Brrrrr..... Is this real???
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2004 13:19
accoring to my point of view.......its cool that artists like IM or GMS wanna make some more money for a better life style......everybody wants to make a good living..........but but but when ur tracks starts sounding more commercial or more house like.....please stop behaving as if u are a PSYtrance super star..........just agree that "OK we are goin a little commercial" and please dont say "oh no no our music is different its not commercial at the world of commercial music we have stuck to our roots....blah blah.....".........
this on the other hand is not cool.....
my view ONLY MY VIEWS......
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Posted : Sep 8, 2004 14:38
Psyk. your're right - in the last interview they said like " look at us - we didn't get commercial, blah-blah-blah...". And now they are playing with Avi Mesiko - ars number 2 in Israel!!!
to Mike A. Infected Mushroom and MAya Buskila it's like Cannibal Corpse and Will Smith. No connection. It's just bizzayon!!!
  Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2004 19:13
They are not playing WITH any of the artists mentioned above, they got their own slot. IM got a huge following of teens. and are one of the biggest draws of that party. why would anyone refuse to play there no clue.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2004 22:22
it's not surviving... it's getting rich... there's a big difference...
although I'm pretty indifferent, I do hope they feel at least a little bit ashamed when they play to these crowds... |
FluoSamsara (Oxygen)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2004 23:29
wow! whats the problem with u all??
This place sometimes feels like a soap opera...
just let them live their life as they want! if you like their music, great 4 you, if u don't, go and listen to something else...
and thegooddale, why should they be ashamed at all? what makes us better than that crowd? listening to psy trance? |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2004 23:46
On 2004-09-10 23:29, FluoSamsara wrote:
and thegooddale, why should they be ashamed at all? what makes us better than that crowd? listening to psy trance?
they should be ashamed of capitalizing on the scene and people that made them who they are as a group... I'm not saying they shouldn't do it... that's their choice as artists with the ability to do it... I'm just saying that I hope they realize that is what they are doing and they feel a little ashamed for it.
I've seen it all too often with underground scenes... look at what Metallica did to metal, there is still a thriving underground for that music, but for the most part it's all watered down crap...
pretty soon IM might have a team of lawyers trying to sue kids parents for downloading their tracks and then Erez might cut his hair off and start wearing a cowboy hat...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 11, 2004 01:25
pretty soon IM might have a team of lawyers trying to sue kids parents for downloading their tracks and then Erez might cut his hair off and start wearing a cowboy hat...
.................. !!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF??? where have u seen them play ????
q(@ _ @)p
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2004 09:37
On 2004-09-11 01:25, IndiAlien wrote:
pretty soon IM might have a team of lawyers trying to sue kids parents for downloading their tracks and then Erez might cut his hair off and start wearing a cowboy hat...
.................. !!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF??? where have u seen them play ????
q(@ _ @)p
I saw them both times they have came to Dallas... I was reall more referencing the Metallica syndrome again... Fame can do messed up things to your head, I hope it doesn't happen to them because in fairness they are great artists...
bOm |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2004 10:08
u were there in Dallas ?!?!?!?!?!
me 2....... both times !!!!!!
Both those shows were incredible....... but Erez never wore a cowboy hat..... i think that was Smilie from initialization string
or maybe Alienswede......... naaaaaaaa !
i think they've gotten used to fame at least with in the psychedelic scene (they've been superstars of psy for quite sometime now), but i can see what u mean about the Metallica syndrome.
Personally i think it might hit Duvdev more than Erez coz- in anycase, Duvdev already likes the sound of his own voice too much
btw, how long have u been in the Lone Star State? Did u happen to come to the Quasar & Ghreg on Earth party just outside austin a year or so ago??? what about the Shiva Shakti- Neuromotor party?
peace & respect.
q(@ _ @)p
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2004 10:20
yeah man... I am Jeff. Unfortunately, I didn't meet Miki until right after you left, then started hanging out with everyone. I actually talked to you the night of the Shiva Power party at Matargorda Bay, but the rain kept us from driving down there. I was at the Ghreg and Quasar party and Neuromotor was complete bliss... Hopefully more kickassness to come in the future for Austin... How are the sounds in India? Very dark I hope... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2004 11:30
heyyyyyllo Jeff
didn't realise it was u....... india is ok ok types right now....... things have retreated underground ever since Zolod slaughtered our minds.
