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Working on writing style - feedback would be helpful :D

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  779
Posted : Jan 21, 2008 07:07
Hi everyone,

something I've noticed in my tunes is that there is too much synth wibble, primarily as an attempt to disguise inferior progression.

So I've ripped apart my writing style, and started trying to do things more with percussive elements with the track, only putting in synth lines and swirls if they serve a musical function.

Anyhow, these are the preliminary results, if anyone could provide a bit of feedback on how they think this is coming along, I'd really appreciate it

the track is called 'sound line'

as an aside, the kick is psy-kick 3, so this should give you an idea of the sort of thing my little plugin can do

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  779
Posted : Jan 22, 2008 00:50
anyone??           .
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1742
Posted : Jan 22, 2008 17:55
hey man,your track is very starts well but in 1:20,instead of having a good boom,you are emptying it is like you made the intro and the outro oaf your first theme,but you didnt made the theme
nice s0und overall,good luck           Signature:


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  6
Posted : Jan 22, 2008 19:01
Good track nice and spacey

I like the bassline sound

Simple is sometimes most effective with regard to synth lines to avoid tracks sounding "cluttered"

Definetely heading in the right direction.....

Ohm x

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  779
Posted : Jan 22, 2008 19:41
great thx for feedback guys - will look at structuring of the first section again re your comments xrust - I see what you are saying, and everything is up for change at the moment           .

Started Topics :  129
Posts :  1555
Posted : Jan 23, 2008 03:33
its good but i liked jelly legs the best alot more depth and a much more unique sound in my opinion
Rex Trueform

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  150
Posted : Jan 23, 2008 12:47
It sounds good Speakafreak.

But as the guys say above you seem to build-it and then break it down again to build it the same way.

At 1.20 why not kick in percussive lines and a dominant snare and allow it to take on the power it wants to have.
You seem to rather drift off into atmospheres with no percussion.

Also I find the base to be too progressive for the track.
Phat and prog, why not reduce the phatness just a tadd and alter the attack of the bass to create more of a line rather than being pumping?

All of this being said you do seem to produce more progressive tunes.
And that`s mostly in the bassline I'd say.

Jelly legs is very cool and psychedelic but once again imo lacking the drive.
But I`m not big on progressive tunes.
One thing I noticed is a similar build-up and then atmospheres with no percussion.

By 3 minutes you should atleast have some percussion work creating the feel.
Let's not forget that this is DANCE music.
This is something I had to keep telling myself.

I love big psychedelic soundscapes but soo often they're lost into obscurity by lack of dance elements.

Otherwise dude yu clearly know your stuff.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  779
Posted : Jan 23, 2008 13:27
hehe cheers dudes, everyone likes Jelly LEgs - but this tune suffers from synth wibble - its gotten too big and full to quickly and its almost impossible to continue without braking it down because the mix is too full.

This tune does get fully going after the point I've put up, and by fully going I do mean fully going!

RE the bass, I agree, and I knocked out the bass slightly - it was a little too much. Its more energetic now.           .
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Working on writing style - feedback would be helpful :D
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