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Bipolar Disorder triggered by Psychedelic drugs?


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 31, 2009 20:12:55
HI all,

It got to my concern because of real life experiences that some people is diagnostic as a Bipolar person just after a period of using psychedelic drugs...

So I would really like to hear your opinions about this ? Is it something that people like a psychologies doesn't understand and they says :"well this guys is Bipolar",

Is it really something to be afraid of ?I mean is there people that are truly Bipolar and the drugs make that come out ?

Can we do something about a person like this?

Please share your knowledge
          Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.

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Posted : Jan 2, 2010 02:06
It seems like common sense that any individual with underlying psychiatric disorders should err on the extreme side of caution when dabbling with any psychedelic drug. I wouldn't be surprised at all if an intense psychedelic experience could provoke and incite a disorder that had remained relatively dormant up until the drug(s) was consumed.

Personally, if I knew someone who fell into this category I would go out of my way to insure they didn't use while in my company fear of guilt and responsibility if something went seriously wrong inside their head during the experience. Psychological issues are not something to mess around with.

Good luck.           'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly'
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 2, 2010 19:18
well i am one such person..           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 14:17

On 2009-12-31 20:12:55, kambro wrote:
HI all,

It got to my concern because of real life experiences that some people is diagnostic as a Bipolar person just after a period of using psychedelic drugs...

Another way to view this thing is psychedelic drugs like LSD or Psilocybin really open up the way people think. It makes them socially comfortable with the opposite sex. They become aware of the sexual energy inside them. And how to use that sexual energy is upto every person. One maybe use it more in hard work, another may spend more time finding various partners, another will be happy with one partner for life etc. etc.

I don't know if this exactly answers your question but still

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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 16:39
heh , its nor for everyone man, and that`s neither a good or a bad thing , but that's the way it is ..

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Posts :  48
Posted : Jan 3, 2010 20:51
Thanks everyone for sharing your side of the history , I apologies if I disrespect somebody, that was not the propose at all.
Again just wanted to hear another point of view .
          Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 05:33
Psychedelics can be used by all unless under a shaman guidance or somethin... coz apart from the trip, he knows how to cure you even if u have an issue or illness... So u r in safe hands..

But if u r experimenting urself, then psychedelics is not a thing for all... its true that it sometimes brings out dormant mental issues to surface and that can lead to undesired consequences... Not just bipolar but sometimes it can bring abt schizophernia, deep psychosis etc... But this doesn not happen everytime just because of the psychedelics or the person, sometimes the good/bad experience, company and the settings influence such circumstances...

And one more thing, when on psychedelics ur mind/chakras/feelings etc is so much open, that u r very easily vulnerable to high and low feelings... maybe thats why a scientific test might show bipolaristic characteristics for a while... well... its how u take it ...

And for a person who goes thru such bad experience or some mental issue has been triggered because of the use... such ppl shud be taken care very carefully n given a lot of love... and shud not be allowed to use psychedelics...

Use psychedelics safely and wisely and have a good trip
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 13:48
ya , personally thru with psychedelics , been a few years now , pot works good , a little too good sometimes eheh
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 14:39
I once saw Polar Bear on LSD & it was amazing!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 21:40
After Lsd I feel really grumpy.
Can't stand anyone, and I feel usually very negative about myself and Lsd itself.
When I think about it during the so called 'trip', I feel like I'm forced into floating off that excessive energy thru music.
I actually don't have a choice, and that's where I begin to question whether it's such a good thing.
When I don't focus on the music and try to relax, I feel like I can't get a grip on reallity.
My senses are just trying to get a hold on something, but it's not possible and it goes on and on and on.
Like my eyes can't focus, and they drift of to the next thing I'm trying to see, which I then can't focus on either.
The same thing applies to my other senses, like 'touch'.
It's horrible, trying to lay down and my touch sens can't get a grip on whatever, which makes me feel I'm lying upside down and stuff.
Very friggin annoying this whole 'trip' feeling.

