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why we go to partys to dance and feel enlighted?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 01:34
hey man, the answere to your question

dancing is active meditation(goa gil)...... and specially with alien frequencies, takes you to divine places..............

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 08:11
i had gone to a rave in Oakland with a friend of mine (50times crazier than me) and couple others. The party was not psychedelic but was one of those happy hardcore raves. My friend started feeling enlightened and actually sat down in the middle of the dancefloor and started meditating and started rambling spiritual advice to any and everyone who spoke to was hillarious , eventually because everyone was listening to him, the dealers at the party were upset and complained to the bouncers...who ran after him and threw him out...i still remember the way my friend ran and jumped over the fence at 8am in the morning...myself and the other friends who had gone just could not stop laughing...afterwards my crazy friend in the car journey starts giving us spiritual advice...he forces us to go to another friend's place and wake him and his wife up ...and he begins to talk about how their messed up their life is that too on a sunday morning.
the problem with enlightenment is that you could become the center of attraction and humor
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Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 15:34

On 2010-02-23 21:34, TranceVisuals wrote:
Before enlightenment...
Washing dishes, doing housework...

After enlightenment....
Washing dishes, doing housework...

Don't put off your enlightenment, embrace your buddha-nature in the here-and-now, there isn't anywhere else you could possibly be. Its a state of no-mind, as natural as swimming, it grows to encompass your life like an alien entity, or thought, before you realise it was yourself all along.

wow man well said!
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