IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2009 09:34:13
Yizkor, which means remembrance in Hebrew, refers to Judaism's memorial prayer service.
"May God remember the souls of the fighters of the Israel Defense Force who gave their lives for the sanctification of the Name, the People and the Land; who died a heroic death in missions of liberation, defense and security.
They were quicker than eagles and stronger than lions as they volunteered to assist the people and with their pure blood soaked the clods of our holy earth. The memory of their self-sacrifice and heroic deeds will never perish from us.
May their souls be bound in the Bond of Life with the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and with the souls of the other Jewish heroes and martyrs who are in the Garden of Eden. Amen."
  https://soundcloud.com/avivtech |