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Best Party- Festival Ever in Mexico!!!

The Galactic Brain

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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 03:06
maraakame (2001)
return to the source (2000)
and the first one of total eclipse and another with green nouns of the revolution... i dont remember the parties names..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 09:20

and the first one of total eclipse and another with green nouns of the revolution... i dont remember the parties names..

These were the very first real psy trance parties in Mexico.

The Total Eclipse party was called just that(blue room, Total Eclipse) and used the exact flyer of the Total Eclipse party in San Fco like a week earlier made by the legendary and now gone label Blue Room Released. (Date was 20 Feb 1999 )
It was organized by Family Tree and Trancelestial.

The Green Nuns of the revolution party was organized by Mandala (some of its members became part of Maia Records) and Trancelestial. You can still see the flyer here:

Before this party there was one in 1997 or 1998 made by Family Tree (with about 100-150 people only) in a forest area with a lake and some water pools in the Estado de Mexico where some DJs that returned from the Venezuela Eclipse party played. That party was totally mind blowing for me, With a pinch of psychedelic I wwas sooooooooooooooooooooooo, soooo out there, and soo were most of the people there. Collective UFOS, synchronized shooting stars, ..

se puso rrrrreee locochon

I have some video of that party, I will try and post a link with some bits.


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Posted : Mar 9, 2006 03:27
I have to agree, the Total Eclipse party was beautiful.
Return to the Source for me is the best festival ever in Mexico by Ollin Lackech.
And with all my respect guys, but how can you say Tierra Magica 1, dont you remember how that beautiful spot was destroyed by us, dont you remember how there was so much garbage and it rained all night and all became mod and how the garbage was inserted into our Mother Earth, the totally dirty lake we left, this is the problem, ppl only think in how much fun or drugs they had, for me Tierra Magica all of them, has just been an ugly reflection of the mexican trance scene.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2006 02:05

for me Tierra Magica all of them, has just been an ugly reflection of the mexican trance scene.

I think more than anything its a reflection of the ugly reality of the whole country in regards to the environment. We Mexicans like to pretend we live in a magical and beautiful land, but wake up people: not only are we destroying everything but <<<have already lost most of it>>>

We have destroyed in Mexico more than 90% of our forests along with all the animals that lived there. Most of this happened in the last 50 years and at the rate we are going it will all be gone in a couple decades more. Harsh reality, but the truth is we no longer have the magical land we used to have. Amazing rivers like the mighty coatzacoalcos are now full of oil and completly contaminated, and guess what, so are most of our other rivers and lakes in Mexico.

People the jaguar used to roam all over Mexico, it was a sacred animal revered by the Olmecs and Mayas, well today is at the verge of extinction in our country. The majestic harpy eagle, the beautiful scarlet macaw and the magnificent Quetzal used to fly in our tropical rainforests, but today with about 95% of our jungles lost these animals are virtually extinct. Plants that were never discovered, precious trees that were endemic to these lands have now left us forever.

Tierra Magica???

Today anybody that is not making something to save and restore the earth is living as a tourist on the planet.

Lets not fool ourselves: EXTREME ACTION IS NEEDED if we are to save the last bits of Tierra Magica we have left.

Psy trancers generally like to pretend they are more connected and in tune with nature.
But lets get real, lets grow up, good vibes are not enough, we need serious action and responsability. Mostly ACTION

Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty to save the earth.


Maak ku Paax

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Posted : Mar 12, 2006 19:16
Couldn't agree more with Chillumination and Aluxe, It's good to know that there's still some people making sense in this country. Congratulations for both of you, there is no point making parties in the so called green areas when the only sensations transtmited to you are of a total junkyard, and sometimes that is not even necessary, just looking at the common state of those places, with no trees, no wildlife, seems like we are just there looking for the breadcrumbs of what once used to be a forest, a lake ... we have already passed the point of no return and trancers of this days are nothing more but hipocrites.

Time to ACT people. And really, it doesn't take to much.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 15, 2006 11:24

indeed guys...the first thing we should be concerned about is respecting mother nature. Every day we see more and more trash lying allover and it's so depressing to wake up to a garbage-filled dancefloor which unfortunately happens at most of the parties. promoters should really be focusing a bit more on our environment placing all the trash cans they promise...
Nevertheless instead of complaining we must start by helping out ourselves, honestly it's awful to be dancing on plastic. If there aren't any cans or bags around, at least try heaping everything in the same pile with the ppl around your've seen it before and it won't hurt to lend a hand!
less talk more action...
we want those beautiful parties back!
          A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

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Posted : Mar 25, 2006 21:47

Kox Box in Huitzilac -The invitation was a pill-box-
Tierra Mágica 1
Ecoplanet -amazing location-

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Posted : Mar 26, 2006 02:36

The Best rave i have ever been in Mexico for me was Sun Pax Acapulco almost 2 years ago. It was a killer festival some of the best vibes i have ever seen in a party in Mexico. You got to love dancing on the sun right next to the water!!!


