Annoying noise coming out of Moog Phatty
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 14, 2013 14:21
that annoying noise is you playing it..haha sorry lol joke
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 14, 2013 14:24
ok thats interesting, i was under the impression they tracked like a zombie.
been looking for a good ring mod in euro but nothing seems to really be as wet as the moog one, but there will probably be a kit youi could get to knock one up with the same sound as the moog, eurorack bandwagons got a lot af seats on it at the moment
xox is my midi cv at the mo too, nice setting it to random like an extra s/h
minataur must be fun, seeing as you can re purpose the cv ins, it does CV to midi as well?
im gagging to get my hands on one of these
the thought of having the pc side of a patch interacting with the cv side really appeals to me
you haad a look at the Koma Komander
two cv gate channels and a bit thereminy, but well responsive
Martian Arts
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Posted : Apr 15, 2013 12:21
Well you can do worse than getting a Dopefer A-114 to start with. Two very basic ring modulators that sound just fine and the module it self is very cheap.
I love the sound of the MF-102, but it does cost a lot. The MF-102 tracking is not bad, what is hard is to get it in tune, as there is no fine tune knob for the on board VCO...which could mean your giving the Frequency know, a few ever so slight of touches for a good few minutes, to get it right.
The REV2 update of the Minitaur does CV to MIDI, but I have yet to do that, as I am not particularly interested into using CV to control a soft synth.
KOMA Kommander looks fun, though my next purchase will be the OTO Biscuit. Great sounding stereo analog multimode filter and all the extra things the new update offers, including a full blown mono synth. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 15, 2013 12:54
the cv to midi for me would be getting FX inside the box that interact with the patch and the complex waveforms you could generate with cv, not really for tweeking synths
more like adding more depth to the analogue patch. thats all |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Apr 15, 2013 12:55