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why some dark labels and artist use satanic iconography??

Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:16
the irony of myspace

"myspace is for everyone" yet i cant view it.

I have to register.


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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:17

On 2008-05-21 00:07, Psytracked wrote:

On 2008-05-20 23:59, HiGheR^AcCeSs wrote:
^man whats your problem...relax...your so LOUD

sorry dude but got a thing about fascist dictators. I believe in standing up to them. If you don't like it then well put me on ignore or something.

Actually you speak pretty dirty language to someone that didn't talk this way to you, and behave like a 14 year old when he is out of something useful to say.

When I see your way of debating together with the things you stand up for, it does make sense why those covers exist in the first place.

And heh, I have heaps of CDs I have bought during the 90's, compilations and album of Goa trance, and not even one of their covers is related to Satan or something of same equivalent.

This Satan thingie is a new one, has completely nothing to do with Psy Trance, but has a lot to do with 14 year olds that buy CDs with their parent's money.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:20

On 2008-05-21 00:13, DETOX wrote:
Ofcourse i know about them Dennis but i cant accept something as freedom of speech/art when it insults millions of people around the world and i am happy you also found that as a bad move along with the huge majority of the world.

Freedom doesnt mean anarchy where everyone does whatever he likes.

just use common sense and freedom of speech is a great right to have, i dont see how theese covers can insult people. they are just as natural as other spiritual beeings.

some people in some parts of the world get killed by they own just becouse they dont have the right to say or think what they want. Now thats EVIL.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:23
14 year olds are downloading dude. Stop taking life so seriously. there just images. get over yourself.

Reality check, they are now to do with psy -trance. you have guaranteed that with your contributions this evening. The music has evolved and thus other elements. So you want to hang on to the old, fine.

peace be with you 

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:25

On 2008-05-21 00:20, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:13, DETOX wrote:
Ofcourse i know about them Dennis but i cant accept something as freedom of speech/art when it insults millions of people around the world and i am happy you also found that as a bad move along with the huge majority of the world.

Freedom doesnt mean anarchy where everyone does whatever he likes.

just use common sense and freedom of speech is a great right to have, i dont see how theese covers can insult people. they are just as natural as other spiritual beeings.

Dennis I have to disagree to the natural part. It is not about insulting. I could not care less about those covers, since I pity those that happen to like them. As an artist I always looked for proper art with a certain amount of this extra something on the covers for my albums, and that what I always looked for from the designers I chose. Might it be psychedelic, or not, it had to have some deeper meaning, in context to what is on the piece of plastic inside. I still fail to understand how butchered headless beasts and Azazel and Mephistopheles come together with Psy trance songs, unless it is made for pure reasons of provocation and to use the buying power of kids.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:28

On 2008-05-21 00:25, Yuli wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:20, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:13, DETOX wrote:
Ofcourse i know about them Dennis but i cant accept something as freedom of speech/art when it insults millions of people around the world and i am happy you also found that as a bad move along with the huge majority of the world.

Freedom doesnt mean anarchy where everyone does whatever he likes.

just use common sense and freedom of speech is a great right to have, i dont see how theese covers can insult people. they are just as natural as other spiritual beeings.

Dennis I have to disagree to the natural part. It is not about insulting. I could not care less about those covers, since I pity those that happen to like them. As an artist I always looked for proper art with a certain amount of this extra something on the covers for my albums, and that what I always looked for from the designers I chose. Might it be psychedelic, or not, it had to have some deeper meaning, in context to what is on the piece of plastic inside. I still fail to understand how butchered headless beasts and Azazel and Mephistopheles come together with Psy trance songs, unless it is made for pure reasons of provocation and to use the buying power of kids.

wow mr proper art on his album covers.

ok so you don't like it, don't but it. don't go to parties where they play it or talk to people who listen to it. then we will all be happy.

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:29
are you saying its not the images but the reason the images have been chosen? 

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:29

On 2008-05-21 00:23, Psytracked wrote:
14 year olds are downloading dude. Stop taking life so seriously. there just images. get over yourself.

