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are you hipnotised or is it real passion?


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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 22:16
ok, when we come to trance we all have had different but similar experiences.

With me it has been always a question... I don't know if it is more feelings or a state of trance (hipnotic state that made me stay with this amazing music so long.

When it is nice it is good. But there is also those periods that you want to move on and to move on it requires a mesure of concentration. Nothing that you can't do. But things are not as enjoyable as in trance. "A feeling or the state when listening to it more then half hour after long time not listening to it.

Then many questions again.

Do the artists who make the music have all this chaotic state as the listeners have? Is it only a state of my mind?

I know trance stimulate some chemicals in a certain way. I guess I am confuse about it. I have always been maybe.

How do you describe what trance makes to you exacly.

Sometimes I feel I have to have faith in the love I feel for it and fallow it. But I am trying to move on way from must of things so I can live a life that I can find happiness in other things. And I am not a drug user...

But when I listen to trance it plays something that it is like the most important thing in my life. So sometimes it scares because I have no talent in anything to do with art to live from this and I don't have a posh family.

It is quiet difficult to think of leaving my life to this. Something that I suppose I love so much but I have nothing to offer.

So to learn how to be not hipnotised and feel awake enough to face the world without trance has been the biggest challenge of my life. It is one year on the move and I can tell it is worth. But it is only listening to trance again it is just like I have never been way from it. But to stop listening and not to get all the feelings to go out and back into trance totally again always requieres a certain effort. I guess it gets less and less painful

The question is:
Is it a love or is it a hipnotic state with is capable to influence the love chemicals and make me the most happy person in the world when I listen to it.

Specially things like protoculture=metaphisical

share your constractive ideas please?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 1, 2005 00:17
It is definately love! The love the artist gives when he is making the music, it is feeling which the artist is giving a sublime feeling of eternal being!

Love the music and you will love everybody the same...Love the music and you are loving one of god´s sources!

Ganja           Your sound, is your music, is your soul keep them all on the right track!

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 1, 2005 00:18

On 2005-04-30 22:16, _Vanessa_ wrote:
The question is:
Is it a love or is it a hipnotic state with is capable to influence the love chemicals and make me the most happy person in the world when I listen to it.

Why is there an "or" in there? How can we differentiate really love from love chemicals?
If you love it, stay with it. If you feel that you need it, but don't want to be needing it, take a break from it.           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : May 1, 2005 00:27
further I am not against the study of the love chemistry...

I just wanted to hear what people think what comes first. An stimulation to the release of these natural chemicals that makes you happy or the feeling from the heart then your mind is made up from the inside feelings harder then the outside influences?

or vice versa?

Anyone with more specifics comments?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 1, 2005 02:27
Another not so specific comment originally said by Yungchen Lhamo:
"Often, the things that we think are making us happy in reality only give the slightest, most transient happiness; ultimately they have no essence and no meaning at all. There is a way of thinking, a way of living that has meaning, and it is the happiness found on this path that we really should be searching for."
I could explain why I posted this here, but I would rather not comment.

P.S. And for those that do not know Yungchen Lhamo, check out her beautiful music released by Real World records.           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : May 1, 2005 06:38
grow up,psy trance is not spiritual or any other shit you might think it is!! its just ANOTHER FORM OF ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC!!!!!!!! people. start thinking and doing less drugz!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 2, 2005 01:09
Yes, another form of music.
Yet, all music is as spiritual as you make it out to be.           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : May 2, 2005 02:15
well I don't think any of you had the fuckin time to read or lets say harder understand my question...

The question is: When you say you like trance...


Have you ever had a look if it is from the heart first that the sound comes to your ear and make you feel good? From the first sight, without you noticing it....

Or is it like come to your ears and than it makes your head the feel of """trance""" then it start to work on your blood vessel, and then suddenly you keep yourself enough happy to feel it from your heart and say: "Oh, I like this"... (this I could call hipnotic state).

I could make this question to other genre if I was not so much kept to trance music. Like Electro I realise it is pretty much the way it just keep hipnotising all my body moviments, or house makes me just feel and feel. But trance always fill all the edges I can possibly imagine and this makes me confuse. So, I want to know what people feel, if there is someone sober enough to describe constructively I am still waiting


Inactive User

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Posted : May 2, 2005 03:21

On 2005-05-02 02:15, _Vanessa_ wrote:
The question is: When you say you like trance...


maybe a ? after the question will make people understand? (a joke)

But seriously that second line is hard to understand even for people that know English very well. (not a joke).
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 2, 2005 03:42
I agree with HandA.

For example: I like very much psytrance and progressive metal like Dream Theater.

I like both of them, they are different, psytrance is much more danceable and Dream Theater usually is much more virtuosity and high level production (IMO). I already cried and laugh and sang along with both genres.

