Are you vegetarian?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 25, 2009 09:51
On 2009-11-25 08:26, RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd wrote:
Humans are whores of earth... very true...
Also we are the most intelligent parasites of the highest order...
wats the most important aspect of a parasite? it latches on to a host, feeds n sucks everything out of it and when the host is dead it finds another host to do the same...
We all came to earth from somewhere... Now if u look at the earth from a distance, don we all look like parasites feeding on it (looks like earth has cancer or something), feeding and gorging on whatever we can find mercilessly... and now the the earth is gonna get fucked soon, we are all trying to find another planet to hop on to in the name of space programs... Sick... we are just like leeches...
Haha i couldn't have said it better my self, almost feels like i could have said the same..
Now isnt it a bitch that we are such aware parasites lol!!
Space program! hurry up! We are dying to suck the shit out of this "planet" or what we should call it... it for sure has some tasty delicious features! Like steaks
I think the best image we can get of how we suck the life out of this planet is drilling for oil! haha
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 25, 2009 10:15
There might be no clear answer, what`s THE right way for everybody. At least not for me. Each one`s decision. One thought: If I consume plants only, i have to kill the plant (if I am not eating the fruits only) and the plant is also a living being (for me), if I eat the animal, I have to kill the animal. The only way to avoid killing living beings would be only consuming the products of plants and animals. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 25, 2009 10:18
On 2009-11-25 10:15, Gunter wrote:
There might be no clear answer, what`s THE right way for everybody. At least not for me. Each one`s decision. One thought: If I consume plants only, i have to kill the plant (if I am not eating the fruits only) and the plant is also a living being (for me), if I eat the animal, I have to kill the animal. The only way to avoid killing living beings would be only consuming the products of plants and animals.
yeah! true
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Dec 25, 2009 21:16
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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 19:58
On 2009-11-25 10:15, Gunter wrote:
One thought: If I consume plants only, i have to kill the plant (if I am not eating the fruits only) and the plant is also a living being (for me), if I eat the animal, I have to kill the animal.
Take a knife and slaughter a pig. I wouldn't eat what I can't kill. So I'm a vegetarian. Maybe not all people are suitable for diets that exclude meat but what is wrong is the fact that we turn all life on this Planet into industry, without any respect or gratitude. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 27, 2009 12:16
Take a knife and slaughter a pig. I wouldn't eat what I can't kill. So I'm a vegetarian. Maybe not all people are suitable for diets that exclude meat but what is wrong is the fact that we turn all life on this Planet into industry, without any respect or gratitude.
???????? what du you want to say? Please try again |
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Posted : Dec 27, 2009 15:13
I completely understand it^.
It maybe a bit deeper than it seems.
Athough what I really find strange or unreal or maybe not really there is the fight between vegeterians and not vegeterians.Now I understand the fight of the not vegeterians it is too crazy for them ,they do not get it really and wont until they would make the expirience in a real way but the ultra fight of the vegeterians reminds me of the very first level of this consciousness or this vega life etc.
Just relax and let everyone live their life ;-)
Otherwise your real smile went away somehwer...dont bother to concentrate on unnecesseary discussions.What for? Train yourself to chill better.
You wont never ever convice someone to such transformation of life.It happens only in a spirit by own force or maybe own decision.
All this discussions based on arguments are useless here.It is more than about it and it is not really describe-able.
The question was are you vegeterain and not sth else.To add sth nice and neutral is ok but to try to make the other side worse is useless timewaste or unreal.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 00:26
As a proud eater of meat, I will reply to every pro-vegetarian reasoning with MY sound logic:
On 2007-06-07 15:13, aliened wrote:
hey sure smoke alot do u have some freshy tasty veggy weed ? i wud like to join u and some some too
ok , do u know that mean is not healthy for ya health , soul and mind ? if u wanna get enlightend u dont have to eat any meat
as someone said once - meat is the dead flesh ,its not for food
when i had my 1st time veggy experiense i reached some unexpexted results like incredibly fast tissues regeneration , any wound and sratches was dissapering immediatly , i cud sleep a few hours only , was goin to bed about 2 am and woke up refreshed and full of energy in 5 am
some others says they need about TEN mins for sleep and rest , they can stay without any food for a week or two
meat also fuck ups ya mediatation and levitation practice , mind opening and consiousness speading technics |
So not eating meat makes you a floating wolverine jedi?
