Changes are coming... PLEASE READ
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 03:12
ye 5 years... i was right. if this is the attitude of the new mods, and no respect to the artist still and considering it a local israel produce.
good luck.
also the new mods are frm the dark psytrance scene ? lol. Okay then. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 03:13
This forum is bloody off topic in reffernce to psytrance that i knew once of. |
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 03:30
On 2011-06-09 23:46, Beat Agency wrote:
I find it amusing and interesting to witness that some of my recent posts has been removed and marked as "off-topic" (read: Certain mods did not like what I had to say) while other members just as "off-topic" posts are allowed to stay. Why these double-standards in this community?
No double-standard here. At least, not what you just described. My post was removed too, and all I did in it was giving you hard time.
The reason given was true: my post did not contain any useful info for that topic. I actually agree. And understand that that partucular mod's hand becomes heavy when it's over "clean-up" buttons - not just with your posts. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 07:45
no respect for the artists? what the hell does that mean? cause you make music you deserve to be able to abuse people that don't? that's a pretty shitty way of thinking, if that's what you're meaning.
can't we all act respectfully here? i mean, it's the internet, granted, but come on. you're picking on the mods due to darkpsy tastes?
that's stupid. and you know it. they're asking for change and ideas, and you're giving music prejudice. |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 10:58
On 2011-06-10 03:30, Maine Coon wrote:
On 2011-06-09 23:46, Beat Agency wrote:
I find it amusing and interesting to witness that some of my recent posts has been removed and marked as "off-topic" (read: Certain mods did not like what I had to say) while other members just as "off-topic" posts are allowed to stay. Why these double-standards in this community?
No double-standard here. At least, not what you just described. My post was removed too, and all I did in it was giving you hard time.
The reason given was true: my post did not contain any useful info for that topic. I actually agree. And understand that that partucular mod's hand becomes heavy when it's over "clean-up" buttons - not just with your posts.
Detox has made several off-topic comments in this debate and in another debate 6 of my posts was removed but other "off-topic" posts was allowed to stay. I still do not get the way things are moderated here. One word that spring to my mind is "Nepotism" |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 11:32
I apologize if anyone is feeling disrespected. This is far from being the purpose of this place.
Unfortunately, me and other guys in charge don't have the time to deal with everything that happens here. The threads in the Mods room alone are already almost too much for me to follow these days. I'm sorry for that.
Regarding DETOX, he got posts deleted too, you just did not notice it. I don't agree with all of his decisions as well as he don't agree with mine, however we are working together. Please let's try to move on...
New Mods are now in the team (cinderVOMIT, Perma Fry, rich, kazuku, d1m1tr1 and Anyer), this is an effort to become something better.
We are reading and discussing the ideas put forward in this thread. Many will come to life.
More changes are coming... No spoilers for now...
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 11:37
The only posts deleted from this topic are the ones with NO SUGGESTIONS IN IT and the ones that MIGHT MAKE THIS TOPIC LOOSE ITS SENSE AND CHANGE ITS DIRECTION TOWARDS OFFTOPIC.
And just for your info the most posts deleted are mine.
Now keep it coming with those suggestions.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 14:01
Hello full_on
>I feel more artists and labels should be involved in the discussions on the forum. This encourages new users to take part and makes for healthy discussions.
>I like the one party and one festival section idea very much.
>I feel the promotional videos and promotional media could be one section: Promotional Media.
>Why is there a Music and a World Music Section. Don't they serve the same purpose?
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 14:06
On 2011-06-09 16:25, aXis wrote:
imho , artists , shud get more respect and henceforth more powers to report,delete n stuff . same can be wit oragnisers , on their own threads they can modulate wat they want.
Have a NO REPLY option. where u can make an announcement and ppl cant really post avoiding a whole lot of masala that usually ensues.
Also, wit all due respect, going back to the roots and basics - is a hippy thing . and then detox says that he doenst want the hippy vibe. well thats quite a bit contradictory .
Embrace the changes. remove the blue walls. and have more concise sub forums rather than nations and for god sakes call it but get rid of the POLAR ISRA prefix.
im not a hater of israel or anything , its just that i dont like being put in a box. One of my friends did say to me - ISratrance - must be from israel. wow.
Hello aXis,
These 4 are the worst ideas I read so far.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 18:32
i think the forum has no psy vibe anymore.
psychedelic means also "to change" and this forum hasnt change in zillions.
new colors and layouts, new and re organized sections also good.
is just too boring to see this blue all the time.
90s forum? i think so. where is the evolution?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 18:49
One more suggestion from me.
Remove the artist, label, organizer colors. I really do not see the purpose using such colors. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 19:45
On 2011-06-10 14:06, Perma Fry wrote:
On 2011-06-09 16:25, aXis wrote:
imho , artists , shud get more respect and henceforth more powers to report,delete n stuff . same can be wit oragnisers , on their own threads they can modulate wat they want.
Have a NO REPLY option. where u can make an announcement and ppl cant really post avoiding a whole lot of masala that usually ensues.
Also, wit all due respect, going back to the roots and basics - is a hippy thing . and then detox says that he doenst want the hippy vibe. well thats quite a bit contradictory .
Embrace the changes. remove the blue walls. and have more concise sub forums rather than nations and for god sakes call it but get rid of the POLAR ISRA prefix.
im not a hater of israel or anything , its just that i dont like being put in a box. One of my friends did say to me - ISratrance - must be from israel. wow.
Hello aXis,
These 4 are the worst ideas I read so far.
Ok. How come 100s of other forums like dubstep forumz and use all these features ?
Crazy i must be , i think dubstep vibe is so much more psychedelic in so many more ways. there is nothing psychedelic abt isratrance at all. its a
and how come if it all started in goa , its named ISRA trance? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 19:50
and the artist who make the music and the label that releases them for the party organisers neeeeed to be involved here , otherwise there will only be ppl discussing random stuff .
Im not supporting any throw of weight by any means, If our artists are gonna be treated like shit they will leave the scene like a million others and make dubstep.
perfect example is the rotten records. they are no1 dubstep label and are all ex psytrancers. N guess wat all of them are active mods at
peace, if im offending in ur opinion pls share it , but dont say im wrong witout having looked out of the box.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 20:16
IMO artist. labels and organizers should step down from their pedestals and embrace the old vision that we are all equal in this scene and there are no stars! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 20:21
Its never abt being a star. its abt being managed , and proper. This irregular scene has been tried and is not going anywhere.
thats why we are here. maybe we can change now . anyways, thats probably all i have to give at this thread.