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Changes are coming... PLEASE READ

Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Jun 13, 2011 01:59
On 2011-06-11 05:20, aXis wrote:

On 2011-06-11 01:35, Perma Fry wrote:

On 2011-06-10 19:50, aXis wrote:
and the artist who make the music and the label that releases them for the party organisers neeeeed to be involved here , otherwise there will only be ppl discussing random stuff .

Im not supporting any throw of weight by any means, If our artists are gonna be treated like shit they will leave the scene like a million others and make dubstep.

perfect example is the rotten records. they are no1 dubstep label and are all ex psytrancers. N guess wat all of them are active mods at

peace, if im offending in ur opinion pls share it , but dont say im wrong witout having looked out of the box.

well I feel that these ideas make no sense. Detox Explained it really well


Lol. You urself stated labels need to be more involved. I will deny u each gram of publicity that u are aiming to derive from attacking me Mr mod.

The increased participation of labels is probably where we find common ground the most

It's the only space in a huge black mass of empytness.

Alfie Sunshine

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Posts :  24
Posted : Jun 13, 2011 09:32
Alot of very good ideas floating about.

As already explained, this place was kinda coded from scratch before forum templates were about

I think the ultimate answer is - do you continue hand coding this, or swap to a ready-made template - could you find one that has the same look/feel as here atm? I doubt it, but do you really want to have the weight on you that it will need alot of work to overhaul again in the future.

Perhaps start a donations via paypal system, and when you have enough money, buy the new software and implement it. I'd certainly donate what I can afford to keep such a valuable resource.

How about a 'Labels' subforum? One where all you have to do is look for your favourite label and see what's new... rather than the promo sections - I think the label owners have a hard time navigating this place and wondering where to put their news, which of their artists is in which country at what time etc.

That would take away all the promo sections and even the specific country ones.

Whatever you decide to do, I feel you will do well as alot of thought is being put into it.

Alot of us can code also. You could just ask for a few geeks to help out. Maybe set up a ghost site for changes to be tried on and take it from there
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 13, 2011 13:18

On 2011-06-13 09:32, Alfie Sunshine wrote:
Alot of us can code also. You could just ask for a few geeks to help out. Maybe set up a ghost site for changes to be tried on and take it from there

or just open a topic about technical programming issues about the forum. something like a open source isratrance would be the greatest thing that could happen ( of course with the same people who founded it, no question, but may be just think about user generated programming).
i am absolutely sure that some people involved in programming would be happy to solve a problem or too which would take even less time and less boredom than reading such topics over and over again
Alfie Sunshine

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  24
Posted : Jun 13, 2011 15:40

On 2011-06-13 13:18, moki wrote:
or just open a topic about technical programming issues about the forum. something like a open source isratrance

Exactly what I was thinking Moki

There's enough of us that read this forum daily (myself the Production and Music Making - sometimes the Trance Art) that are willing to help out. Just ask for help and we'll all do our best. We're a tribe after all, so lets do it.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : Jun 13, 2011 16:20
Many templates are free to use, the one that resemple more this forum is propably vbulletin which isn't free. But this idea could help implemente faster changes and less resources to development.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 14, 2011 12:29
what people call modern nowadays, are mostly free templates, that can be installed within an hour. one of them, and most spread, is phpbb, free open source, with add ons for user guestbooks, kind of news aggregation for the landing isratrance page, advertisement management and free designing. the best open source content management system is imo typo3 , it can do absolutely anything you can think of, is my favourite to work with but not that easy like phpbb. and last but not least cookies at the landing page, or user preferences because most people are only interested in only 5 percent of what is happening in isratrance - but different 5 percent. but again - as far as i can evaluate the situation, it is most easy to aggregate rss on the startpage - this is the fastest and easiest.
but anyway. detox said it very right: you need people who care about this place. and this is most difficult to find, especially because those who did care are gone. and those who care are the professionals working with trance in one way or another who know what they lost.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 16, 2011 14:55

On 2011-06-14 12:29, moki wrote:
detox said it very right: you need people who care about this place. and this is most difficult to find, especially because those who did care are gone. and those who care are the professionals working with trance in one way or another who know what they lost.

