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why some dark labels and artist use satanic iconography??

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2008 10:56
this is one of the main problems of humans on this earth. If something is new to you and you don’t like, then its immediately transmitted for you as a wired thing and you should be aware of…
{{then you start to search everywhere about it, you open posts here and there….}} it becomes your main problem meanwhile and your brain can’t break this weird way of thinking……

Its called: TASTE. We are the same, but we have in the same time very small thing in our ego called => TASTE.
And each person have unique ego…. When they meet….becomes ego fights….everyone will try to prove to you that he is the best…he is right….
But we are all from the same shit….so stop acting like angels and you actually behave like satans….
Share fu*& love….

Coz in this post you are trying to say those darky guys are criminals they don’t belong to my “pure clean” society, they destroy my “Mercedes” scene…
Papa please kill those scary guys….

its boring to see this things...(irrelevant posts).

I think those covers are ok. Prono also ok. Angels ok. Everything is fine people….just take it easy and stop with this childish topics……
And have you ever heard about something called concept in life???
They try to describe somehow their feelings by image then by music… let IT BE!!! You are frustrating people instead of hearten and wish them to success in this difficult life….

Peace to all
(hopefully to have,due to these egos)

          Break The Matrix!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  524
Posted : May 14, 2008 11:55
why some dark labels and artist use satanic iconography??

whats the big deal??
as long as the music is dancefloorish and mind challenging...who cares if its called "satan dance" or "angel tale"?
psychedelic isnt about Love and Unity just as it isnt about Dark Power or War... good productions are always very sounds even more welcome..
peace - love - unity - and some spookiness..why not?

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  251
Posted : May 14, 2008 17:49
Your all going to die from excess of wanking, its either the covers, the music, the parties, your mumms, the scenne, FUCK! Psy trance you say, WERE IS IT? Oh, i think it died and no one told.

Good thing you will always have pop music to go back to and a miserable anonymous life. You don't want to share, you don't want to be free, you don't want meanings you don't want unity, fuck dudes is there anything in this damned world that is ok?

I'm not particularly keen on the satanic mumbo jumbo also but hey , free will my friend we don't control tastes and most of all we shouldn't criticise them, other than annoying your eyes what harm could it do to you...           -------------d(oO)b----------------

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Posted : May 14, 2008 19:55
we shouldn't criticise them

yeah sure you should take everything with your mouth shut.
And you talk about free will lol,
Free will is my OPINION on a subject, you dont like it? Too bad.
I'm a free man, and i criticise whenever and whatever i choose too, its my birth right, this is not China... yet.

but going back to the topic...

labels choose that kind of iconography because without it, you woulnd't know what lame is all about, imo of course
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  191
Posted : May 14, 2008 21:18

On 2008-05-14 19:55, Spasm wrote:

Free will is my OPINION on a subject, you dont like it? Too bad.
I'm a free man, and i criticise whenever and whatever i choose too, its my birth right, this is not China... yet.

Right, its not China, its Internet.

And Free Will is a personal thing! when you express your ideas and say what you want without stopping you and put you in jail. then it’s a free will.

BUT (a huge BUT), when you PUT your BIG noise into others “Free Will”, then its not really your own free will, coz you build your new “Version” of free shit due to something that you didn’t like so you now feel that you must kill it quickly… so now all is turned into “fight will” and ego selfish war.

And your excuse is: “iam free…iam free will…” => free selfish

anyway...this will never stop, coz the whole creation of this universe sux from the start with many bugs...

...           Break The Matrix!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  202
Posted : May 14, 2008 21:21
these scene is about breaking boundries..going beyon limits..corssing the line..breaking frontiers..

is not about staying in the safe place..saying whats your concept of art and what sould be call or not call psychadelic..

the problem these days are the tags..people tagging everything and everyone..

On 2007-11-22 00:38, gazella wrote:
maybe I'm high or simplly kuku ...but its all about the vibe
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
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Posted : May 14, 2008 21:37

On 2008-05-14 19:55, Spasm wrote:

labels choose that kind of iconography because without it, you woulnd't know what lame is all about, imo of course

very deep and wise statement, and openminded wtf once you people talk about closed mind people becuase they don't like elektro music on psytrance parties and now here you are all same, a bunch of egoistic and selfish self calling PLUR souls.
why you some Full on labels take pornographic images on their covers? why angels or elves or other creatures and why not? why blablabla .... who cares if the music is original, deep and touchs my soul and emotions.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : May 14, 2008 21:39
when you PUT your BIG noise into others “Free Will”

My big noise? Well thnx.

