A new dawn for the mexican Scene?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 5, 2010 06:55
If you want to do some real psychedelic parties you have to bring it 100% from the heart. In a psy party you want to create a sacred space and a pure and magical dance floor where you can dance your heart out and break FREE from the souless spell that society is stuck in. So when organizing a party you want to aim for the highest good, for the highest truth that will free one and all, grooving with the stars and to the hearbeat of cosmic unity and love. So you need the BEST music. These are high standards and so not just any poser DJ will do. You know what I am saying? If you want to create a real psychedelic party you have to act like a shaman or a yogi who is searching for the higher truth. And so if the music is going to drive the party then you need seriously psychedelic music and it is very important that you try and find ONLY the best music for the highest purpose. No fillers. And who cares if the artists are Mexican or not, you want to find the real artists no matter where they come from, remember in the psychedelic dancefloor there is no nationality. There is cosmic unity!
Guys its all about intention. You have to set the intention to the highest and then somehow things will magically work out if you put the effort. Keep the essence pure. And you can put as much deco as you want, you can build a mountain of the most mind bending art you have ever conceived if you can do that. Like some of those ancient temples you see in places like India. What is most important is that you keep the vision truly psychedelic and free from any garbage so that every little piece of deco you create or hang has all your soul, all your spirt, all your being and all your love. Its a celebration to what life is really about!
Then these parties become really special and even UFOs come and visit. neta..
Buena vibra locochones! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 15:23
and the best music is? pls enlight me with your knoledge.
what is the diference from just a poser filler dj than a real true heart artist or dj?
why we need to act like a shaman?
why we have to make the deco huge and spectacular and like India?
spiritual vanity.
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Posted : Mar 11, 2010 03:11
I hope to see some possitive things happening in the scene down in Mexico. I want to come out and help rock at least 1 event there. I have not heard a lot of great things about the scene there but I have seen some video of a few events and I have to say you all seem to have lots of energy and like to party hard!
Its best to live by example, live the life you would like to see happen maybe others will fallow your lead or at least see that it is possible.
Much respect from Denver!
  \\\"Invoking the inner dancing buddha with future frequencies from beyond\\\" ~GyPsy
D-A-R-K Rec, Anomalistic Rec.
Cerebral Theater |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 17, 2010 19:29
On 2010-03-06 15:23, Serag wrote:
and the best music is? pls enlight me with your knoledge.
what is the diference from just a poser filler dj than a real true heart artist or dj?
why we need to act like a shaman?
why we have to make the deco huge and spectacular and like India?
spiritual vanity.
Troll vanity
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 22, 2010 19:34
On 2010-01-29 20:07:13, Login wrote:
With the return of Time and Space last november, and now Tierra magica Is the mexican scene on a rebirth?
This year also SOE 10 year anniversary for sure will be another great party.
I feel in the air very good vibes for psy at least in Mexico city, with fresh line ups, well produced parties and the return of old timers.
I will hope to see also Deliria's return with another party, and why not maybe all promoters could unite for a big celebration 2012.
definetely ... not |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 6, 2010 07:35
On 2010-03-06 15:23, Serag wrote:
and the best music is? pls enlight me with your knoledge.
what is the diference from just a poser filler dj than a real true heart artist or dj?
why we need to act like a shaman?
why we have to make the deco huge and spectacular and like India?
spiritual vanity.
Serag for me the best music is the music that is makes you the MOST FREE, its the music that SINCERELY aims to the highest truth that is GOOD FOR ALL and the music that has the most PURE LOVE. It doesn’t have to be serious at all, but it comes from the heart. So cliche but so true. Unfortunately I am sure you have noticed that most people are not TRULY looking for these things. Most people are just doing what they have been told to do by society, like get a job and chase money and do what is acceptable and they never ever really question anything deeply or truly follow the highest rays of their heart.
Only real truth seekers will go the extra miles in search for a higher purpose in life and in search for what they feel most deeply burried in their soul. And these are the true yogis and shamans, the real psychedelic heads, the real genuine artists, the real freaks that represent the real psychedelic underground.
And you can find good music across many different genres, but its always a minority of artists who are truly passionate from the heart. And even more of a minority the artists that are in search of a higher ground and who are opening up to higher states of consciousness which is where the music starts to get real psychedelic. Because waking up is hard to do! but such amazing artists and music do exist.
For me an example of music like this was the early GOA days, just listen to some of those old school tracks and they are like poems reaching out to the stars, to the truth, to all that is good and makes us free!!! Unfortunately these days there is a lot of trash in trance music, its really not much different than pop music even though its labeled as psychedelic trance. But there is still good music out there.
And man I never said you have to make the deco huge. But you however said the deco needed to be small. Why only small as a rule if in your heart you want to do something big? It’s not the quantity, but the quality. Nobody wants cheap art with no soul hanging from the walls or trees. But If you have a genuine and original psychedelic vision from the heart and feel the calling to create an amazing lanscape of deco to nourishing the soul and expand the mind then why not? It’s like music, its just art. As long as you respect the envirnoment and you do not pollute there are no rules, its ART. And this doesn’t mean that parties with more deco are better either, that’s not what I am saying. In fact I think the best party I ever went to did not have any deco whatsoever, it was just nature and a solar eclipse. The organizer made the party in a really remote location with amazing scenery where there was only nature and where the 1998 Venezuela total solar eclipse was going to be best viewed. Imagine what an auspicious day to make a party, and the only deco was nature and the total solar eclipse. It was amazing, and there were UFOs at the party, I am not kidding. The party was free and the organizer just collected donations out of good vibes. The Goa spirit, total psychedelic freedom vibe of love. It really inspired me and I connected with some DJs there and few months later they came to Mexico for what was probably the first real Goa trance party in the country, there is even a video of that party. And I can tell you that when we organzied that party we were thinking with our hearts and reaching out to the stars, very esoteric times for me and and I was going through a profound spiritual and psychedelic experience. Timeless inexpressible feelings.