Reality check, they are now to do with psy -trance. you have guaranteed that with your contributions this evening. The music has evolved and thus other elements. So you want to hang on to the old, fine.

peace be with you

Hanging to the old you say? You address it to the wrong artist I think           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:31

On 2008-05-21 00:29, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:23, Psytracked wrote:
14 year olds are downloading dude. Stop taking life so seriously. there just images. get over yourself.

Reality check, they are now to do with psy -trance. you have guaranteed that with your contributions this evening. The music has evolved and thus other elements. So you want to hang on to the old, fine.

peace be with you

Hanging to the old you say? You address it to the wrong artist I think

Maybe I should apply his logic and not listen to his music because of his view points. 

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : May 21, 2008 00:32

On 2008-05-21 00:14, thegooddale wrote:

On 2008-05-20 22:07, Pavel wrote:
I'd accentuate what Yuli wrote and would like to hear from the artists/label owners what is the artistic value of blood/satan/pentagram/whatever imagery on covers.
Any of the 100s of artists that dwell on this forum and promote their noise would like to comment on that?

How about that it looks fucking awesome... Could you imagine if psytrance producers got networked with some of the artists making really evil imagery out there? I think the hardcore kids are raising the bar for sure.

The guy who made that is talented for sure. I cannot subscribe to whatever idea he tried to convey here but I have a feeling that it has nothing to do with Psytrance.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:32

On 2008-05-21 00:23, Psytracked wrote:
14 year olds are downloading dude. Stop taking life so seriously. there just images. get over yourself.

Nope, they are not - you are not very good debater even when you are not using abusive language. Those images known to be problematic to say the least.

14 year olds are the ones that are actually do the most of CD purchasing if you didn't know yet. Maybe I am too old but still can Google it. Check it out mate, the info is free on the net.


Reality check, they are now to do with psy -trance. you have guaranteed that with your contributions this evening. The music has evolved and thus other elements. So you want to hang on to the old, fine.

One of the reasons they have so much to do with Psy trance is those labels that understood those kids buying power and try to sell them music that to be heard "properly" needs to be "enhanced" and to make the sales better rip off any possible commercialized trick but unfortunately most of the time does it with incredibly bad taste and a lot pf typo's.

Actually I hang out to the new, but I have a good taste, that might explain why we don't enjoy the same things.


peace be with you

Same to you and good night           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : May 21, 2008 00:33

On 2008-05-21 00:31, Psytracked wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:29, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:23, Psytracked wrote:
14 year olds are downloading dude. Stop taking life so seriously. there just images. get over yourself.

Reality check, they are now to do with psy -trance. you have guaranteed that with your contributions this evening. The music has evolved and thus other elements. So you want to hang on to the old, fine.

peace be with you

Hanging to the old you say? You address it to the wrong artist I think

Maybe I should apply his logic and not listen to his music because of his view points.

I lost you here           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:38
seriously dude I have covered the subject of downloads in more detail than I wished for my MA. In the UK and the US they are downloading.

I cant remember saying what music I was into?

and commercialization wasn't here in Psy before dark came on the scene?

If I was 14 I would be highly offended. In other genres bands that sell out lose their core fan base as the teenagers just dig it.

You want to control their minds for them do you? 
Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:39
Pavel it is no real surprise that you are lost. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : May 21, 2008 00:40

On 2008-05-21 00:32, Pavel wrote:

On 2008-05-21 00:14, thegooddale wrote:

On 2008-05-20 22:07, Pavel wrote:
I'd accentuate what Yuli wrote and would like to hear from the artists/label owners what is the artistic value of blood/satan/pentagram/whatever imagery on covers.
Any of the 100s of artists that dwell on this forum and promote their noise would like to comment on that?

How about that it looks fucking awesome... Could you imagine if psytrance producers got networked with some of the artists making really evil imagery out there? I think the hardcore kids are raising the bar for sure.

The guy who made that is talented for sure. I cannot subscribe to whatever idea he tried to convey here but I have a feeling that it has nothing to do with Psytrance.

Psytrance has nothing to do with anything. You are being loyal to a connection that doesn't exist. This has every bit as much to do with psytrance as buddha, or shiva, or a trippy picture of a fractal, nothing, apart from that it looks way fuckin cool when you are tripping. A sigil contraption cannot stand without you as it's crutch...

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