That's called liberty of speach, and of opinion, wheather you like it on not.
Do you grasp this concept? From your words i dont think so.
This is not selfish, its caracter my friend, I know what i like, and to me this ais a simple matter of good taste vs bad taste.
And yes people with bad taste really exist, they are out there, and they dont even know they have bad taste.
Selfishness is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others, and that's not what i'm doing, so get your adjectives straight, mate.
There is no ego, or selfishness, its just opinions, each one of us have a diferent one, simple.
You dont like my opinion, i dont like the iconography, that's just it, there is no ego envolved, that's just a clichet people use when they dont know what to say.

and yes, i am free, to say what i want, and express myself in anyway i want, as long as i dont offend or hurt anyone, just check the guidelines.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  202
Posted : May 14, 2008 21:48

On 2008-05-14 21:39, Spasm wrote:

You dont like my opinion, i dont like the iconography, that's just it, there is no ego envolved, that's just a clichet people use when they dont know what to say.

i dont think tha problem is that if someone like it or not.. i think is that the try to take apart the so called ''darkpsy'' form the psy scene..just because its sometimes grotesc or awful..and i admit it sometime they really mess up in the coverarts..but is each one expresime long as it has great music under it.. then wats the problem..
if you dont like it as simple turning to other thing.. and all the people know it..           

On 2007-11-22 00:38, gazella wrote:
maybe I'm high or simplly kuku ...but its all about the vibe

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : May 14, 2008 22:04
but is each one expresime long as it has great music under it.. then wats the problem..

that's exactly my point.
I dont care about the cover, seriously.
BUT, if you ask my personal opinion, i dont like it, I find it bad taste, its just my opinion, nothing personal.
If you ask a darkpsy supporter about an oldscholl goa album with bunnies, rainbows and a dude huging a tree, lets see what he thinks.
But it pisses me people saying i cant critisice, THAT really pisses me off.
Yes i can, if not what is a public forum for?
Everybody agrees on everything, shut down the forum, its useless.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  191
Posted : May 14, 2008 23:25

On 2008-05-14 21:39, Spasm wrote:

And yes people with bad taste really exist, they are out there, and they dont even know they have bad taste.

There is no such a thing: bad or good taste! Coz taste is a personal and relative thing to each person.
What’s good for me isn’t always good for you, so I will never say you have a bad taste, simply we don’t have same taste.
If the whole universe will have 1 taste and only 1 person has a different taste than them, then he is different from them but has no bad taste, coz what good for him is good for him and that's the main thing.


Selfishness is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others, and that's not what i'm doing,

Your statement about taste is the best example about a typical selfish ;-) , try to read again and understand then you figure out.
(I was like you one day…thought that there is a good and bad taste). We learnt to judge people due to ego only. ((also by saying i was like you, i look like a selfesh too, but i don't mean iam better than you, i meant i was saying wrong statments )

Anyway buddy, please don’t be offended from my direct talking.
You are ok

and now i quite from the whole issue here, coz i will sound like digging into people better to let them dig in parties

peace to all
          Break The Matrix!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : May 15, 2008 00:34
There is no such a thing: bad or good taste!

yes there is

Or do you consider yourself a tasteless person?
There are things that you like and you feel are pretty good, and thinks you feel that are just not your area. Stuff you can have an opinion on, regardless of it being positive or negative, its your subjective opinion, that's what build us as persons, gives us caracter, and in a long term what makes us diferent from the person next to you, or in other words, makes you original... choices.

I will never say you have a bad taste

Why not? Your free to express yourself, to be honest, i'm not going to be offended by that, its YOUR opinion, not mine, do you see what i mean?

try to read again and understand then you figure out.

I read it , i understood you, but i'll keep my own view, maybe i learned something from this... good.

anyway, this is going offtopic fast, nice chating with you, its refreshing for a wednesday afternoon.

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : May 15, 2008 01:08

On 2008-05-14 17:49, ZenMind wrote:
fuck dudes is there anything in this damned world that is ok?

Tits...especially fake ones, they rock!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : May 15, 2008 01:15
There are a lot of things that are ok, but we put more attention in those that suck, we just like to complain

rI was asking also, if dark psy artist more influenced by hard dance styles are the ones using the satanic iconography or also the goa influenced ones???

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
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Posted : May 15, 2008 12:19
only the darkpsy ones AFAIK. which is a shame really .. to me its as dance friendly as goa was back in the day.. people who cant tune in to the music give it a bad name .. and on top of that the labels that are promoting it are going way off the mark as well, by making it appear like its music for the possessed soul or something. innovation people ?           missing plug-in
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