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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - April 1st: NYC: 28thday and Light-o-Matic present Voice of Cod!!

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April 1st: NYC: 28thday and Light-o-Matic present Voice of Cod!!

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Mar 16, 2006 21:03
Saturday April 1, 2006

28thday and Light-o-Matic bring you an Organically grown treat:

In their first appearance in the U.S.:
Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK)

Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK)
ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK)
Unorthodox (28thday)

The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from Boston

Additional artists TBA

$20 before midnight, $25 after.
Location: CoSM - Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (540 West 27th St, NYC)

Missed our recent events? Look at photos here:

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Posts :  126
Posted : Mar 16, 2006 21:38
Will the gallery be open?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2006 21:49

On 2006-03-16 21:38, SpaceShark wrote:
Will the gallery be open?

i heard "no"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  297
Posted : Mar 16, 2006 22:19
cant wait, last party you guys put together was really fun. I must admit i havent been to COSM yet. everytime there's a party there i never make it. i Will be there this time. THank you everyone for working hard, and setting up these great events for us. see you there
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 16, 2006 22:27
have fun all
hope to make it to the states as of may           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 17, 2006 01:01
this is a beautiful lineup but why not open the gallery and amplify some beatless ambient music there and make it into a beautiful chillout/meditation area           ein chadash tachat hashemesh. there is nothing new under the sun. --kohelet.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 17, 2006 01:09
i said it before and ill say it again - intelligent people = intelligent music! this is the case with VOC
i cant wait for the dj set as well from humph!
hooray!           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."

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Posted : Mar 17, 2006 01:27

On 2006-03-17 01:09, Surrender wrote:
intelligent people = intelligent music! this is the case with VOC

I totally agree with it! Can't wait!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  510
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 02:49

cant wait....... bring them on.... cant wait to dance in CosM again... the last party you guys did there was just mind blowing...           We meditate upon the Spiritual Effulgence of That Adorable Supreme Divine Reality, the Source of the Physical, the Astral, and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. May That Supreme Divine Being enlighten our Intellect So we may realise the Supreme Truth.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 17, 2006 03:19
I love their sound. This is going to be super.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  1383
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 05:29

On 2006-03-17 01:09, Surrender wrote:
i said it before and ill say it again - intelligent people = intelligent music!

just out of curiosity, is this an if and only if statement?           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 19:25
Hey all... As you might imagine we're kind of excited to be joining you in a couple of weeks! As it says in the promotional blurb this will be the first time Voice of Cod will have played in the US, and the first time I will have ever been to the country (OOOD played in NYC for Acid Physix for NYE 1996 or 7 but I had commitments in South Africa so couldn't come). I'm especially looking forward to seeing some of Mr. Gray's artwork, having seen photos around and about for a while now - I hope the gallery will be open but I'm guessing this is not in the hands of the promoters. A chillout area/meditation space surrounded by those pictures sounds f'kin awesome to me though.

We'll be debuting a (hopefully final mix of a) new track at this party - a collaboration between Voice of Cod and one of my partners in OOOD; Out Of Our Cod, or Voice of Depth or something, I dunno... anyway we hope you'll enjoy our music, and maybe even dance a little to it...

We'll see you there!

PS. If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle US immigration when weighed down with keyboards, laptops and FX units please let us know...           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  510
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 20:41

On 2006-03-17 19:25, Colin OOOD wrote:
A chillout area/meditation space surrounded by those pictures sounds f'kin awesome to me though.

this is exactly what happened in the last 28thday lightomatic party at CoSM with lemurians... and it was just too good... hope to see that happen again this time...
          We meditate upon the Spiritual Effulgence of That Adorable Supreme Divine Reality, the Source of the Physical, the Astral, and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. May That Supreme Divine Being enlighten our Intellect So we may realise the Supreme Truth.
mono mono

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Posts :  314
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 21:20

On 2006-03-17 19:25, Colin OOOD wrote:

PS. If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle US immigration when weighed down with keyboards, laptops and FX units please let us know...

If asked, you could just say you've come to hang out and make music (and record) with your musician friends here in the states, which, on some level, is not far from the truth. How many days in the US?

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 17, 2006 21:35
We get there on Friday evening, and leave Monday evening :S Not much time to sightsee...           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - April 1st: NYC: 28thday and Light-o-Matic present Voice of Cod!!

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