all ma ex's live in texas
q(@ _ @)p
oops -    there is a light that
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Posted : Sep 13, 2004 22:37
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 15, 2004 01:02
Tal Tal .... don't you have a baby ?
me not understand too different thing .... why Shai Gabso wearing any clothes ? ;-P |
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Posted : Sep 15, 2004 02:29
The music industry has a very lucrative market for a long time, especially here in the United States. And if you really think about it, how long can Erez and Duvdev keep making stuff that is going to appeal to the ever changing sound of psychedelic trance? What's gonna happen to them in 10 years after they have long spent all of their cash from touring? If anything, they are trying to secure their future for when they decide that they can't go touring anymore or they've plum run out of ideas for trance? They will fade of in obscurity being known as an underground champion but being that well known in the underground still won't get your rent paid for you. Could you imagine these guys in their late 40's still trying to do the same stuff??? (I know... you all are going to mention Raja Ram, but he also has many other things going on besides music production. He is also a business man, and a head of a label.)
As a musician, I do it for the sheer fun of it, but it I can make a bit of money doing what I love doing, more power to me. It just means that I don't have to be a corporate wage slave. I would love not to have to work from 9-5 punching a clock for some corporation day in and out, but you do what you gotta do to live the way you are accustomed to.
Most individuals in the music industry never really think about their futures. Many a performer has faded off to the land of obscurity without as much as a penny to their name. Besides, as schitzophrenic as the mainstream music scene is, I particularly doubt that Infected will even come anywhere close to the infamy that they have in the underground scene. People get old, and their priorities change. That is the same explanation that James Hatfield will give you if you ask him why Mettallica went the way that they did. I am sure that Infected will continue to release stuff for their die hard fans and it might even be as good as their older stuff, (I.E. the most recent Metallica album "St. Anger" which pretty much blew chunks, but they at least tried to give something back to their old school die hard fans)
Music wise I haven't really dug what they've been doing since BP empire, and wouldn't pay to go see them anymore, but as human beings that live in a highly capitalistic world, I respect the fact that they are trying to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame before they get to old to even be recognised in the mainstream culture.
Speaking of culture, this brings me to another subject. One that I know is gonna get me flamed for sure, but it's been bothering me more and more as I read a lot of these posts here in the Trance section.... I'll get to that in a second.
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Posted : Sep 15, 2004 02:49
I have been finding this odd for quite a while... What makes psytrance and the people who listen to it different from everyone else? Why do the people who listen to it give the air of being more enlightened spirits whilst they blatantly practice segregation and elitism? Why do we think we are different and therefore special? Music serves as a release for lots of people and an outlet for multiple types of energies. Just because the music talks about becoming a higher state of being doensn't mean that you can automatically do it just because you happen to be listening to the music at that time. Enlightenment isn't something that you can get just by popping in a cd and/or eating a sugar cube. It is a full life's journey and depending on your beliefs enlightenment doesn't even come then... I have heard many people say that psytrance is a way of life... And I can understand adopting some of the founding principles of the genre into your own way of life, but jeez... I have heard a lot of fanatics here as if the psychedelic trance movement was their religion. Now I have nothing against any religion at all, I do however have issues with any way of life that discounts someone's taste or even existence due to something as miniscule as not liking the music that you or your group is into.
Will that discourage me from listening to the music, hell no. I feel that the music can be used as a tool to help me through whatever, but it isn't my driving force. My only goal in life is to be the best person I can be and to respect my fellow human being and aliens... Just because I listen to trance and go to parties, does that make me a person who is enlightened? No, but maybe the life lessons that the scene and the music can offer me will help me make myself a better person and maybe help guide me on the path to enlightenement. In the end, the psytrance scene is partly about music, it takes people to make the music, it takes people to throw the parties, it takes people to influence others to do what they feel is right. In the end, listen to trance music because YOU love it. Not because all your friends are doing it or because you feel that the music will turn you into someone who is one with the universe. Only you can turn yourself into the type of person you want to be and no party/drug/or music can do that for you.
Sorry for ranting, but I honestly feel that a lot of people who tend to post here as well as other GOA realted forums give the air of superiority. Sometimes I don't know if this scene is an underground music genre that isn't readily recoginized by mainstream music or an offshoot of the Illuminati...
  An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. |