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Astrology-truth or myth?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Apr 5, 2011 23:22
some callender says its happening on oct 28 2011, for there is no fixed date i been told, because every individual is different, some will evolve earilier that others, and some will be late bloomers,so the time and date are flexable. and i seriously dont know about astrology , or sun signs, i'm into astronomy,astro physics, etc, but at a ceratin age withn the womb, the childs brain develops and only then the conciousness begins to flower within the womb, not before, i'm not sure the exact time in the womb, but i guess when the brain has developed til a certain capacity, is when the conciousness starts to develop, as in the child becomes aware of his surroundings inside the womb, he becomes aware of his body, and starts to move it slowly, actually richy i did'nt get ur question properly, if u could be more precise in askin, maybe i could understand it better and try answering it, peace and pls ask more questions everyone, time has come !!! for mayan callender ppl , pls chk this, it gives details of the periods going on right now.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Astrology-truth or myth?
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