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Yahel's music.


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  18
Posted : May 3, 2006 01:53
Plz help me to find remix of Yahel's track
"Intelejent Life".

10x a head.
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : May 3, 2006 02:03
As far as I know, there's only one remix, it's from Yahel and was released here:

Hope I helped.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  948
Posted : May 3, 2006 04:28
On Yahel's third album there's a bonus video with the intelligent track rmx on it. i remember watching it a couple of years ago on my laptop... it totally disturbed my perception of isratrance and their way/understanding of partying. it was like the beginning of the end of the goatrance myth for me... anyway, here's the link to the album: 
fraka is a state of mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  281
Posted : May 3, 2006 10:03
I know there was a tiesto rmx of a yahel track
that was going around but never released like 4 years agoo, it was with singing and stuff,
didn't like it back then, a bit younger so a bit more like ooooooh know tiesto, changed off course if you're young you're die hard,

so don't know if that is the track you are looking for but I thought it was intilligent life,
but still have to dissapoint you, it was never released official and I don't know the name off course If it would have a name it would be the same namen just with (rmx) after it I guess...

Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - Yahel's music.
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