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Zolodarenko memory..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 19:03
Its sad, I only started to listen to his music right before he died...

Everyone should go buy Vertigo's new cd Deja Vu Fabrique! its Zolods last work and from the samples its a great one...

Rest in peace, Zolod, Im sorry I didnt know you better... Your music gives me a lot of pleasure and I know that wherever we go when we die, you are there making amazing fullpower morning music still!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 21:29

Everyone should go buy Vertigo's new cd Deja Vu Fabrique! its Zolods last work and from the samples its a great one...

it`s so fu... good album...
always in my memory Zolod...R.I.P.

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 01:30
Deja Vu Fabrique! this release is real masterpeace and its timelles.I've listen it for four days over and over amazing stuff
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2006 01:44
Mine is on the way!

Ive been eager to hear it since I first saw it on the Deja Vu site long ago.

You're not really fully dead if you leave such a lasting impression on humanity! Long live Zolod!!!!          .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 17:06
damm its been a year....

this was the buzz in goa when i was there last year....and i remember it like yesday...

dint beleive it then still cant belive it


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Posted : Jan 16, 2007 20:42
yeah there is been a year after his death

he will be in our hears and we will remmember him like great music producer

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2007 20:45

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Posted : Jan 22, 2007 23:32
wish you all the best
Milan Kanibal HolokausT
Kanibal HolokausT

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Posted : Feb 3, 2007 11:42

On 2007-01-22 23:32, cascade wrote:
wish you all the best


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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 07:53

May the light of GOD be with you.

From Italy, to the underpassage of Harlem to SF we pray for you... and never forget the cocaaine in Boom 2001... given fucking bullshit life is, we shall pray..

I see Chris tomorrow and will explain to him, but fukk it pray in rest and life will rest in your music.

-Crazy Italian

Cosmic Tandav

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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 08:40
your music is soul stirring...

thanks a lot Zolod..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 23, 2007 10:10

The greatest of them all...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 24, 2007 13:24
Why he chose to do what he did is beyond me. But what he left behind (Deja Vu Fabrique) is deep inside my heart. Thank you where ever your energy lies. And also a huge thank you to the people behind who did this release possible for us to buy. It is truly one of the 7 wonders of psychedelic trance music. I dont want to say RIP, but I would like to say PIP (Party In Peace).

- Jan Erik
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  527
Posted : Apr 25, 2007 01:16
still can`t belive in his death...
R.I.P Zolod 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  31
Posts :  188
Posted : May 4, 2007 21:50
big love
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