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why some dark labels and artist use satanic iconography??

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 20, 2008 11:29
To all the dark psy concept haters:

Does ART have the total freedom of expression?

I grow up reading Steven King and H.P. Lovecraft.
Are they some kind of antichrist?
Because the writting they use is very specific , very detailed , very scary...

Are they satanic?
May someone who loves them and reads them become satanic?

There is also one more thing:
If you are a warrior of light you must know your enemy...
The biggest success of satan is that many people don't believe his existence...

This is one of the modern churchs biggest mistake:
When they hear something related to satan they don't provide knowledge on this subject but they try to bury it...

How can you be truly good when you don't know what bad is?

So dark psy concept haters you think that you are good people?
You must prove this first:

Battle with your demons and don't hide in a fake and perfect world...

Good and evil exists...
Knowledge is the biggest power...
Know your enemy...



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Posted : May 20, 2008 19:56
No dear Jedi Knight art doesnt have the TOTAL freedom of expression but ofcourse this has nothing to do with the artwork used on dark psy cds which is used not to express something or to pass a message but mainly to attract attention for marketing reasons.

During the concentration camps era in World War II when the Allies liberated Auschwitz they discovered a room where the woman of a Nazi general (whose name i forget at the moment but its available in wikipedia) had created clothes from human skin plus paintings which instead of canvas were painted on human skin also.

Cinema is considered an art but during the history of cinema there have been movies like the famous "Birth Of A Nation" where the KKK members promoted the white power theory on earth and the lynching of black (and not only) people who they consider as monkeys and slaves.

Recently in Latin America an "artist" in the local Bienale took a stray dog from the streets,tied it on a corner of the exhibition,wrote with dog biscuits on the wall "dont feed the dog" and left the dog there to die from hunger.

I could give you many many examples of "art" in our days.

Are the above forms of art?

Ofcourse not because like in everything in life there are limits also in art.

Hope you get my point.

P.S The examples of Stephen King and H.P.L were not appropriate for here but thats another big story,by the way Stephen King rarely uses devil in his works.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:06
I really struggle to see any parallel with clothes made from human skin in a concentration camp and CD covers/inlays cards. 

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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:13

On 2008-05-20 05:59, Psytracked wrote:

On 2008-05-19 23:46, Yuli wrote:
I think that the usage of satanic iconography on ANY kind of art, without really meaning it, just to make it LOOK "darkish" and "spooky" it pretty much sums up the whole story about this kind of music.

To start it, using this iconography for fun, is just a showcase of how shallow and childish and sometimes not very smart ppl might be.. These symbols ARE evil, and not because of some grandma that told you so. They have a certain past and they do certain work that apparently some of those that use it "just for fun" simply don't perceive. But hey, to make it simple, if you don't mean nothing but to make a supppppa evvviiiilll cover but some kid takes it a little too far and cuts up his little sister as a sacrifice to lucifer, then it can get little nasty.

And furthermore, if those labels or artist DO believe in those marks and iconography, it is defintiely not trance, and there are other genres to make it fit quite cozy BUT

Usually the creators of that Satanic trance are usually ( in my humble opinion ) artists that were not successive enough to get their fame in the original genres of that music - death metal? trash metal? don't know really the names but its not of importance, since its much easier to paint 16th note basslines on sequencer 160 bpm than actually play them like those bands, does it?

But back for what I wanted to say is much shorter than this whole message I made...


I nearly choked on my morning cup of nettle tea after reading your post.

Get your feet back on the ground.........They are just images......I think the coments you made top previous governments propoganda campaigns on marijuana...."one joint and you'll go insane" blah blah.

You can't relate to it....fine. So please tell me what exactly is trance then?

How many artists of "satanic Trance" have you personally got to know in the last few years?

Your answer shows how deep did you read what I have written.

Those symbols are problematic by all means. If the artist really means to what they refer, I can only disagree with him, and hope that one day he will change his mind. If the artist uses those symbol because they are "cool" and can attract more public to listen to his music, than I think he is a damn fool.

No propaganda here, at all. Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Hindu's, Mayans etc.. knew exactly what they are doing and what those symbols mean and what they can do. Disregarding the nature, your past and your roots, doesn't mean it is not there, just behind you.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:19

On 2008-05-20 20:06, Psytracked wrote:
I really struggle to see any parallel with clothes made from human skin in a concentration camp and CD covers/inlays cards.

CD covers and inlays that promote Satanism and it's iconography, promote definite amount of violence.

There were enough stories in the last decade of youth getting "influenced" by those signs and those beliefs that made quite bizarre stuff to other ppl, their friends and themselves. Comon, one need only to open the newspapers every second day, to read about new gang of kids that did this or that. Are you blind mate?           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:26
And just to make a point a message to the same dude I pointed my last one:


these "wars" just go to show how the psy scene has failed to bring any love, peace or unity to the world.

This is a quote of what u wrote in the topic of "trance subgenres / wars" in other thread here...

Man.. please explain me how can you come up with a question like that, and in the same moment promote tolerance for Satanic art in the music you like..

Do you really think that using Satan will bring love, peace and unity to this world?

Prostitution rests
          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:31
I'm sorry but the world just isn't black and white guys.

So much speculation to what the artists intentions were.

Green with envy? Or you just take everything too seriously?