I don't care, I like meat.
On 2007-06-08 14:43, hymal wrote:
As regards the theories, you have to consider some factors: first of all, the intestine. In the carnivores it is pretty short, because it has to digest as soon as possible the meat because of its high quantity of toxines...thing that results more difficult in an long intestine as ours (which is comparable with veg animal's one)..even if the meat is cooked. That's why doctors recomends not to eat too often meat..and that's why in these histical period many people is getting ill of tumors or cardiovascular diseases. As secondo point as human gener, it looks like in the origin we were frugivorous and not omnivorous as we believe (being omnivourous was postume, maybe to face the big cold. We can see it also from the theet.. |
OK, you have terrible English, but I understand that you say that eating meat is the reason for cancer.
I don't care, I like meat.
On 2007-06-11 19:40, v.v2 wrote:
meat used to be a biological necessity, before man got this we dont NEED it, but our cultures are yet to recognise this fact.
here is a piece of advice, and applies especially, but not only, to people from western cultures - if you think you can't do without meat, watch ur meat being killed, and better, try killing it urself.
personally, i prefer eating seafood, coz i believe that since 3/4ths of earth is water, resources from there are better utilization of earth's bounty.
OK, so killing animals is wrong, but killing fish is good.
I don't care, I like meat.
On 2007-06-11 21:35, Aluxe wrote:
Well but there is big, BIG fucking problem with eating meat, and that is someone else gets killed just so a little selfish spoiled brat like yourself can have his tasty piece of meat, and all while you know damn well that in the end maybe, just maybe you might not even need it. Sooo congratulations: you are complete selfish dickhead. So save your hypocrisy about how much you care and respect others and shove your PLUR up your ass. Thanks
Eating meat is bad, and if you eat meat you are bad. Mkkkay? hehe
But... if you want to play your usual tape of communal consolation and jack off to flaky excuses thinking it’s all good cuz we all do it, well fine. But pleeeasse STFU talking about how much you care for a stupid little puppy, the pretty birds and life on this planet.
Because for every unnecessary piece of meat that you eat an animal like you gets slaughtered and worst another virgin rainforest gets torn down to make way for cattle ranching. Yeah shanti shanti, Ohm nava shivaya, hunapku.. boom boom.
Hey at least if you are going to eat meat, then try to not eat so much. Ok? I mean can you at least consider that? Yeah well by the time you have your next roast beef sandwich it’s too late.
Hey I don’t want to pretend I am Mister Veggie pants here, because I still eat meat, so I shouldn't be talking either. But hey I have reduced my meat intake to about 5% of what it used to be. So ok fine, eat meat, but at least then reduce it to a minimum so it compliments your diet rather than eating it almost everyday as if you are brain dead and incapable of understanding the consequences of eating meat. Because it’s not like plants where you can harvest them and argue that you are not inflicting much pain. No, the meat in your plate is a result of slaughtering another animal that suffers in a similar way to us and there is no way around that simple fact. You may say its all part of nature and other animals do it, yeah whatever, but just remember that unlike other animals you actually have the choice to make a conscious decision about how you want to feed yourself. |
Ahh, a complex argument:
1. You aren't eating meat, you're eating people, therefor, non-vegetarians are cannibals.
2. It appears that if you don't care about a specific thing that someone considers wrong, you are incapable of any form of love of any living thing.
3. If you eat meat, you are killing puppies while cutting down the rain-forests.
4. Cows are somehow very much like the person writing this, so when he lowered his food intake by 5%, he was saving people.
My retort: I don't care, I like meat.
On 2007-06-20 19:35, Aluxe wrote:
^^Ha you almost make it sound like we are talking about your style of dancing. “everyone should feel comfortable with the way he / she chooses.. ”
Hey so if I choose to eat your family for dinner, should I feel comfortable because “its the way I choose ” ?
And again, our hero poster which lowered his meat intake presses the point home, that cows are people too.
