Changes are coming... PLEASE READ
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 18, 2011 17:51
ah! since more people request jacynth buttons, i hereby re-submit my request for jacynth lol emoticon being part of our smilies. |
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Jun 18, 2011 22:26
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 04:06
^^yeah I know, but I'm thinking of new people who may be lookin for the good psy forums out there. So they might do a google search for "psychedelic trance forum" right? well for that search Isrtrance is the 7th link down on the search results which surprised me because I thought Istratrance was the biggest psy trance forum on the web. You know that yellow page of doom is probably hurting Isratrance in terms of SEO because I'm sure a lot of people just leave the page as soon as they find it and Google among other things considers bounce rate to determine the ranking of websites. You know its probably a good idea to get an SEO expert to have a look at istratrance to make sure its optimized as best as possible for the search engines, this could make a monumental difference in helping new potential users find Isratrance.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 07:24
You should talk with ShivaS, he can make us number 1.
By the way, the offtopic section is up and running.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 12:48
I am just chatting with my girlfriend about Isratrance and she is making some valid points.
Female trancers often have totally different priorities and would maybe visit the forum more if it would include topics and links that are relevant to their specific interests (without gender stereotyping in any way).
-A section about Psy-fashion could be considered a fair edition, as this something that many female (and propably even some male)trancers like to be informed about. Some people may laugh about this, but it remains a point of interest for many.
-There could be a link base of relevant online shops and psy fashion designers - something like this would be a great place for people to browse who have other priorities in the vast trance universe.
Perhaps considering something like this could lead to more traffic, especially from female users, for whom this forum, and psy forums in general, remain relatively uncharted ground.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 14:32
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 14:52
On 2011-06-19 14:32, Beat Agency wrote:
when fashion entered this scene the scene died!
Thats definetly one way of seeing it, another way would be it never entered the scene, but was spawned by it just like any other culture expresses itsef in different ways. I don´t see how selling or buying natural and comfortable clothes is a major sellout, and I dont think alien flares or whatever fashion fad killed the scene, but rather the greed and recklessness that human beings carry in their hearts.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 19:05
On 2011-06-19 14:32, Beat Agency wrote:
when fashion entered this scene the scene died!
Blah blah. so, if i make tribal geometric weird looking threads, and sell them at my show's or festivals, i'm killing the scene.
for this is say lol.
come on brother, let the ladies and fashion folk have their fun, without us (organizers and artists) they wouldn't have a place to go. hell, i know some folks that make their living going to shows and selling their clothes, and that's just completely great.
+1 for clothes thread. it's damn hard to find cool looking shit over here in amurka.
also +1 for more female accessible threads (although i couldn't say what that would be….)
leave psynina and moki alone!! ( )
  Doof Local |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2011 19:28
leave psynina and moki alone!! ( )
i have been saying prayers at night for many years so that Psynina may finally reveal herself to mankind, but a cruel and unmerciful god had headphones on as he was listening to skazi, oblivious to my futile, pleading cries.
Alfie Sunshine
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Posted : Jun 20, 2011 00:54
too little too late as far as SEO goes
and colin, you missed the point - not all of the squillions of psy lovers (joke) know to type forum.isra as you do
go with a new template with SEO or forever moan that this place is dead apart from those of us in the know
and off-topic was a BAD idea - but hey ho - it shows you have no idea
Really - why an off topic section? is that the best you can do? No-one asked for an off topic section. It's a stupid idea and it won't help to make this site any more attractive - the opposite!
3 moderators for a new forum full of shit - way to go! When the problem is no cunt posts here anymore as there are better forums out there
get naked |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 20, 2011 01:45
i got to post meatloaf videos on a psytrance forum. offtopic forum makes happy.
  Doof Local |
Alfie Sunshine
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Posted : Jun 20, 2011 09:12
OK - point taken |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 20, 2011 11:28
| You know its probably a good idea to get an SEO expert to have a look at istratrance to make sure its optimized as best as possible for the search engines, this could make a monumental difference in helping new potential users find Isratrance. |
just a small tip ( i am working with seo for some of my customers too). the newest research of forrester showed that your website is 50 times better optimized for search engines if you simply put a video in the landing page. a video is faster indexed by google and you have 50 times better chances to land on top of the list than a simple text. of course video seo makes you even better.
it is simple, what about a simple contest for a video every month in isratrance, on a certain topic. you give the topic, the users make the videos. the top 5 land on the starting page.
sorry just had to give that suggestion.
p.s. anyway, me personally i am doing anti seo for my website, at least at the present moment. what do you have from huge amount of people who dont get the idea?
p.s.s. a great thing with the off topic section, i am moving my quarters there too
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Jun 21, 2011 19:29
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2011 12:27
It's apparent that some here never experienced the scene when fashion hi-jacked it. And it's apparent they never experienced the scene when it was all about being yourself and not some (example)Spacetribe zoombie |