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Posted : Feb 12, 2011 21:06
On 2011-02-12 00:17, Mike A wrote:
Thought of more stuff to say while I was washing the dishes (with water, unfortunately it wasn't hexagonal water).
First of all, moki.
What is, as far as you know, an isotope? Don't look it up. Just give me your definition of an isotope.
Now, what is an isotope of water?
That thing about huge cluster of water was new to me. I didn't know about it before (one of those things I can say without problem). It is very interesting and it may indeed explain some of the properties of liquid water, but how is this related to "hexagonal" water? And it certainly does not prove that you can form clusters like that by talking to the water.
Let me answer your questions. You asked, how can I explain the fact that the water (ice actually) looks like preety snowflakes when "exposed to positive thoughts". Because ice looks like this. I would have still looked like this even if it wasn't. Snow falls and looks exactly like this even when there is no one around to see. You know what? Remember WW2? Lots of people killing each other - and it still snowed! There were still beautiful hexagonal ice crystals!
So how do I explain the ugly ice? Well, ice also looks like this. Go to your kitchen and open your freezer. Now look under that happy positive tasty ice cream you got there. Eww! Ugly un-hexagonal ice!
And since you say your field is statistics, let's talk statistics. Mr. Emoto gave only one photo of each samples (as you say). There can be no statistical analysis of this. For statistics you need at least 2 measurements (or pictures). The more photos, the lower your standard deviation is, and in plain English - the better your results are. Medical trials are done on hunderds of subjects, and are still controvorsial sometimes. So how can you consider Emoto's experiment to be any indication of anything? You can't even discuss whether he is right or wrong, the experiment itself wasn't done properly. So Emoto did a proper experiment, which failed to prove his theory. You keep ignoring this fact, for some unknown reason.
this post is long.
my answer: LOL
Mike A
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Posted : Feb 12, 2011 21:18
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2011 22:20
well if you are so cooperative to someone , who is "polluting" a thread, you quite obviously like it very dirty , no?
put less question marks, it will be ways more tidy then.
this wave function is not what i am looking for. or may be it is, but i dont see how can i apply the formula to get exact numbers that i can compare with other phenomenon of macro scale.
although the formulas are extremely simple, they dont give me a sequence of numbers. or where is the sequence? this is a sequence of numbers for example:
or this 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 ...
even this 2 4 6 8
or this 0, 1, 2, 5, 26
or where is the linear series in your link. i found another thing in wikipedia while reading your link and jumping from one issue to the other.
if there are 5 different sequences like that, i can then find a common thing between them all and make a common sequence out of them. this is what i am looking for. but i guess the way is long anyway.
the example with the wrong theories is not a proof, because you can build an entire house on a basicly unsteady ground , live there long, and one day it will nevertheless fall apart anyway. same with wrong science. i will ask you once more abouit it, after our nuclear power system collapses.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 01:34
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 01:53
Good finisher, Colin.
There's so much stuff "attempting to look like something that may resemble science" in this discussion that I wanted to drop dead in the middle of the reading.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 08:19
do social sciences and formal sciences ( mathematics, computer science and statistics) have nothing to say? how wonderful that the world out there does not share your opinion.
it is definitely an illusion that companies do not use those fields and do not focus their marketing activities on that. they definitely do. i know it, because it is where my money comes from and i have enough years of trancing and living " for free" style. spiritual marketing is a very innovative field. the more intelligent the company representative, the harder you would sell him rubbish theories. i am coming from a spiritual conference today, almost 99 percent was total rubbish.
one percent was absolut fascinating, for example a fresh cd coming from an astrophysician and engineer specialised on building of bridges. fascinating. actually it was the answer to lots of questions that i had in my sleepless nights in this thread the last days. we always find what we look for, even if it is not the way we thought we 'd find it. it is the question, that is important.
but i guess it is now time to jump out back to world and show what you/we can do THERE.
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 08:22
On 2011-02-13 01:34, Colin OOOD wrote:
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 08:40
i heard this is a music forum.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 09:47
On 2011-02-13 08:40, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i heard this is a music forum.
Wow this got me deep breathing in just 2 min, automatically! And at the ending i felt very emotional, Been listening to John Frusciante(curtains) whole weekend and it has also got me very emotional, but this emotion was more thankful than sorrow, which i got with Frusciante, still there was hope and relief in Frusciante aswell. Though some tracks was more sorrow in than others. But there was absolutely thankfulness in his music. Its hard to know this things with music and emotion, as it goes both ways. emotions coming from the music. and emotions coming from inside, awaken and triggered by the music. I know we all say its all within, but with music its a output/input thats the magic, the music also holds the emotion, not just me, or you
Thanks moki for sharing, very pleasant!
