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bass technique

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
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Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:40
something seems awfully strange here carlos, I just been listening to some of your tracks and well it got me thinking, you must already know this stuff, stage 1 of simple synthesis and your asking how to sweep a note when you have not bad sounding full tracks??

something seems a miss here.. not unless your advertising your project around..

man I aint doing a patch because I think you already know...

but if im wrong - its to dead simple either way           Devasya Savitur
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:42
I dont come here for your suggestion or what you thinked of me man, seriously all I wanted was move this tweak this or whatever not what you think of life , I can do a looot of things already like you listened and those tracks are from some time ago now my tracks are better , if u dont have time to do it then dont waste my time and yours writing 
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:48
and come on pleasee advertise my project with those tracks on soundcloud? I can go much much better than that if I wanted to promote it I will stick a link to one of my tracks there, when I am ready to release you will know, now u have wasted a lot of your time just saying what ur ego tells u when with all that time writing those comments just could give me the settings from init preset like most of the people do here and I do myself when someone ask for something , and end of the story if u dont want to share then its ok but dont start assuming negative stuff please 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  396
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:54
Whoooooaaaa calm down man.I actually complimented some of your tracks and it got me curious .. ah not unless you use samples on everything and your now just getting into synthesis ?? Don't take me wrong way just yet cheers
          Devasya Savitur
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:56
I know synthesis I have been learning with syntorial a lot since last year thank you for asking =D its only subtractive but its awesome to learn, and like I said I dont care at all what u think of my tracks man
just the settings for a big bass sweep if u dont have anything to share move on and good day =D 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  396
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:58
But I do want to share it , I just wondered because some of your sounds where alot more complex than a simple sweep.. but yeah I'l upload soon

          Devasya Savitur
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 02:59
thank you I will appreciate it I will upload mine too, so you can hear is not as good as the one Dash makes on the video ,good day! 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 13, 2015 03:21
Usually it's more just showing the way for someone to make their own patches. If you're in a rush, just imagine someone making a patch so you can't waste your time. That usually involves money man, just try and keep it real.

If you claim to know synthesis, then it really shouldn't be a problem.

That's just basic subtractive synthesis.

You have your usual Bass patch, with a dedicated envelope for filter cut off. But unlike on a regular bass patch, that's basically just decay, a rapidly falling, snappy movement of the filter, now all there's different is that you've got to push the attack on the filter envelope upwards.

On the video he's also adjusted the sustain and decay on the amp envelope. That's so that the sound doesn't decay as much, 'cause you need a longer note to, and you don't want your volume going down much, do you?

You can see just by looking into the matrix, that velocity is affecting both volume and filter cut off to. You should look at your note lengths on your midi, and the velocities to. It's a patch with key tracking turned all the way, so yeah, filter is following the notes played, low cut off initial position...

There's your patch. Keep it real
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 03:26
this is where I am at right now

Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 03:31
this is the settings on sylenth

and brother you are right maybe I was on a rush and I wanted to ask here because I thinked that because it was a sound used in a lot of productions, a lot of people could share their techniques or settings like I normally see in this forum or on the ones on facebook, it was my mistake , and for sure I always keep it real I just didnt liked the way the comments were going and somehow they seem going against me for nothing instead of sharing awesome knowledge, I apologize if I offend anybody I will try harder before asking here on the forum have a great day and thank you very much for sharing your technique I am going to try it =)

Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 03:34
and please dont mind the sound quality haha d= I just opened a midi track with default bassizm preset and play with the bass I just wanted to show you the sweep 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  396
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 03:37
What frisbee said
using a tablet at the moment can't see sound file due to lack of plugin support I'l listen in mornin

As for the image, if it what u need then all good

Edit# I can view it now cheers, yep see you didn't need a patch after all ,simples           Devasya Savitur
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 04:08
yes of course I never said I couldn't do it , just not sound as good , I reached here to learn techniques from fellow brothers who can know more than me and are happy to share their knowledge =D , please share your technique too when u have the time if u want brother so everyone can see and people who don't know can learn =D

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 04:21
that's what it's all about...

on that example, what really bothers me is the highs on the kick. you need to tame those down. and it seems louder then it should be, next to the bass as well.

on the patch: make it mono. change polyphony to 1.

on the amp envelope, i'd lower the attack and raise the sustain.

on the one modulating filter cut off, you need much more attack.

lower the filter cut off and on the second one, bring the key track up all the way - 'cause that's how it was with the original (in the video). you can try and change the oscillator's phase, you can modulate the filter envelope's attack, assigning it bellow the cut off mod you have going (on the envelope's section), so as to change the curve
Soma Link

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  39
Posted : Apr 13, 2015 04:32
thank you man! really I will try it right now thats what I was looking for but I shoulded posted an example on my first comment my bad d=, and don't worry for the sound or for the kick, like I said I just quickly opened a midi track and opened bassizm so I coulded show the example I didn't process it at all just put it as -8 as it was =D , i have a bunch of sampled kicks already and a hint/ alternative for everyone and that almost all top producers are doing and I am sure everyone knows is sample the best kick from the track you like, and eq/process to your ears =D
everyone have a good one ! 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - bass technique
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