Bigwigs - The National Heroes Of Sonic Parallel (Horns And Hoofs Entertainment Nov 2007)
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Posted : Dec 2, 2007 21:27
1 Córki Lota II
2 Pars Pro Toto
3 Sound Anonim
4 Sumiaste Nagrania
5 Snack La Vista
6 Tesla Oxymoron
7 Scarlet's Dawning
8 Sheer Dying Leasure
9 Tour The Trance
10 Mania Magma Lena
Bigwigs, or as their parents call them Grzegorz Magnuszewski and Jurek Przezdziecki (I’d like to hear it spelled correctly one day btw) are Psy Trance scene’s Monty Python or perhaps judging by the cover maybe the Village People. This is their second album and they have undergone a small change of their original team after Tomek Roehr left for this one. The 3rd and the 4th track were still co-written with Tomek but the rest is Grzegorz and Jurek alone. The album was released on Horns & Hoofs Entertainment which is the Polish/Russian branch of the infamous Boshke Beats records which is run by the energetic DJ Alex Boshke.
The first thing you notice is the cover of the album which is with no doubt the gayest Psy Trance cover I’ve ever seen, second only to Jorg’s compilation with a giant phallus (or a sword, I don’t remember) on a cover. The cover was skillfully designed by Inga Burina, who restlessly designs some of the best covers in the Psy Scene.
As you might have expected from those guys, their weird sense of humour is an integral part of their music. It is with no doubt very, very hard to write about their music because it’s so god damn unique. It definitely reminds remotely Suomi Trance with the overall funky wacky weirdo attitude and the strong will to sound as much different as possible to absolutely everything else in the scene at the moment. What differentiates them, in my opinion, from the Suomi Trance I think, is the very high level of musicality in this album and the very high production level. Those guys are as good musicians as they are good sound engineers. Throughout the whole album the bottom end is a pure bliss, the high end is crispy and the mid is vivid and mud free.
It is really hard for me to go track by track in this album but I’ll sum it up like that: If you like Extrawelt’s and Sensient’s groove and sound and like the wackiness and free spirit of Suomi Trance look no further. This album is unique and definitely shines out from pretty much everything is released nowadays.
Favorites: 1!! (Oh my god what a bass) 5!!, 6, 7, 9, 10
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 13:59
Big Wigs - The National Heroes Of Sonic Parallel (Horns and Hoofs) CD
01. Corki Lota II
02. Pars Pro Toto
03. Sound Anonim
04. Sumiaste Nagrania
05. Snack La Vista
06. Tesla Oxymoron
07. Scarlet's Dawning
08. Sheer Dying Leasure
09. Tour De Trance
10. Mania Magma Lena
Bigwigs are two pioneers in electronic music from Poland, already long time in the circuit and always convincing with versed made creations of extraordinarys it is not that easy for me to review their new CD, as this is totally different from what i use to play and review in the past, but most definitely this is music not to miss. Jurek Przezdziecki also active in his projects as EPI Centrum and Mass Turbo and Grzegorz Magnuszewski with his stunning project Kino Oko presenting me a real masterpiece of technoish electronic worlds in the shape of the Bigwigs. Their already second album, this time on Horns and Hoofs is coming in a jewel case and a coverartwork makes me grin too. experimentals to expect i supposed from beginning, as i still have their first album "fraktalik fraterniti" in mind.
this nice piece of an album starts in typical technoish manner as Horns and Hoofs may divines. some broken atmospheres dribbling apart with an epic string of a bowed instrument and a cautious but deep base. from beginning kind of hypnotic surrounding is builded up and catches my attention right from the start up. here i already noticed that i have to expect somethign different that on their first album and i am damn curious. this is intelligent made stuff and i am anxiouss where this album will evolve to. after the first goodie the skills of those two polish dudes came bright to the surface. a bewitching female voice gives little hints on a warmer groove and guides me to a lighter world of hypnotics. looped sounds making it so damn trippy instead becoming boring as they know how to implement the elements in a proper way and persuade with intelligent build ups. they add lines fitting in the story so well and sometimes i was wondering if this or that may become too commercial, but these thoughts were destroyed by the high level of hypnotics i am exposed to.
latest at the fourth contribution on this album they convinced me all along, and i would love to taste this whole way of music on a proper sound system, sunday afternoons on a dusty dancefloor. a lovely atmosphere and arrangements becoming more and more complicated with its tribalistic attitudes and magnificent little tit bits i use to call acids. these lysergic manners are not that dominant, but hidden in every corner and spangled with original sounds. the room is really big, for sure a consideration to their versed way of production, and if it wouldnt be that hypnotic and sometimes even complicated in the arrangement my son might freak out to it also. he is just 20 months old thats why its too much for him, but i know he will like this stuff in a few months, if i teached him to understand.