I don't care, I like meat.
On 2007-06-22 03:38, Aluxe wrote:
| You are sounding like some kind of religious fundamentalist. |
Maybe I am , hehe. Dude call me Jehovah’s witness if you want, but lets not fool ourselves pretending that its ok to just do whatever we want as if our actions don’t affect others. You may argue that you need some meat in your diet, but you can’t argue much beyond that; like trying to justify a meat centered diet because to me . that is most of the time just bullshitting simply to justify the meat eating habit.
| Fact is, humans have eaten meat all over the world as a part of normal diet throughout recorded history. |
But still, we just don’t need so much meat. So why take more when it can actually do a lot of harm? And most health experts agree that today at least in the first world countries most people eat by far, BY FAR, way to much meat. Fucking selfish or clueless.. Take you pick. Because even health wise is causing all types of problems such as heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, etc
| Bhuddism, Jainism and Hinduism (for certain castes) are the only belief systems I know of that forbids meat. Everyone evererywhere else has been eating meat. |
It’s not black and white. Take the Aztecs.. Yeah they weren’t precisely “officially” vegetarians; I mean they even consumed human flesh during some rituals. But their everyday diet was mostly VEGETARIAN with animal meat (including some insects) only consumed to compliment their mostly vegetarian diet. The point is we don’t need so much fucking meat; yeah the fact that most people don’t give a shit and won’t stop for a second to think about this is a different matter. But there is simply no excuse to eat so much meat, even if you could care less about the animals that you are killing unnecessarily it is also unhealthy and on top of it all is fucking up the planet because of the serious environmental implications.
| I care about stewardship of the enviromnment as a whole and protecting species from extinction. |
What are you joking? The number one cause for the destruction of the world forests is cattle grazing. About 1000 species go extinct every year due to cattle grazing in the tropical rainforests alone. Which of course also is causing global warming and other massive environmental problems.
Don't you just LOVE this guy? Again, 4 points:
1. I may be an extremist nutjob, but I'm right and you're wrong anyways.
2. Meat will give you cancer, heart disease and cholesterol. So unlike cheese.
3. The Aztecs were cool because they ate other people and some bugs, but most people that eat meat just plain suck.
4. Rainforests, bla bla bla.
Again, I must reply:
I don't care, I like meat.
Actually, I'll just post my reply to all your "facts" and "ideas" and "spirituality", because after sifting through nearly four pages of your drivel, MY ONE ARGUMENT STANDS SUPREME:
I don't care. I like meat.
Trying to convince Me otherwise is just annoying. WTF are you being dicks for, trying to annoy everyone like that, over and over again. I dated one of you once. It was unbearable. Luckily, she had no qualms about putting some form of meat in her mouth and digestive system. I still dumped her after 3 terrible months when she tried to make ME feel GUILTY about having MEAT in MY OWN FRICKIN' REFRIGERATOR. It was a commercial for domestic abuse. You could say that I kicked her out because she was an annoying bitch, not because she's a vegetarian. But I say:
I don't care. I like meat. |
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 04:34
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 10:30
I don't care. I like meat.
Sorry but I don't think this brute approach helps your case. Like if I could hear my dog speak this is the type of argument he might make, if you know what I mean. Kind of moronic |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 15:33
On 2009-12-28 10:30, Aluxe wrote:
I don't care. I like meat.
Sorry but I don't think this brute approach helps your case. Like if I could hear my dog speak this is the type of argument he might make, if you know what I mean. Kind of moronic
Don't you get it, I'm not making a case. I actually don't give a flying fuck. Out of everyone here, you are trying to convince ME to be guilty about something I don't give a shit about. Your passive-aggressive attitude is you trying to feel better about your choice by telling others that they're wrong. Normally, I don't have problems with people being assholes. That's the world. BUT, and that's a Roseanne Barr sized one, you are being an asshole to ME.
That crosses a line, so I'm going to call you out for it, douchebag. All of your carefully crafted arguments are being totally ignored, because you are an asshole about it. And I DON'T CARE, I LIKE MEAT. I'll admit it, I'm egotistic about this shit. You on the other hand are also this, but that's not enough for you. You want moral high ground for your choice, and you want to do that by getting ME to agree that your moral scale is somehow the most valid.