.............anyways I just realized that some of my albums have satanic images on them so I best be off to stab someone............are you local to me?


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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:34

On 2008-05-20 20:31, Psytracked wrote:

Green with envy?

Yeah you have got me here. Getting greener by the moment..

Wish I could stick samples of Lucifer and paintings of upside down Pentagrams on all of my CD's but my mom didn't let me. What a bummer
          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:39
What I do know is that satanic images have no more effect on me than the normal drab images that can be found on non dark psy art/covers.

Video didn't kill the radio star for me as I was only ever interested in the what I could hear. No MTV in my house.

4am at a party, having a good boogie. Let myself go.....oh the freedom.......the liberation.....the ecstasy........the joy. Do you really think at that moment I care for the CD cover? Do you? 

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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:41
And here is your failure my friend.

So YOU specifically are not affected by this or that cover or this or that sample.

But there are people who do get affected. And only for this reason, artists should take more care when choosing what they want to do ( for fun ) - if they are serious about it, it's a totally different story tho..           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
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Posted : May 20, 2008 20:52
Can I meet someone who has been effected by a satanic icon on a dark-psy cover?

I can only speak for myself. Anything else is just speculation.

My partners brother has schizophrenia. He is immune to satanic images but can derive bizarre meanings and sub-plots from the newpapers and tv adverts. Shell we ban TV adverts and newspapers for his sake?

Someone somewhere will be effected by something. so what?

Lets wrap ourselves up in a bubble and create a fantasy world to play in.

Can we not try and stay in the realms of realism? 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 20, 2008 21:11

On 2008-05-20 19:56, DETOX wrote:

I could give you many many examples of "art" in our days.

Are the above forms of art?

Ofcourse not because like in everything in life there are limits also in art.

Hope you get my point.

P.S The examples of Stephen King and H.P.L were not appropriate for here but thats another big story,by the way Stephen King rarely uses devil in his works.

I see your point but the bad conclusion of this kind of "art" is the wrong usage from the other people and not its creation.
I mean if someone see for e.x. the movie : "Hostel" he will get abnormal influences? or the cult movie "The prophecy" he will get demonic influences?

To help you understand what i mean , i would like to cofess a different point of view:
For me the goverments that let people die from starvation and illness are more satanic than satan himself...
The goverments that go to war are the real antichrists...

You can use a lighter in the dark to see but you can use a lighter also to burn everything...
Its the usage that counts and not the existance...

They say that many kids have commited suicide because they heard OZZY's track :"suicide solution" but there are a lot more who have commited suicide because they tried to be a "superman" or another superhero...

It the end we need culture and knowledge to evolve!

It's also like you are judging someone from his outer image instead of judging him from his innerself and especialy judging him from his actions...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 20, 2008 21:42

On 2008-05-20 19:56, DETOX wrote:
No dear Jedi Knight art doesnt have the TOTAL freedom of expression but ofcourse this has nothing to do with the artwork used on dark psy cds which is used not to express something or to pass a message but mainly to attract attention for marketing reasons.

Yes it does!
If it doesn't hurt anyone physically or emotionally=(not making fun of people by images), then its totally fine.

And you are totally mistake by saying that its only a trademark issue.

For sure there are some business owners that uses irrelevant ways of advertising that really don't match their concept...but they are more exist in other fields than music, and if music then they more exist in the commercial music, where you see naked girls on a full-on cover...I mean here, what's the connection.

your x wizzy noise cover is best example:

I respect wizzy noise's music a lot... but that cover has nothing to do with the music.

And there are a lot of those examples...(For your convenience visit psyshop rapidly ).

And don't say please that they choose the cover...(coz that was your label, you could disagree).

And for the topic: most "dark trance", "non melodic scary trance", "whatver you call it", are using the correct covers.

When I see like those covers I immediately know what music inside, without even looking at the name of label or artists inside...

and the right images/covers are the best way to show the concept, rather than bullshit text:
"he is making music since 16 years old,…bla bla bla, and he is very cheesy" => In other words they tell you:
hey, come and buy my music, iam "pretending" to be the best artist…blab la bla again……they try to "force" you buying their cd's, specially when they say : "this is a must for each dj".

and you are telling me that dark labels are trying to market their cd's by covers . com'on...
Hehe... what will exactly attract you in a horror cover?!?!?! only pamella Anderson can attract me on cover , horror cover are more to let me recognize the music I search for 100%

So what do you think about iron maiden: the gods of metal/rock ha? They use also bad covers? Its too dark, evil, powerful and match the concepts!
Powerful metal , heavy music with heavy pictures. And they are not criminals….they are super duper band

and there are many good examples….
Anyway, I see that you hate dark music and you try like other nice kids here to find any bad thing to say about this music and anything related to it…..

Me for example, a dark lover and full on lover and progg too……but I don't show my hate to other music that doesn't do anything to my mind & feelings……actually I don't have any negative things in my mind about any art creations in life, except that I don't like wars….that's it

Peace my friend

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Posted : May 20, 2008 21:56


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Posted : May 20, 2008 22:07
I'd accentuate what Yuli wrote and would like to hear from the artists/label owners what is the artistic value of blood/satan/pentagram/whatever imagery on covers.
Any of the 100s of artists that dwell on this forum and promote their noise would like to comment on that?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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