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Changes are coming... PLEASE READ

Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 01:35

On 2011-06-10 19:50, aXis wrote:
and the artist who make the music and the label that releases them for the party organisers neeeeed to be involved here , otherwise there will only be ppl discussing random stuff .

Im not supporting any throw of weight by any means, If our artists are gonna be treated like shit they will leave the scene like a million others and make dubstep.

perfect example is the rotten records. they are no1 dubstep label and are all ex psytrancers. N guess wat all of them are active mods at

peace, if im offending in ur opinion pls share it , but dont say im wrong witout having looked out of the box.

well I feel that these ideas make no sense. Detox Explained it really well

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 05:20
On 2011-06-11 01:35, Perma Fry wrote:

On 2011-06-10 19:50, aXis wrote:
and the artist who make the music and the label that releases them for the party organisers neeeeed to be involved here , otherwise there will only be ppl discussing random stuff .

Im not supporting any throw of weight by any means, If our artists are gonna be treated like shit they will leave the scene like a million others and make dubstep.

perfect example is the rotten records. they are no1 dubstep label and are all ex psytrancers. N guess wat all of them are active mods at

peace, if im offending in ur opinion pls share it , but dont say im wrong witout having looked out of the box.

well I feel that these ideas make no sense. Detox Explained it really well


Lol. You urself stated labels need to be more involved. I will deny u each gram of publicity that u are aiming to derive from attacking me Mr mod.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 07:12
I know im gonna regret doing this but anyways . DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING FROM MY POST.


On 2011-06-10 20:27, DETOX wrote:
Dear Axis.

a) Based on your idea of giving more moderation power to the artists and organisers and labels whenever an artist wont like a negative review on his bright new album he can just delete that review,on the same basis an organiser that organised a bad party will be able to delete the bad comments on his event and last but not least a label will be able to delete the posts of an artist that didnt got payed by the label (except ofcourse if the artist will ban the label first because he will also be a moderator.....). Not a very clever idea dont you think?

b) This is a FORUM not an ANNOUNCEMENT BOARD so the no reply option doesnt belong here. We are here to talk to each other not just make announcements.

c) Where exactly did i said that i dont want the hippy vibe? I dont even understand what you mean by saying hippy vibe to be honest.

d) We already discussed the isratrance name issue,its one of the last priorities in my opinion.

A) YES it is a cleverer idea than having u as a mod. Considering that SOmeone who opened a thread to promote his own party on a nice little island. He wud like to be in quick moderation role. To update addresses phone nnumbers, maps, maybe hook up free rides n stuff. and guess wat he can do it on his first page,

VERY unlike how it is now, U gotta post 1 million messsages to full inboxes to have urself heard frm a mod who lives a world awaty frm you . and who is not bothered abt ur party at the first place. DIVISION of labour if u will.

2 ) Well. MOST discussions on this forum are useless. ALMOST ALL announcements at the Cd release sections are usefull before ppl start asking OH ARE WE THERE YET ?

so maybe some ppl wud like to block responses here . Why do u think major labels stop writing their releases here ?? Lol. Cos they did not want Detox to go write - ITS SHIT .

3) I might be only wrong on this aspect. But im decently sure that u said that u have no problems sticking to basics , but my dead grandpa, the basics have changed since u came to this scene .

4) Okay. Cool.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 08:10

clean your inbox!

you mess up the few valid points you have by shooting yourself in the foot with your latest fad. first electro was the best thing in the world and the future of psytrance, then deadmau5, now dubstep is the best and the future, so hail to messiah dubstep and kill the dark devil.

The future of psytrance is not some other genre. why should it be? give credit to the history of a genre, dubstep has roots that strech back before psytrance. it's also gone further commercially than psytrance.

so if you take what you're trying to say (the technical bits about how other forums operate), and put it in concise form without having to rant about music maybe people might finally listen to what you have to say.

btw, what you mention about other forums comes from the fact that most of them use a backend known as SMF, a generic model. isratrance was programmed from scratch.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 08:16
did not forward psytrance as dubstep like ever.

and yes , a lot of electro and dubstep take influences frm psy and vice versa ? does taht mean they sold out to each other ? anyways

you, are taking this offtopic.

And wat is that abt backend smf ? wat? technical knowhow ? wat's ur point ? tht u know more ?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 08:19
just google it, it's not rocket science.

and I don't think artists left the scene and started making dubstep because they didn't feel comfortable on

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 08:20
and ur point is ?

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 12:23
Dear Axis thanks for your second post but i already explained (and everyone else understood) why your ideas are not good ideas.

Thanks for your input though and if you have any future ideas just keep them coming.

P.S 1 Please clean your inbox.

P.S 2 Just for your info i am a moderator more than ten years already in this forum...           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 13:55

On 2011-06-11 08:16, aXis wrote:
did not forward psytrance as dubstep like ever.

and yes , a lot of electro and dubstep take influences frm psy and vice versa ? does taht mean they sold out to each other ? anyways

you, are taking this offtopic.

And wat is that abt backend smf ? wat? technical knowhow ? wat's ur point ? tht u know more ?

Gotta love the Engrish here 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 15:12
Itsa wrocks yes, like everrr!

Really hope these changes help this forum though. It's sad to see the numbers on:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 15:54
^to make these numbers rise is pretty easy, most of the people who visit this forum never log in, they dont need to, they can simply access all the info without logging in,so if you make it mandatory to log in to access the forum info, the numbers will rise automatically.
"Please log in to view this page"

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 18:41
We dont need higher numbers,we need users who care about this place and want to be active.

And someone who cares and wishes to share his opinion and participate in the discussions that take place in this forum will join no matter if it is obligatory to log in or not.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 12, 2011 13:31
true true jaqsynth
and jacsynth, u not allowed to talk in mumbo jumbo anymore, make construct inglish good mang. thx
sorry dont have anything constructive to add
well actually if you look at it, everyone has, 1 facebook, 1 myspace, 1 soundcloud, 1 this, 1 that, 1 witch, 1 cat etc etc etc,, if all of it can somehow be compiled into just 1 place to go , that surely would be called home or something.access all areas
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Jun 12, 2011 22:34
some input:

* option for the user to choose the colour of his isratrance page,, as many users want this blue blue to change, maybe you can give them an option in thier user settings where thay can choose the colour of their isra page. you can have a choice of a few different colours.

*there can be a sub forum within the music production forum named - Production video's ,,, where all the users can share the best Tutorial video's on production,vst's,mixing,mastering,different softwares,new technology,hardware ,,all sorts of video's which can be put in specific topics according to what they are about,, like 1 for cubse realted vids, 1 for abelton, 1 for mixing,i for mastering, 1 for vst's, etc etc,,,, also, in these sub forums,, the users can share their own made patches,presets of different vst's plugin's which they have tweeked and made themselves,, and this way a huge database can be created with the help of the community which will help the upcomming and the well established artist to get informed about all the available tools of their trade, and also will be a good place to find new ones.

* also to make things more interesting some kind of competitions / poll's can used to get the community involved and generate interest among them..
mmm thats it,,if some more come up,i'll write them

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Jun 13, 2011 00:16
DAW sections is a good idea. that way the users of particular daws could interact and not wade through the FL studio or whatever things.

but then, there are dedicated forums for each DAW as well, the rest is just arrangement.

competitions are an interesting idea, if they could be done in a fun way. i know on dubstepforum, they have battles between members when there are gripes.

i don't know how that would go over here, as we actually have skilled producers
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