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Posts :  22
Posted : Mar 30, 2006 03:50
Hi all!!

Well, my bes parties have been:

Mental oddisey
Time and Space Pt 1
I dont remember the name of the party, but it was x-dream @ ajusco, and there was like a circus going on, with circus freaks like dressed people, jugglers, fireworks, etc...
Tierra Magica 1
Mikology 1
Green Dreams
The Lotus Prophecy

Cant think of anything else...
Oh yeah, 4 sure the upcoming party of iron madness on april 29 , hope 2 c u all there

Best wishes

Cya           Become a ray of darkness in an otherwise unbearably sunny day...

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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 05:24
Its so hard to say! Which has been the best party in Mexico? There have been so many, but I definitely have to say...
Mara' akame 2001 (one of the only real trance festivals -meaning more than one day of music- Mexico has ever had)
Tierra Magica I 2002 (muddy at night, crystalclear by daytime!)
And what about Psysex and Psycraft for the first time in Mexico??? in january of 2002, near Pachuca, beautiful venue, amazing energy
It was so nice, back in the day,
la revancha de la nostalgia!

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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 05:28

On 2006-03-30 05:24, dandan wrote:
Its so hard to say! Which has been the best party in Mexico? There have been so many, but I definitely have to say...
Mara' akame 2001 (one of the only real trance festivals -meaning more than one day of music- Mexico has ever had)
Tierra Magica I 2002 (muddy at night, crystalclear by daytime!)
And what about Psysex and Psycraft for the first time in Mexico??? in january of 2002, near Pachuca, beautiful venue, amazing energy
It was so nice, back in the day,
la revancha de la nostalgia!

          life is ortopedikk!

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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 19:57

On 2005-03-14 17:58, superflyers wrote:

I realize they are 3 pictures of the same party....a party in 2003...I had the honor to play host... but was a killer to remember.

I wanted to share this with you and others. If you have some pictures of killer parties...share them.

Also what I am saying with this is there are alot of parties in Mexico--- but few can compare with a party on the beaches of the mayan riviera...for beauty.

If anyone has pictures of the time Astrix and Infected Mushroom ..played in Bahias de Soliman, Tulum....share them please!!!

people talked good thing of sunpax in cancun so i have 2 sunpax experiences in my life.
1) infected mushroom on the city disco i drove 15hrs from tabasco with my girl and 1 frend for this amasing event and infected mushroom never show up to the gig. we talk with the promoter and he say ?¿ hey dude who needs infected for a good concert!!! my girl almost kill me for this shity triap.

2 this year equinox event, again we drive from tabasco, cause we saw some good fotos on his website, every equinox party are amasing in the beach, so we forgot our firts sunpex experience and we decide to return again to cancun, for what? no production, no good music, not alot of people as we saw on the fotos? no internationales lives actes as sunpax promise.

3) we never return again
4) thansk you for this incredible experience 30hrs driving for nothing


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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 20:06
cheack this website amasin events with good music

- exelnte fextival when inner action show up in the baacab party.

- another good experience was in the ying yang party. exelent music there

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Posts :  6
Posted : Mar 30, 2006 20:09

On 2006-03-30 05:24, dandan wrote:
Its so hard to say! Which has been the best party in Mexico? There have been so many, but I definitely have to say...
Mara' akame 2001 (one of the only real trance festivals -meaning more than one day of music- Mexico has ever had)
Tierra Magica I 2002 (muddy at night, crystalclear by daytime!)
And what about Psysex and Psycraft for the first time in Mexico??? in january of 2002, near Pachuca, beautiful venue, amazing energy
It was so nice, back in the day,
la revancha de la nostalgia!

tierra magica 1 was the best event ever in mexico


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Posts :  5
Posted : Apr 1, 2006 00:25
Marakamee (by family tree)

Time & Space pt1 (sound sorcery)
For me the best!!, the first masive quality festival, and the last... maybe Barum was the next great Festival!!!... we need more partys like that
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