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About the disrespect of an "artist" and the people judging the other like kids...


Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 21:43:43
DETOX, so... ¿wikileaks are also kids? This "Cosmo nosepoisond" deserve that the people knows which kind of human is...

now you can lock or delete this post because I´m a kid also, and hope to be a kid all my life if beeing "mature" is to be so arrogant with the others...

PD. I´m talking about the locked post " WTF... this is at your opinion"

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 21:50
i also found the locking of that thread very odd. i understand not wanting drama, but that seemed fairly scene related and worth sharing.           Doof Local
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:14
You criticize somebody's behavior - that's cool.
You post a private conversation for the whole world to see - you are a hysterical teen at best.

Simple ethics, n'est pas?

P.S. And yes, that would be the case with WL as well. Whatever the positive impact of that scandal was (I am yet to see any), the act itself was unethical.

P.S. Another way of discussing that issue would be something like
"Such-n-Such was very rude to me when we discussed some possible business; he was disrespectful to me and to other organizers and generally full of doodoo-feces ((C) Michael Jackson); do you think we as a Scene should tolerate such behavior from an artist?"

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:52

On 2011-08-14 22:14, Maine Coon wrote:
You criticize somebody's behavior - that's cool.

and aren´t you criticizing me right now?
That´s live dude, you have to fight for what you believe, you believe that I´m an histerical teenager and you made it public and I believe the attitude of this arrogant "cosmo" must to be public, like wikileaks does with the attitude of the politics...

And maybe the other post had to be locked because the istratrance policy, but the poster doesn´t deserve to be insulted by the moderator... Who moderate to the moderators?          Dancers make the party, not Dj´s
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:58

On 2011-08-14 22:52, syntesis wrote:

On 2011-08-14 22:14, Maine Coon wrote:
You criticize somebody's behavior - that's cool.

and aren´t you criticizing me right now?

Exactly. Isn't it cool?


That´s live dude, you have to fight for what you believe, you believe that I´m an histerical teenager and you made it public and I believe the attitude of this arrogant "cosmo" must to be public, like wikileaks does with attitude of the politics...

There are ways of exposing a jackass without making a jackass out of yourself at the same time.
I actually offered an example in my previous post.


And maybe the other post had to be locked because the istratrance policy, but the poster doesn´t deserve to be insulted by the moderator... Who moderate to the moderators?

Owners do.
It's still a private site, isn't it?

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Aug 14, 2011 22:59
If you lock a post, please don´t insult to the people because they are not be able to deffend their self
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 23:48
No matter if the topic was wrong or not he got a point. It's not OK that Detox ridicule him as there is no way to answer back. It's a bad habit Detox got. Especially seen in the light that if a member does the same toward Detox the chance is it could lead to a ban or a warning.


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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 00:16
Cool story brothers.
Light a spliff and just chill.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 01:26
yeah, i suppose the private conversation posting was a bit err…. what's the word i'm looking for… not professional? i don't know if it's the right word.

but yeah, the snippy remark from a mod and then a topic lock would stir the natives i suppose, least it did for me...           Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 01:43
No offense, but judging from the conversation, both parties come across somewhat childish and unprofessional.

Not that it is any of my business....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 02:29
That thread was a trainwreck. It should never have been posted.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 03:20
Dear Syntesis,a conversation is named private exactly because it takes place between two people and has to stay between them unless they both aggree to take it in public.

For me their is nothing more insulting or lame or childish than a person who has an argument with another person and decides to leak the story in public without the permission of the other person.

Wikileaks STOLE other people's (and mostly government officials) conversations and leaked them in public and thats why the man behind wikileaks ended up in jail and more of his associates will follow in the future. You just decided to leak a story where you participate as a speaker plus we are talking about a story that is of no public interest unlike most wikileaks documents. Whether Cosmo considers you or any other person a kid and not worthy of working with you is his problem and noone cares about it except you. Its his absolute right to refuse to work with you and your organisation and to consider you whatever he likes, NOONE ELSE CARES ABOUT IT EXCEPT YOU!

So to sum it up publishing that private conversation is absolutely childlish and lame so when you act childish dont get insulted if people call you a child because you brought that to yourself.

A real man would just drop that issue and tell Cosmo to get lost in private and seek to work with someone else,instead you chose to come in public and gain what? Public opinion's assurance that Cosmo acts like an idiot? What is this a public court?

GET SERIOUS PEOPLE!           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 04:19

So to sum it up publishing that private conversation is absolutely childlish and lame so when you act childish dont get insulted if people call you a child because you brought that to yourself.

A real man would just drop that issue and tell Cosmo to get lost in private and seek to work with someone else,instead you chose to come in public and gain what? Public opinion's assurance that Cosmo acts like an idiot? What is this a public court?



Sorry man, maybe now some hours after reading "the disgusting post of the mature super star being so rude with another human being", I wouldn´t write this post... but I understand perfectly to the victim being upset and making "unprofesional" issues like the locked post, having beeing humillated in such way... and when I saw at the end of the post that was closed with something like "you are a kid (so the "matture super star" is right) I got upset (and dissapointed again with isratrance). Why so many offenses, detox? Does this poor party organizer deserve to be humillated first by "super matture super cool star" and then with a isratrance moderator? It´s supouse that YOU MUST TO BE THE PROFESSIONAL BEING MODERATOR.
          Dancers make the party, not Dj´s

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Aug 15, 2011 04:34

On 2011-08-15 00:16, Pavel wrote:
Cool story brothers.
Light a spliff and just chill.

Totally agree!!! Always when I open istrance I really need a spliff...

I joined isratrance one year ago thinking I went to find interesting things about psytrance music and opening a post asking about a style of music... and 50 posts after I got a dozen of insults. Do I must to ignore this kind of people? Sorry, but the matter of "the disgusting post of a superstar being extremely rude with another human being" really got me upset, so many shit and after being humillated by the moderator without the chance to deffend...

Anyway I´ll get your advice and I´m going to roll a joint, chill out, go to bed, see a film... and ALWAYS BE A KID...
          Dancers make the party, not Dj´s
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2011 04:42
ok look maybe it was not the best idea for syntesis to post a private message here, but give him a little slack.. that cosmo dick was being real asshole for no real reason since syntesis was just trying to book him.. so I can see why syntesis felt insulted and wanted to vent out and expose cosmo for his dickhead behavior.. and maybe Cosmo deserves to be exposed. not that anybody cares about him but if it were a bigger artists maybe it would have been more interesting and eye opening to people.

Regardless I agree with others here that it was poor moderation from Detox to insult syntesis by calling him a kid, that was just unecessary.

And btw to ask syntesis to first get permission of Cosmo to post the private message here.. what are you serious? its like asking a troll permision to report their behaviour.. doesn't make much sense.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - About the disrespect of an "artist" and the people judging the other like kids...

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