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Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Your opinion about this special kick/bass, some advices welcome!
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Your opinion about this special kick/bass, some advices welcome!

Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  52
Posted : Dec 11, 2013 20:02:09

I'am actually working on a track,whose i used an unusual bassline, or exactly three basslines:

- one for the subs, with a simple sine pattern
- a percussive FM one, with some bitcrusher and delay
- a low mid acid bassline

I 've made a first mix that you can hear here:

I was inspired by this to mix them, and i've tried to do it strictly:

I would ask you please what you think of it, and how improve it.

For those who are motivated, i can send you a Ableton pack with all the elements of this project ( i don't know if it runs on MacOSX!)

And here's a full ( and temporary) version of the track:

Thanks you for your advices and comments!


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 11, 2013 20:40

The beat has too much bass IMO, you should try taking a little but of your sub out. Also the kick needs some EQ, as it's very boomy. It also seems to me that your kick is very long, with a duration spanning over the whole beat, which overpowers the low end (on my AKG I hear manly a voooooom on the low end over the entire track). So, to me it seems muddy and needs cleaning up - make the kick shorter, EQ the kick, lower the sub, EQ the beat.

However, why would you need three layers to make this type of bass? IMO, apart from the sub sine wave, one saw wave could make this bass, with particular attention on the amp envelope to make it a bit clicky (percussive) and filter envelope to give it some acid feel.
Unless your third "bass" is the one playing the separate melody going "badadada bam wham", which I wouldn't call a bass (even if a bass instrument was used), but a low-mid lead, as it doesn't interfere with the beat (it's more of a lead than a bassline). Also, this lead is extremely repetitive, and IMO it needs a lot more going on, modulating and transforming itself into something else.. and you could place another lead answering this one, as it only plays for 2 beats, and then silences for two more beats: you could plane another lead in this silence complementing the first one

Hope I helped.           Super Banana Sauce
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  52
Posted : Dec 11, 2013 20:47
Yes, it helps, because it is very difficult to stay objective! Thank you!I'am gonna try it!

The kick is still EQed, and i've added some subs with PM Clarisonix vst because somebody reproaches me for my lack of subs...I guess i was heavy handed!


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  2
Posted : Dec 12, 2013 07:17
you need highs even on a bass man... this sounds totally lowpassed :S
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  52
Posted : Dec 12, 2013 19:33
I am used to cut the high at 5 kHz.

I've made a new mix of this project, changed the synth bass, made variations on the acid line, that i don't consider anymore like a bass, following your advices, and move on the right at 16R ( i did not include this one in the kick bass/ mix, so i will post the entire mix later).

Here are some screen prints of the 3 parts ( in this order: Kick, Sub bass, Mid Bass).

Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  52
Posted : Dec 13, 2013 18:43
Here's the latest mix, and a extract of the Kick/ Bass 'one.

I 've removed the chorus on the bassline, it mades it honking, but send the mid part into a bus with bitcrusher and delay. It begins to sound similar to what i'am looking for.

Kick/ Bass extract:

Full track (temporary mix): 
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Your opinion about this special kick/bass, some advices welcome!
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