Worlds ultimate music production laptop?
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Posted : May 6, 2012 01:58:39
Hi guys!
I am getting very limited by my slow Lenovo laptop and want the ultimate upgrade.
Have used a lot of time surfing the web for reviews and recommendations, but are still very uncertain what to get.
People are saying very different things on different forums and reviews and such.
And since this is my favorite forum, and I know there are some really smart guys here, i was thinking here is the right place to get some final tips before making the most costly purchase in my life...
Should I go for the high end commercial brand computer like HP or Lenovo or a custom specialized music laptop like the Rain Livebook or Scan preformance?
I don't want to switch to mac, i love my windows based programs
And I don't care about the price tag, I want the badest ass!
Any tips would be highly appreciated.
Love, light and SOUND! |
Grapes Of Wrath
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Posted : May 9, 2012 13:13
Do you really love your programs that much? There is very very little software for music that is not multiplatform or in the process of being made so.
All the software i use for sure runs on both Mac and PC with the glaring exception of Logic.
And if itīs a question of not paying for softs well then the score is fairly equal on both platforms in terms of ehm "availability". If you insist on using a PC laptop for music production then i cannot offer you any good advice, as i am loath to use laptops for that job. Why not a desktop if PC progs are so important to you? In case you have not noticed i am very much a Mac person and personally have dismal experiences using Windows based platforms. Donīt let that discourage you though. I hope you are able to find what you need. But please do consider it twice if you are thinking of buying a PC laptop at a price above what Macīs cost currently (If a PC costs more than what Apple offers i usually find that somewhat suspect)
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 9, 2012 16:43
i'm skeptical about the whole mac-a-doodle-doo thing. but then again i don't think a pc is any better. it's more about what you're used to.
one thing i do know: i like logic!
and that's why i have a mac for music production (and for other stuff too at the moment as my pc crashed).
"no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby |
Grapes Of Wrath
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Posted : May 9, 2012 18:40
I dislike windows but i donīt hate it. IF i could get the job done using that i might still use it. No hang on a minute... I would not. But if a computer does the job without the operator having to deal with maintenance, then it is by my personal definition a good computer regardless of what the box says. My desktop is somewhere in between the two. Off the shelf pc components but running OS X. There truly is something wrong with asking that much money for a desktop!!! I generally trust laptops very little, but i have had the most success using Macīs when on the road.
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Posted : May 9, 2012 21:56
Absolutely going for PC. I don't like the mac company at all. Everything is overpriced!
Also these days you can get much better specs on a PC than mac, and I am not suspicious about that at all.
But I would rather (of course) every software was made compatible with the lovely Linux... But then it isn't so.
I want a laptop because it's portable |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 9, 2012 23:40
i own 3 HP computers (2laptop and 1desktop), all of which are functionally great. i have no issues with any of the hardware. if i were to purchase another laptop, i would definitely get an HP.
but if you are not completely tied to a laptop, i would HIGHLY suggest building your own desktop. or maybe having a friend build it for you.
you can get a very very nice desktop built for the cost of an average laptop. and then your options expand greatly, while reducing your costs significantly |
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Posted : May 10, 2012 05:36
Yeah, I'm going to buy a even more powerful desktop later on.
But the case is I have a live coming up this summer and need a stable laptop first.
(oftopic; soospicey: checked your soundcloud, never heard such crazy music before |
Martian Arts
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Posted : May 10, 2012 15:22
Bought an i7 MacBook Pro off ebay, brand new for bit less than 1400.
Generally, check ebay, there's lots of good prices on there.
Peace out. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 10, 2012 17:14
On 2012-05-10 05:36, NaturensKraft wrote:
Yeah, I'm going to buy a even more powerful desktop later on.
But the case is I have a live coming up this summer and need a stable laptop first.
(oftopic; soospicey: checked your soundcloud, never heard such crazy music before
if you are comfortable with windows (and have a nice solid audio interface), you should have no issues playing a live set on a laptop that has 2gb ram and 2ghz processor. as long as your live sets are not really complex....
as long as everything is configured properly and you have nothing else using the CPU and memory (other than absolutely necessary)
so my advice: get a halfway decent laptop with an operating system that is known to work very well with your interface. AND build yourself a baddass desktop for main production. you can probly do that for the same price as buying a top of the line laptop (or a mac )
p.s. thnx for the words on my music!! means a lot >:) |
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Posted : May 11, 2012 02:53
soospicey that wasn't my plan at all, but now you planted an idea in my head that I just cant get out.
I might even keep this laptop i have now.
a Lenovo SL510 2 X 2.20GHz with 4 G ram
running on win pro 64 bit
had much trouble with it, the sound was disappearing sometimes and apparently there was something wrong with my graphics card and/or driver something...
i was going to sell it to a friend yesterday (he is a computer expert) then he fixed it up for me instead to give it a last hope. Now i have SSD drive also inserted, and I am impressed.
It is going much faster and if it keeps going stable this time, maybe i dare to use it live.
no i am just going to research more on desktops
great advice man |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 11, 2012 17:45
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 20, 2012 20:30
listen im tellin you.
you will not get near the same amount of power on the same budget for laptops.
my system: intel i5 3.2 (overclocked to 3.8) with 8g ram 2133hz memory (clocked to 2153 fsb on 102.5). with a 64g SolidStateHard Drive that cache the system in raid.
ENTIRE SYSTEM FOR: -$700 (that is bad ass)
running on win64, I insert as many processes as my heart desire, on as many channels i want. CPU usage never exceeds 30%,. and that only 1 of 4 cores.
the internal sound card cost around $100.
192hz/24bit. crisp.
with virtually no latency , i buffer at 512ms with asio driver.
NOW thats $800
for $150 i purchased a secondhand 23" widescreen LCD monitor.. resolution at 1920x1080.
I'll will not even consider to produce on a laptop display
NOW for $950,, there is no comparison.
It runs way cooler, plenty of room to upgrade, adding hdd and video and mem and pci shit and and that ultra quite liquid cooling system.
so its not very portable
im not going to Starbucks to make music...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 23, 2012 22:39
Whatever you buy new is gonna be more powerful than what you had before, and loose 50% of it's value by the time you get it, and an additonal 30% after six months, so I say just buy the best you can afford right now and get on with making music!
I went with a Carillon audio system last summer, and have been very happy with it, but I don't think they do laptops. Previous to that I had been using a Dell Precision workstation for over ten years... : : |
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Posted : May 25, 2012 02:50
I have worked with both windows and Mac, personally, given the recent problems with Mac OS I sure like my PC, honestly, Win7 is the most stable OS windows ever created, much better than Leopard, Lion and the likes... even with Pro Tools, and that should tell you something.
I have had trouble with earlier win versions, but not 7. Ity roxx!
Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here: |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 27, 2012 19:36