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Alien Jesus - Open Your Eyes (Space Tribe Music, 2010)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 18:03

On 2011-08-25 18:36, Templar^ wrote:
Regarding the above there is no need to be worried. There are millions of flies in the world and they just adore eating faeces - should their taste matter to us? No, let us fully enjoy other things and leave the foul matter to the less evolved beings.

Post of the month! FTW

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Posts :  51
Posted : Nov 24, 2011 13:52
This album is probably the worst I ever heard. Looks like they produced it in a week or so. Style is totally random and cheezy, music itself almost inaudible...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 5, 2012 18:20
Jesus save us...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2012 15:25
Oh yeah, really bad album.

On a contrary Space tribe released a good Vs album
called Peak Experience.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 7, 2012 18:26
Here is a new Alien Jesus EP! I know ya'll been waiting.

Infact, these 2 tracks sounds pretty good. Cant compare them to their album, psytrance-wise.

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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2012 19:34

On 2012-02-07 18:26, Wizack Twizack wrote:
Here is a new Alien Jesus EP! I know ya'll been waiting.

Infact, these 2 tracks sounds pretty good. Cant compare them to their album, psytrance-wise.


That is so boring and stereotype fullon. Beats me that anyone find this inspiring or even good. But yeah taste and all that. 
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 8, 2012 20:40
Rather more space tribe's typical sound. I haven't heard the hole tracks. I didn't have a "wow" moment, but thats rare. I was just saying they sounded pretty good as fullon tracks, compared to that album they released earlyer wich pretty much sucked balls imo.           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

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Posted : Feb 12, 2012 00:48
Every tune coming from this improbable project is utter crap, deserves no attention in my opinion.
The question is: how many dollars did they give you to promote them, Wizack?
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 12:21
That album they released is the worst album i have ever heard that has been under the so called psytrance genre. So i saw this ep on beatport and was expecting a laugh again, but instead i heard something without singing and all of that. So i was thinking mayby they did something cool this time, becouse they can, for sure (if they want) (imo) (or used to know) (i dont know) (dont care)
So i putted it here just for fun to see what ya'll would think of it. It's nothing groundbreaking for sure, just regular fullon alá space tribe. I didn't say it was something new and uniqe, just perhaps something better then their album. Im a good guy, no hater, this is a forum
So no dollars involved im afraid.
I get the feeling this is a rescue, plan b EP that they did to gain atleast one fan.

          For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

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Posts :  51
Posted : Feb 15, 2012 20:10
Was jocking with you, Wizack.

You're right, it looks like they tried to save the boat with that new EP.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
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Posted : Mar 12, 2013 21:20
there is no good without it still has some use xD           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Alien Jesus - Open Your Eyes (Space Tribe Music, 2010)
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