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Your Cellphone Ringtone?


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  70
Posted : Aug 24, 2010 18:02
CPC - H2SO4  
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 24, 2010 19:24
Jesus Raves
Jesus Raves / Kanibal Raves

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  240
Posted : Aug 24, 2010 22:32
Calls: Slipknot - Eyeless

Data: Dart Vader 


Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Aug 25, 2010 02:35
I once had a wild rooster outside my house in Hawai'i, that kept crowing. I also had a great rooster on my cell, so, I gave him the fight of his life, every time he would crow I would push the button, I had the sliding door open and the rooster was just outside, about 2 hours later the rooster gave up and left the premises... not to be seen again           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
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