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year 2210, an outcome of the trance(?) parties after 200 years

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 25, 2010 15:01

On 2010-01-23 14:59, Colin OOOD wrote:
Yeah, it's a truly shit film.

Same thing for the theory...
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 25, 2010 15:32

On 2010-01-25 06:57, Buddha Monkey wrote:
it will still be people thinking they are so much better with massive acid induced ego's dancing to "psychedellic" computer music pretending to be hippies whilst living off either the tax payers welfar system or daddies trust fund... it will be as big of a joke of a scene then as it is today...

hopefully the only good thing still is the music will rock... i only care for the music now that the entire global psy scene has gone to shit.

everything is going to shit day by day and i dont believe that there is any "scene" of any kind, with the romantic meaning we have in mind for this word. ofcourse there will still be shitty lifestyle people that pretend, but i dont think more than we see in every day life..
if you think music will still rock, is there any way to make the listening more interesting? i ask because i see these places as an exit from all the misery i face in my life and i feel like helping evolve, in a way. not much time for fun so i 'd really like some better fun when i m about to have some..
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 28, 2010 01:00

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 28, 2010 01:52
Obviously Raves will be in the space, in the Space ship or floating al around.

Imagine just being in LSD listening psy in 0 gravity...

Or on the spaceship with artifial gravity but with incredible views.

Just like in wall-e XD
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 04:25

On 2010-01-25 06:57, Buddha Monkey wrote:
it will still be people thinking they are so much better with massive acid induced ego's dancing to "psychedellic" computer music pretending to be hippies whilst living off either the tax payers welfar system or daddies trust fund... it will be as big of a joke of a scene then as it is today...

hopefully the only good thing still is the music will rock... i only care for the music now that the entire global psy scene has gone to shit.

Not jaded or anything! nope! I relish the omniscient power that allows you to make such accurate wide-ranging statements
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 10:17
Yea The Gathering on Saturn! Solar System party ;P

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 11:03
I don't think there ever was a "scene" except the one we dreamt in our minds, and then we found it squatted by a bunch of ferengi/goblins.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2010 23:33
this is the first topic that brought some light and warmth in my heart while checking the news in isratrance:)). thanks for it. it is a great suggestion for visionary activities - just to imagine what will trance be in 200 years. in the media you always read interviews about what will trance be in 10 years and in 20 but never in 200.

trance in 200 years, if we are successful in teaching the kids that there is no better way to study consciousness and neuro biology than trance music, then trance will be quite an interesting issue to research and to use in daily life.

i imagine that the quantum music will be the main means of producing sound in those days. we will go to parties with big EEG and brain avatars and study the very substance of reality , the behaviour of the smallest particles on the influence of sound. we will not define sound as music but only as a frequency, bio resonance and quantum phenomena. oh my god, this will be such an intruiging time. we will creat a frequency by turning our mind on and then just resonate on a certain wave and attract this wave through bio resonant vibrations in our body without any sequencer. we will not need sequencer any more. our brain activity will be so strong that we will be able to create any sound we want only be changing our vibration. and then we will hear it. and probably everyone will hear something different. we will again restructure and fragment ourselves in fractal societies according to who hears what. something like a brain activity class society. no joking. the potential is more good than bad.

let us make it happen. lets make trance a science of mind. a science of cosmic resonance. long live atlantis.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 00:02
i came back, i haven't finished my thought. i haven'T even began.
and we will dance in locations out of crystal. the resonance will be so clear that even the smallest movement of your hand or your finger will have influence on the resonance itself and from there on the sound itself. so this way we will produce sound by movement. the greatest mathematicians will be the greatest dancers.

every location will be made out of crystal sound synthesis . all those boxes will die and be replaces with wave synthesis in a circle form ( otherwise the resonance with the movement of the body will not be physically possible) it will be great - we will then finally realize what it means that every single one of us, everyone without exceptions influences the whole space where we dance. no resonance - > no harmony -> no happy listeners.

and more important - trance will not have so much bass anymore. we will let more space to high frequencies and crystal resonance. because it is important to give space to those frequencies - we are species of silicium ourselves. we need higher frequencies like we need food. it is like the food of the gods you know, the monkeys became humans by eating psychedelics, and we trancers will become alter ego better trancers by taking more high frequency sound vibration.

it will be such fun.

great topic, great topic. my whole respect for this topic.
Fat Data

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 02:29

On 2010-01-22 05:07, disco hooligans wrote:
The way things are going, a human banging some kind of a drum/bone next to a fire with a few more human beings roasting the day's pray, celebrating the chance to feed them selves and survive a few more best.


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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 10:36
i'm more curious as to what psy music will sound like even in 50-100 years.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:05
you are right. we are always far more interested in the things that happen / will happen around us and not in the things that happen beyond our perceptions or at places and times we would never take part in. and as we only have one body to perceive the world in it, and this body will be dead in 200 years ( with the current approach of biology ) , so it is normal to be more interested to imagine only the times when we will be alive. as a matter of fact i can imagine my vision from the post above in 15 years too. even in ten. lets just make the futuristic visions happen , all the rest is a dead horse driven by the masses.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - year 2210, an outcome of the trance(?) parties after 200 years
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