IMO it's all about the music I like and I want to know better.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 2, 2005 05:31
I understand what you are asking very well, Vanessa. There is no need for rudeness and defensiveness. What I think once again, is that there really is no difference between your two alternatives. The examples you bring up again: sound coming from your heart and making you feel good OR like house music the sound going to your head first and making you feel and feel.
Do you really expect to get a rational response to this question. I don't mean to be rude myself, but if you want an answer, pose a question that is answerable.           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : May 2, 2005 08:01
i think love is just the byproduct from getting into a different mental state.

trance makes you exist witout verbal thoughts, and that is the big deal. in zen it is called "satori". your thinking mind is literally lost from the beauty of the experience and instead you are "here and now", present in the moment. you get to this state also when you look on extraordinarily beautiful nature.

existing without verbal thoughts is a step towards existing without ANY thoughts. thoughts then only come when desired, instead of being what you are (or what you think you are) they become just a mental tool. that state is called "samadhi" in yoga and it is what people feel when they do enough acid to get the full effect (250mics+ ? ). the default experience in that state is silence, even in the presence of external noise. there is an excellent book written on this experience, called "the power of now" by eckhart tolle. it's so good it got to be the #1 best selling book in the NY Times bestseller list! IMHO it's amazing. very well written:

when you dance to trance or listen to trance it is hard to get away from the music because you enter a meditative state. not hypnotic, meditative. meditation is just deep concentration in an object (samadhi meditation, which is how yoga people get into samadhi, is simply advanced meditation: deep concentration on NOTHING). one of the qualities of meditation is that it is a stable state. if you just nudge out of it once you can "slip" back into it. getting out requires a persistent effort.

psy           i love it when the sun comes up

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Posted : May 2, 2005 15:03
ta, psy.

furthur I am sorry if I looked rude, lately I dealing with so many monster from the very behind the mask who look like an angel that it is having an impact in my behave towards other people. I know the difference is very little from the point of view I am at, and I can't expect to get the answer here.

Psy you gave me a very good point to my reseachs. If an hipnotic state seems very close to a trance state. That might increase something to my understandings. I have done a sort of yoga once (meditation) that once you learn how to do the exercise with the moviment of the specific music. You can make the exercise in more then an hour (only once one exercise) and if the music stops you stop and can't move, the exercise takes you so deeply hipnotised/ in trance that it would be very dramatic if it had stop before it finished.

I realise that trance music is got this power, even tought that a person don't need to know this things before they make the music.

So it is quiet hard to understand the question I think will remain, because it is like, to get to this state you have to be open to all the diciplines it can offer, and the real Goa brings a lot of the stuff together. It is a natural experience you can have without have to learn them. But when the round you use to share this specific level of enlightment is not working for yourself anymore because then u suddenly have to wake up and interfer your meditation with a lot of cruel reason, then que question comes...

The question comes because it is not easy to ignore everything you have led it come in.
So in order to very precise reason it must end.
The yoga exercise where my mind had created many involviment with people who did never care must end. And it seems that it had learned so much information on how to get direct to the central nerves sistems from all the other areas of the brain. That it become quiet hard to guess if it comes from the heart (it in order would be love), or it comes from a series of outside waves influences direct to the hipcampus (part of the memory in the brain... and all the other areas affecting the neural sistem and changing the course of my toughts and attitudes, giving me a disorder where I can't focus on what is real, because the imagination and sensation are so much more involved to the memory those little moments gave to me that it is impossible to feel so intense in any other music.

The music that has got memories is my brain, they also can change my emotions from one person to another in a tighning bit. It is just listen to that music I had been with that person and then, I am not give any importance to what had happened a day before. It has power to give me a compulsive obsession and I will do anything to relieve it.

i could say trance music has changed my way. And to get back to my strangh I need to understand what happens to the interference it causes direct to the central nerval sistem and to the heart.

In order to relieve the compulsive desorder and get on with other things...

well I know i wan't clear
forget about it


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Posted : May 2, 2005 21:29
I believe that it all depends on what you do with the music with your mind. like it says on the phutureprimitive cd. "vibration for the imagination." your brain latches on to certain frequencies present in the music and BOOM! love it....more and more every day as my mind expands further and further.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 2, 2005 22:19
To pure_mdma,
Don't know. I think differently the trance is just another electronic music scene. I think it is the closest recreation to the tribal rite of passage. It is spiritual IMHO as enlightment is one of the goals of this ritual. The simple action of taking a hallucinogenic drug shatters all of our precondition understanding of our reality. I mean you alter you consciouness and realize there is another reality your mind did not pick up before For me this is a spiritual moment inline with all human mythology.

LOVE. So complicated, yet so simple. We could consider love the emotion attached to something to this material world. Also there is love which transcends the material and that involves no attachment or feelings, but just a sense of selflessness and caring for everything around you.

Well I like the feeling of dancing and listening to it. I like the power it has to expand my imagination. I trully love many of the ppl i have met @ the events. I like the intelligence it has behind it. I love the effort put into the experience. I like the journey from day to night to day to night. I love its culture.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - are you hipnotised or is it real passion?

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