I dont know much at all about Solfeggio frequencies, but it wont hurt checking them up and it wouldnt hurt using them for music creation. Surely one can do music in many ways, if it feels good it probably is good, no matter if its 440hz or 443hz or 396hz, or 417hz
but one question is the music tuned to these base freq or how does this work, i mean a ensemble tune to a base freq so their instruments sound the same, Or should one tune all instruments to the "cosmic frequency" 432hz? i have yet not got me a tuner that goes that low...
Inactive User
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 10:01
On 2011-02-13 08:40, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i heard this is a music forum.
i listen to binaural beats and i feel like in goa. I saw sadhus there sitting with chillum and looking at me. they invited me to join and told me a long story about their lifes. Story was too long. My answer was: LOL
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 11:19
On 2011-02-13 10:01, Jacynth wrote:
On 2011-02-13 08:40, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i heard this is a music forum.
i listen to binaural beats and i feel like in goa. I saw sadhus there sitting with chillum and looking at me. they invited me to join and told me a long story about their lifes. Story was too long. My answer was: LOL
Are you working with loops? Sometimes it seems like you are stuck in one or two
but you know you can always expand on loops and make them more interesting!
Also remember long visits to goa can cause severe brain damage Lots of people found life changing experience over there! My answer is: LOL
Martian Arts
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 13:57
On 2011-02-13 08:40, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i heard this is a music forum.
Funny reading this from you with all the tripe you've been posting, ennit.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 15:43
On 2011-02-13 01:34, Colin OOOD wrote:
I love the mouseover " Not to be confused with making money selling this stuff to other people who think it works" missing plug-in
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 16:34
The military did use curses back in the days actually we still do, Religion is a big thing you know and if you dont do this or that you go to hell, or if you do something evil for the great cause of jihad you go to heaven and get lots of wife's
Also there are plenty of financial businessmen that use tarot and astrology to their benefits.
Isnt placebo a scientific proven thing?(or even peer pressure)
and arent there things outside our brains reach that we cant grasp, and isnt soundwaves and water two of the most important things in humans life, a part from food and love?
anyway science away all you want, get gray hair and calculate theories, i bet everyone here has unexplainable life experiences that is outside the reach of mind, or too close that its totally missed.
Does everything has to be proven by science?
Also who say that DNA is static? that dont sound logic to me
And frequencies and resonance are pretty real, real enough to make people, smile, cry, dance, sing, fall in love and heal
Maybe there are certain people that need magic in their lifes, and that are just very fascinated by scientific parameters but dont have the knowledge to put them together, we should be lucky there are people that can put these parameters together and make sense out of them.
But still there are things that remains a mystery!
It is this we cannot forget, And we must also know the need for mystery, not to make money from it but to fill the void that exists!
Believe what you want, but its not a good idea to try and sort everything in the universe, and the universe will keep telling us that by giving us events after events that we cannot figure out, Even if some people really believe they have figured it all out!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 13, 2011 17:02
may be if it a mystery, then it should remain a mystery. what i wonder all the time is what do i actually reach if i bring out a cd with my sound, with a nice large brochure with text explanations. i will reach exactly only the few scientists, both professors or students, that i reach already now. and if i wanna reach more people , i will need to make a " product" out of mystics. dont know, it definitely doesnt feel nice to me.
nowadays it happens all the time that science step by step proves ancient mystical knowledge, but it is far way from proving it all. btw i personally keep to the 432 hz theory, because i can come to this number with mathematics, as well as to all other numbers within the cosmic octave. i understand them. may be i am too simple to see a mistake in my scientific method. 528 hz is not my thing, although i love solfeggio. but it is definitely more suitable to people who are strong with placebo and self autosuggestion. i am not, and i need to understand it.
here is one of the greatest achievements of music as far as a scientific method is concerned. those who watched the interviews on my website know how quantum music is done through the spectral analysis. but it is terribly sad that it is all only available in german. the cd that i found yesterday, is not even out yet, by the astrophysician dieter broers, if this name tells you something. but it is what i call one of the greatest scientist achievements of resonance ever. you would love it if you saw the brochure inside with the scientific explanations. as far as i see, it is again only in german.
it is another question that i am almost sure that nobody can afford to bring such a cd out, unless he has other source of income to finance it. like in this case a university behind you and a title of scientist. university degree is nothing in the world we live in.
mankind is really not so open to scientific mystery. it is sad.
mystics resonantes very good with throwing stones on the mysticist. actually it really never fit well to big crowds.