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Posts :  212
Posted : Jan 6, 2010 16:33

On 2010-01-04 21:40, Djones wrote:
After Lsd I feel really grumpy.
Can't stand anyone, and I feel usually very negative about myself and Lsd itself.
When I think about it during the so called 'trip', I feel like I'm forced into floating off that excessive energy thru music.
I actually don't have a choice, and that's where I begin to question whether it's such a good thing.
When I don't focus on the music and try to relax, I feel like I can't get a grip on reallity.
My senses are just trying to get a hold on something, but it's not possible and it goes on and on and on.
Like my eyes can't focus, and they drift of to the next thing I'm trying to see, which I then can't focus on either.
The same thing applies to my other senses, like 'touch'.
It's horrible, trying to lay down and my touch sens can't get a grip on whatever, which makes me feel I'm lying upside down and stuff.
Very friggin annoying this whole 'trip' feeling.

Does your life suck in general?? Do you have a job/girlfriend/real friends etc. ??
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 19:53
most of all are you friend with your self?

I think psychedelic drugs should be treated with big respect, the respect of letting go and not fight!
I mean its not always supposed to be pleasant, looking at the history of how Lsd came to be you will see that its not something pleasant at all, But Albert Hofmann made it possible for us to experience its psychedelic effects, Many things in nature has a defense mechanism, poison is one, Almost Everything in nature wants to spread it self, live and procreate! Mushrooms wants that too! That is my view of this as of now.... of course it would be appealing to believe something else more esoteric.

Anyway! If it makes you feel bad dont do it! if you dont have a wish to grow out of pain and suffer!

I have come to believe that disorders can be a warning signal, that you dont take good care enough of your self or that others dont or havent done it!(for example the society)
The brain signals become chaotic and makes you very confused, its very easy to start search outside your self when you instead should search within.

Also there is a choice, to choose the good life or choose that life is bad, in this conflict its difficult! Its hard to choose that life is bad and still live in this society, i would say its not recommended, you are better of alone in the nature finding your self without the stress of other people and peoples inventions...

If you choose the good life you do the best you can to stay healthy in this chaotic sometimes cold world and find enjoyment in music, art, relationships, food and exercise! ect
Sorrow and pain is not something we can escape either way we choose if life is good or bad! But choosing that life is bad and you want to live alone will create only one big sorrow instead of many small or big ones...

i choose life is good and that we can make lots of good changes in this world! But we really need to unite and open up a truthful discussion!

To get on topic, drugs will only take you so far, then you have to get a grip on things and start taking control of your own internal Pharmaceutics


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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 22:05
The way I see it psychedelics drugs are always good either if it's a good trip or a bad trip you can always learn about it ...

I remember one time that I took a long bad trip it really was a long trip took for me like 6 months to realized what was wrong with me and why I was not being able to get a good trip .

So my point of view it's that if you have a bad experience is not a bad at all it's a wake up call and a face to face encounter with your self .

Going back to the topic I think that when you are in this position you need to take an extended analysis on yourself and evolve , sometimes and is not as easy as it sounds ....

A psychedelic trip should be a nice experience and not something that makes mad or depress ...

          Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 22:35

On 2010-01-06 22:05, kambro wrote:
The way I see it psychedelics drugs are always good either if it's a good trip or a bad trip you can always learn about it ...

I remember one time that I took a long bad trip it really was a long trip took for me like 6 months to realized what was wrong with me and why I was not being able to get a good trip .

So my point of view it's that if you have a bad experience is not a bad at all it's a wake up call and a face to face encounter with your self .

Going back to the topic I think that when you are in this position you need to take an extended analysis on yourself and evolve , sometimes and is not as easy as it sounds ....

A psychedelic trip should be a nice experience and not something that makes mad or depress ...

also as a friend told me, Sometimes we got to be confused to find what is normal. I dont think we are supposed to stay the same, change is necessary, Like Xolvexs said in one thread here, reinvent our selfs!

Its all good, its just that knowledge about humans and how we work is not something we talk about! Its too bad, and its too bad that people that work with mental instabilities are so damn stupid and narrowminded sometimes, of course i dont think everyone is but a lot are.

Some People, if not all need guidance sometimes, good such.
Psychedelics is not a bad thing, its a very good thing! the nature is trying to teach us something, we are so out of balance with it right now... Hopefully we find back soon and can start restructure things and create more balance for the future.

I say give everybody some mushrooms and some good healing music!
and give some love! lots of love, love your self like Aluxe say!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  48
Posted : Jan 6, 2010 22:38

I say give everybody some mushrooms and some good healing music!
and give some love! lots of love, love your self like Aluxe say!

I'm agree !!

          Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Bipolar Disorder triggered by Psychedelic drugs?

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