Allow that bubble to be burst. I'm not even debating morality with you. This has nothing to do with it. I am not dignifying your points with rational explanation because they deserve none. They are not based on rationality, that has been added as an afterthought. Instead of giving food for thought, what you've done is allowed the pleasure of smacking down your mingy little ego by the bigger dick. That'd be ME.
I will tell you: I don't care. I like meat.
The bottom line is you're doing this to feel better about yourself by trying to make ME feel WORSE. So, is it working? |
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 17:40
As far as i believe Vegetarians and people supporting vegetarianism here are only trying to let people know the advantages of vegetarian food and to bring awareness about the sad/unhealthy state of meat industry and the cruelty towards animals and the health risks of eating the bad meat u get nowadays...
Im not sure why few ppl are gettin kinda offended... i don think anyone is trying to make anyone look wrong or down...
Its good if ppl realize and do something abt it... else cant help... everyone has their own destiny... and the planet also has one...
? |
Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 19:05
^ true that
sometimes i just cant stop laughing in my mind thinking about those people who say that meat has so much nutrition value which is highly required and lots of proteins... etc etc...
now i ask u non-vegetarians if it's a (barking/chirping/growling),walking,hearing/breathing/eating/living animal then why wouldn't it have the same nutritions in its body as well ?
i mean its necessary for its body also to have those nutritional value at the first place to survive for any animal...
even your body has it so cut your hand and feed your family members who need really high protein..... coz really it has true nutrition value as well even much more than any other meat... coz you eat healthy and sensibly so your meat would be like perfect for any unhealthy person to increase his mineral value...
so my point is that it's not that people kill animals for their vitamins and minerals but they just found another use of animals which can be found for human flesh also as i described above
just like marijuana can be smoked also and can be used in medicines as well..
people have just found new uses of animals too...
Truth will always guard our souls...... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 21:54
On 2009-12-28 17:40, RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd wrote:
As far as i believe Vegetarians and people supporting vegetarianism here are only trying to let people know the advantages of vegetarian food and to bring awareness about the sad/unhealthy state of meat industry and the cruelty towards animals and the health risks of eating the bad meat u get nowadays...
Im not sure why few ppl are gettin kinda offended... i don think anyone is trying to make anyone look wrong or down...
Its good if ppl realize and do something abt it... else cant help... everyone has their own destiny... and the planet also has one... |
Why should I not be offended by people TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE like crazy fucking cultists? Oh, right, not telling how to live, just the advantages of their way. And therefor, imply the faults of other ways. Which are inferior, because of those said advantages.
I do not need help, nor do I look like someone who needs help. Why the hell are you trying to "help" someone who's happy the way he is?
Oh wait, that was a rhetorical question. As there is only this answer: you think the only reason a person could be happy with a way of life different than yours is because they are misguided/ignorant/evil/whatever and need to be shown the advantages of your superior way of life.
So let me cut your talk about "advantages" short. I don't care. Most people don't care. In fact, your preaching is the reason most people don't care. Because by your actions and rhetoric, you are no different than Jehovah's Witnesses, and end up pissing people off for the exact same reasons in the exact same way. "I can't stop laughing in my mind thinking about those people", "we're only trying to let people know the advantages", "Maybe not all people are suitable for diets that exclude meat", "Also the amount of meat wasted! Its just stupid and immoral", BLA BLA FUCKING BLA.
Did I break it down well enough to explain why and how you are being assholes? Why people can't stand you? Why you should sit down and shut the fuck up instead?
Live with it. Deal with it. The more you try to resist it, the more adamant I'll be. If I'll be ready to go vegetarian, I'll come to you. Well, not you specifically, but rather people who aren't assholes about it. |
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 06:57
haha... funny...
You r actin like a small kid in a candy store...
"I don care wat mommy n dentist says, i want my candies, i want my candies... waaaahhhhhh!!!!...."
Well dude, if u like eating meat so much n don really care wat r the consequences... then why are u even on this thread n gettin all frustrated... Go ahead n get urself a nice juicy steak n a beer n be at peace...
? |