39, Beat Agency wrote:
Fine if you want a fashion section (even though I dont see the point).

again, i think you are really far from understanding the point even slightly. i dont want/need a section about fashion. because there will be nobody to write inside. hey, we are in a place where almost nobody writes even in threads about alchemical music production and psychedelic philosophy. except you of course, who is always saying what trance in NOT about.
second i dont rant on fashion at all, read twice please, which i am sure you wont, because you can read 10 times the same and wont change your way.
but if the girlfriend of kazaku suggests that thing, i agree that it could make the forum more alive- of course only if there are girls interested to write and post fotos. but there are not. and thirdly, i dont preach. i just cant listen to your definitions of what is not trance. trance is everything and a different thing for anyone, face it finally. there are numerous other topics where you could continue with that and may be get a reply as well- why not move?
and last, my suggestions about the forum were all very practical + of a very technical nature. and yours? you dont have any.

you simply cannot think SOLUTION-ORIENTATED. you can only complain.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Jun 23, 2011 08:43

I am not the one who started to rant about fashion here.

actually you are. and that's ok. just own it.           Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 23, 2011 10:46
Nevermind, it was just a suggestion, and true, "fashion" was propably a poor choice of wording. I would not go to that section much either, I was simply illustrating the point that people have different interests within psy-culture.

Anyhow, next suggestions go go go

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 23, 2011 11:02

On 2011-06-23 08:43, dreadieg wrote:

I am not the one who started to rant about fashion here.

actually you are. and that's ok. just own it.

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