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Your favourite Multiband Compressor

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : May 28, 2014 20:53:43
As a part of my job I use MD3 from TC Electronic and the native cubase multiband compressor quite often. Somehow I prefere the cubase one more, the MD3 sounds somehow plastic or kindof very digital, maybe creamy dunno maybe good for psy.
What you think about them both and what are you using?

At home I prefere the logic one, unfortunately at my work there is no logic.
ProTools and Ableton havent used them multiband compressors. Any reviews about them?
Also any kind of mastering techniques with multiband comps (maybe with combination of another compressor(s)) that you can share are welcome.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  729
Posted : May 28, 2014 21:17
I'd hazard a guess that many mastering engineers don't use multi band comps at all. I know I rarely do.  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : May 28, 2014 21:51
interesting.. I guess it's because you master mostly electronic music with not much dynamics?
I must confess personaly I know nobody that don't use a multiband copressor at the end.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  729
Posted : May 29, 2014 10:27
I master all sorts of music, haven't used a multiband in over five years now. Maybe just personal preference? I hate the idea of splitting and recombining the spectrum, and when I tried it for a while, usually found it sounded worse rather than better, but could have been down to user error of course. I should give one a spin again! Most of the other pro MEs I know rarely use them.  : :
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 29, 2014 13:30
I use it plenty for mixing. Not so much for mastering, but it depends.

I find it most useful for the mid range, since on a bass heavy mix, low end is all the threshold's going to pick, it gives us some control, specially if there's to much dynamic range in there, some peaks that byte more then they should and that sort of stuff. Results are a lot different from simply balancing frequencies with an EQ.

This split filters nowadays are really good, to the point you can null the original with a phase inverted copy with one instance of MB compressor going, so it's pretty transparent and with adjustable Q/slope on most of them. I like the C4/C6 from waves (might be that I've grown used to it), the flux is very good, has tons of options and sounds very nice, ozone's not bad at all to my ears.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Jul 29, 2014 01:45
fabfilter one supposed to be good, never used it but it s the one i would check ,the one on ozone 5 probably good too
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Aug 23, 2014 18:51
C4 still cuts it for me! maybe just got used to the interface, fabfilter's seems highly inspired by it
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - Your favourite Multiband Compressor
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