Hi, i see future chance for me and you can find me and i not gone. I came and and work with trance very good. Please PM me if you considere.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Jun 16, 2011 17:04
trance professionals? hardly a thing to major in.
and i mean, this forum has thriving technical sections. hell, the mother of all threads single handedly helped me through the mess that is beginning audio production with no prior knowledge.

beyond that there are local scenes, which hardly require a forum….. moar tech threadz!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 17, 2011 10:18

On 2011-06-16 17:04, dreadieg wrote:
trance professionals? hardly a thing to major in.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 00:17
Thanks for all the feedback.

Previously on Isratrance:

Lot's of users complained about Moderators' inboxes being always full and Mods complained about users' inboxes being always full.

Classic trolls and/or spammers like Jacynth and Pavel felt claustrophobic due to the lack of space for them to just being themselves and spam the hell out of the internet.

Now to the spoilers:

The size of the inbox was doubled for all users (light a candle to iluha, he just did it).

Following popular demand an offtopic section will be created soon. A place that Pavel and other galaxy famous spammers may call home. You will be free to post completely unrelated stuff in each topic, spam each topic with pics or whatever your libido demands, as long as you respect each other (no calling names). Unfortunately, also No Politics will be allowed (past experiences show this is a good move).

...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 02:00

On 2011-06-18 00:17, full_on wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback.

Previously on Isratrance:

Lot's of users complained about Moderators' inboxes being always full and Mods complained about users' inboxes being always full.

Classic trolls and/or spammers like Jacynth and Pavel felt claustrophobic due to the lack of space for them to just being themselves and spam the hell out of the internet.

Now to the spoilers:

The size of the inbox was doubled for all users (light a candle to iluha, he just did it).

Following popular demand an offtopic section will be created soon. A place that Pavel and other galaxy famous spammers may call home. You will be free to post completely unrelated stuff in each topic, spam each topic with pics or whatever your libido demands, as long as you respect each other (no calling names). Unfortunately, also No Politics will be allowed (past experiences show this is a good move).


you are probably wicked, thnx           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  44
Posts :  367
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 05:14
Personally I think this forum's layout and functionality is a little outdated, Im not attached to the look either . Bring on the change i say ^_^ 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 07:19
A big one: getting rid of that yellow landing page from hell that nobody ever visits. You do a search on google for "psychedelic trance forum" and Isratrance is the 7th link down the page of results and if you decide to click the link you get to that yellow page of doom where nothing makes sense. If somebody is looking for a psy forum and finds that yellow page there is a good chance they will just leave without even getting to the forum because the link to the forum is really hard to see, it just blends with everything on the page.

People should be taken directly to the main forum page, that way they will see that there are many countries (not just israel) and trance sections with activity.

And you know I was just thinking that it could be cool if you could get a sense of the number of new posts directly from the main trance page. Like maybe next to each section you could see the number of new posts in the last hour or day depending on how much activity there is. Could be just a little number next to the section headers, like: "Trance (5 new posts in the last hour) DJ's & Artists (3 new posts in the last day)

Also going back to the idea of adding a "popular" or "recent" posts module maybe a quick way to implement this is to use the same design that is used for the reviews that are shown at the top of the main forum (with the moving orange text). You could just add one of those boxes under that but for recent posts and maybe make the text not move so fast so you could click on the post if you want.

Oh and another thing, just like we have a spellchecker it would be nice to have a "jacyntize" button that would convert our posts to Jacynth lingo so that peopolen think our posts are strong. thnxs
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 13:17
^ imho all very good suggestions Aluxe. The front page of doom is definetly a major problem.
The Jacythesizer made me smile this morning. Your are definetlen whicked!

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Jun 18, 2011 17:20

On 2011-06-18 00:17, full_on wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback.

Previously on Isratrance:

Lot's of users complained about Moderators' inboxes being always full and Mods complained about users' inboxes being always full.

Classic trolls and/or spammers like Jacynth and Pavel felt claustrophobic due to the lack of space for them to just being themselves and spam the hell out of the internet.

Now to the spoilers:

The size of the inbox was doubled for all users (light a candle to iluha, he just did it).

Following popular demand an offtopic section will be created soon. A place that Pavel and other galaxy famous spammers may call home. You will be free to post completely unrelated stuff in each topic, spam each topic with pics or whatever your libido demands, as long as you respect each other (no calling names). Unfortunately, also No Politics will be allowed (past experiences show this is a good move).


I am moving my headquarters to the new Offtopic section           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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