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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - why no more nature parties in mexico city?
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why no more nature parties in mexico city?


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  74
Posted : May 4, 2007 18:01
to all the producers from estado de mexico, why all the scene moved to clubs? why even the good productions like deliria, iboga, etc. doing all their parties in clubs? all the thing about the trance is the crazy open raves, full on or prog it doesnt matter. and the weather is not a factor, everyone that been in the night in la marqesa can tell you that. or maybe the ones that wants the open airs need to go to guadalajara, because there the guys are still working hard on the big outdoor raves.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  23
Posted : May 4, 2007 19:18
Hi Razg!

This upcoming party for May 19th is the first Deliria & Xabat party after many open air, that is going to take place in a club.

For us the weather is a factor, this is the rainy season in Mexico City, and also all the people jumping and getting in for free is another factor.

But soon we'll come back with a nice open air party, anyway this indoor party is going the be really nice aswell. We hope all of you enjoy it!

Best regards,
Deliria Crew.
          Deliria wishes you a happy day.... every day...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  74
Posted : May 4, 2007 20:15
tony my friend, thanku for the answer, i was really disapointed, because your party was suppose to be my last open party in mexico before i go back to israel.
anyway we will come for sure to the club party and will have good time with you there.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  50
Posted : May 9, 2007 03:52

I hope i don,t get in trouble for what im going to post , there is a goberment xsituation going on here , its about catolic people, and fbi , cia , dea, and from Mexico , CREA , PGR , PGDF, PFP , EMP , jusst think about it and make your own conclution .

Lets help to save the artist of Mexico , so that we can all be happy .

P:D: free market , USA , CANADA ,           djnahual
apoya el movimiento
contribute to the awakening of the tribes
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - why no more nature parties in mexico city?
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