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Your signature sound?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 07:45:34
I'm sure there are a plethora of artists out there to choose from, who you listen to day in and day out but you have to name one artist that springs to your mind the moment someone says " Who is that artist whose style you completely identity with?" ; someones whose tracks you wouldn't mind listening to for three days straight and without whose music that sub genre would be a gaping void.

This is as good as saying who is your favorite artist but this would mean much more than that.

For me its ATMA. i just discovered his album 'The Secrets of meditation' and i have to say its the best thing that has happened to me since Protoculture - Refractions.

I wouldn't like to now start explaining what exactly is it that i like because that would be like answering why the sun rises from the east or water is wet.

Waiting for you next album,ATMA if you're reading this!
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 07:50
honestly no one.
Lots of intersting artists though.
But no one I can identify myself with fully.
Actually no matter what music style.
At this moment or day it is Otis Redding.Yesterday it was the old n.w.a.Tomorrow it can be Suicidal Tendencies and next week maybe even Psynina.

meat battery

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  59
Posted : May 20, 2010 08:45
I'm with Time Traveller, I can't really give one artist. I love heaps of different genres and artists, electronic and not and my favourite 'the world would not be complete without them' artist changes from day to day.

Hehe I don't like putting myself into a boxes so I can't really say that X sub-genre sums up my identity/personality  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 09:02
There have been signature sounds which I've identified since I was a kid, and hopefully will continue to discover.
The first will always be the first four Black Sabbath albums.
And I'm too lazy to list all the rest since then...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 09:10
I hope it isnt the fear of naming one artist and feeling a bit squeamish that your musical perspective has been reduced to just that one artist who you might be really enjoying listening to more than the others? there is no harm in being honest           missing plug-in

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  379
Posted : May 20, 2010 09:21
On 2010-05-20 07:45:34, exotic wrote:
I'm sure there are a plethora of artists out there to choose from, who you listen to day in and day out but you have to name one artist that springs to your mind the moment someone says " Who is that artist whose style you completely identity with?" ; someones whose tracks you wouldn't mind listening to for three days straight and without whose music that sub genre would be a gaping void.

This is as good as saying who is your favorite artist but this would mean much more than that.

For me its ATMA. i just discovered his album 'The Secrets of meditation' and i have to say its the best thing that has happened to me since Protoculture - Refractions.

I wouldn't like to now start explaining what exactly is it that i like because that would be like answering why the sun rises from the east or water is wet.

Waiting for you next album,ATMA if you're reading this!


Hehe ! Tnx mate ! I'm glad you like my sound.
I try as much I can to be original but it's really hard to be original when you make melodic music than to do experimental music.
The the album "Music Revolution" is almost ready and it will be released probably at the end of this summer.
I am sure you will like it !
Cheers !           NEW ALBUM OUT SOON !!!
"ATMA - Music Revolution"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
Posts :  5057
Posted : May 20, 2010 09:31
Great to hear from you on this thread!

I'm sure its a blood painful yet rewarding experience to labor away on the melodies and achieve exactly what you're looking for. all i want to say is all the best and hope your album is just the way i have imagined it to be.

Good luck
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : May 20, 2010 13:45
my signature sound is a nail scratching on a chalk board

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  82
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Posted : May 20, 2010 14:54
chumbawamba recently  
punk tantrik

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  417
Posted : May 20, 2010 14:55
soul kontakt recently !!

we`ll i wud like to hv th sound of the sea ! seems much much more peaceful           Ppl with gUns don`t understand!!!

thats baSically the reason why they keep gUns..............too many misunderstandings:)
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : May 20, 2010 15:53
led zeppelin..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : May 20, 2010 16:07
ozric tentacles
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 17:19
Death (AMerican metal band)

I can listen non stop anytime all the time (always gives me goose bumps)

+ big Respect !

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Posted : May 20, 2010 18:47
Pink Floyd           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : May 20, 2010 18:58
My sounds are linked to in my signature. Ummmmmmmmm  - Midwest based psytrance group
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