melancholic sentiments made my wife asking what i taste here, and the naive melodies fading in sometimes even made my kids prick up their ears more attentively. while the disc presents me a coherent story just floating from one electronic journey to the other i am quit amazed what i was listening many times in a row. "Tour de Trance" maybe one of my favs here, and thats not cause of the tracktitle, more of the broken way they suggest to tell you their ideas of production as well "Snack La Vista" or "Pars Pro Toto" really catched my full attention with totally different views on it.
the freak attitudes are definitely less perceivable than in "fraktalik fraterniti", what was most definitely more experimental, but those dudes grown up with the time and doesnt lost their tripped out minds it seems. i really appreciate this and was lost in their worl dof electronics with the duration of this album. Horns and Hoofs is a perfect base for such music, and music, that it really is. deep technoish manners mixed with beautiful sounds of originality and never going to weird or twisted this is a high recommendation to every lover of electronic music with just a little bit open minded brain. not so difficult to understand, but still intelligent produced they give me the proof that electro-music doesnt have to be boring. the opposite is the case, they know to fuse original sounds with deeper elements of psychedelics even. no real surprises to be found, but who wants it if you get served something like this.
its delicious and different from what i was knowing by Bigwigs before. i have the feeling the Kino Oko part had more influence here as his last album sounded kinda familiar in comparison to this output. the way they work together is for sure an enrichement in the forest of just now decent relases nowadays and i really found compositions here are not exceptional but most definitely refreshing. i am happy that i took the time to taste this carefully and had the opportunity to take part in their world of music.
in the end i am thankfull and honestly satisfied by somethign refreshing, hypnotic yeah i even dare to call it psychedelic.
thx for the music!!!
bOOM |
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 16:57
my brain is still marinating in their magik music.........
very different and brainy wich makes it stand out from the rest
god i wish more albums like this crops out often!!
boOm to bigwigs & horns and hoofs for this great effort |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 21:20
Uncanny release, totally owned me.
I'm waiting for my original to arrive so that I can give proper feedback, but I can already state that track 2 and 3 are between the favorites at this moment.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 23:42
this album is magic... I loved the last album but this one blows it away. It took me 4-5 listens to fully appreciate the layers at work here sonically but once you give it a chance it takes you on a journey. |
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 23:44
really strange music, totaly different from their stuff before, must be leastenning more times to understand more.
the cover is really funny, ))middleages mixed with everything, nice )
Jurek and Grzegorz should be good actors) |
Alex Boshke
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2007 23:48
oh yeah
damn good actors...and much more then just actors:)
I know im label related and i shouldnt write here much ,but from my heart i need to mention here that their music is DAMN KURVA GOOD !
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 00:59
After reading KINO OKO's comments in the trance section about artist album sales, I took a listen to the samples on saikosounds and immediately placed an order (you can add one more sale to your projected 200 KINO!)
Just from the samples, this album is brilliant. There's one thing I love after all these years of psytrance, is hearing artists mature over time. These guys have become masters at sound composition. The mood they create (that first track haunted me in bed all night!) and the sound quality... really really impressive.
And the cover! I was staring at it and listening at the same time and damn, man, it perfectly reflects the music!
Massive respect to Big Wigs and wish you all the best with this album. and some good tours too!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 01:57
love it |
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 02:56
Kurva awesome
  • [ cuBe ] :: • |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 13:50
Kurva best upbeat album this year for sure!
Totally mindlblowing compositions, a lot of fun in every corner and trippy like hell. No songs on this Album sound nearly the same, but still the flow of the album is more than perfect. The musical standard they keep through the album and the production are beyond everything released this days, so even the "weak" moments are a pleasure to listen
Thanks a lot |
Alex Boshke
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 22:24
It's rare to hear a genuinely original album like this these days. Refreshing to hear real music that comes from the heart and works both at home and on the dancefloor. A real treat.
Fat Data
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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 00:04
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 01:19
I just uploaded the Isra official review (by Pavel):
Now my favorite is "Sheer Dying Leasure". Just incredible. The problem is that I can`t understand the samples and I`m dying because of this and I also can`t find the word "Leasure" on the dictionary, please somebody help me!!!
Found it!
"The sky was never blue...
The stars are raindrops searching (for a place to fall)
And I never cared for you"
It's from a song named "I never cared for you" by Willie Nelson or something! Thanks God, I can sleep now.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
Minimal Monster
Minimal Monster
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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 01:48